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Alle Oberthemen / Veterinary Medicine / Medicine / Teaching Your Cat How To Walk On A Leash
Here are the steps for teaching your cat to walk on a leash:
· Show her the reward (on the training tool), walk forward a few steps (3-5 steps). When she follows, praise her. As she arrives at your heels, use a reward marker, such as a click or say, “Yes,” in an enthusiastic tone of voice and allow her to lick some of her treat off the training tool. · Repeat, adding a few more steps prior to stopping, such as 5 – 10 steps. Praise your cat as she moves with you. Mark the moment she arrives and reward her. · Each time you move again, add more steps prior to stopping.
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: kurtmagnus
Oberthema: Veterinary Medicine
Thema: Medicine
Schule / Uni: University of Chicago
Ort: Chicago
Veröffentlicht: 03.05.2019




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