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Alle Oberthemen / Business / Marketing / Email Marketing
Testing and Gradual Improvement

Use e-mail to rapidly and cost-effectively test different offers and promotions. Use split testing or A-B testing to zero in on a message that gives the best results. Pay Per Click campaigns are another venue for rapid split testing to achieve the desired ROI. Over time, using these testing methods will increase your marketing effectiveness. Although short term improvements may be small, over time these small improvements result in significant improvements in your marketing campaigns. Once you have a winning e-mail campaign, use it for your print campaigns as well. However, remember that switching to another medium introduces a new variable, which can throw off test results. To minimize this outcome, use this technique for factors that are less affected by presentation. You can also use sample groups to pretest and identify variances in the response rates between print and e-mail campaigns.
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caritop (27.05.2024)
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Autor: MaxAdams
Oberthema: Business
Thema: Marketing
Schule / Uni: NDA
Ort: New York
Veröffentlicht: 13.10.2021




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