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Alle Oberthemen / BWL / Human Side of Innovation / Human Side of Innovation
10 examples of diversity management techniques
1. Diagnose current situation, set aims, involve top managers
2. Multicultural workshops improving communication
3. Core groups confronting biases and stereotypes
4. Support groups and mentoring for minorities
5. Minority advisory councils reporting to management
6. Positive action programs (e.g. special training) for minorities
7. Appraise and reward managers who develop members of minority groups
8. Use, train and reward diversity champions
9. Measure business benefits (e.g. improved customer relations)
10. Spread ownership (involve not just HR, but all managers)
Tags: deck5, diversity
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: Florian
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Human Side of Innovation
Schule / Uni: TU Berlin
Ort: Berlin
Veröffentlicht: 13.07.2013




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