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Alle Oberthemen / Englisch / Vocabulary / English
dilemmas and fears
terrifying, petrifying
it gave me the creeps   dar escalofríos

phobia of

to dread: temer, tener pavor a - opposite to: to look forward to

con  infinitivo para casos más específicos: I dread to tell him. Temo decírselo.I dread to think what it cost, no quiero ni pensar en cuánto costó
con gerundio para casos generales I dread living in the country, tengo pavor a vivir en el campo
con what 
I dread what will happen. Temo lo que va a pasar.

the sheer terror #  (pure, absolute) (as intensifier) puro;
The leaves of Mma Makutsi´s two pawpaw trees were drooping (mustios), as if with sheer exhaustion

horror films

spine-chilling film espeluznante
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010




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