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Alle Oberthemen / Education / Education / Education
Now that you have identified the business problem and translated it into
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MIS 690 Topic 2 CLC Data Needs Identification and Data Acquisition GCU

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
Now that you have identified the business problem and translated it into an analytics problem, you can now identify the data needs and acquire the data.
Provide a draft outline that identifies the data needs and addresses the following questions:
1.What is needed? Be specific for each variable (e.g., Monthly Sales last 12 months, Number of Monthly Customers last 12 months).
2.How can the data be obtained? When can the data be obtained?
3.For each data variable, identify the specific type: Are they measured data (continuous, e.g., how long does a customer stay in the retail store?) or counted data (discrete, e.g., how many customers came to the store from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.?).
4.Assess whether the available data can be used to address the specific analytics problem statement identified in the Topic 1 assignment.
Tags: MIS 690, MIS 690 Topic 2, MIS 690 Topic 2 CLC Data Needs Identification and Data Acquisition GCU
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Education
Schule / Uni: devry university
Ort: UK
Veröffentlicht: 12.02.2020




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