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Alle Oberthemen / Education / Education / Education
The Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) includes
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SPD 320 Topic 5 Next Steps Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team GCU

The Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) includes educational staff and specialists who collaborate to make decisions regarding the special education eligibility and placement process. The MET decides which formal assessments to administer to gather additional data on academic, social-emotional, speech-language, or gross/fine motor concerns. Special education teachers should have a working knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the MET including participants and their roles and responsibilities. Teachers should also be able to analyze assessment data to recommend additional assessments that should be administered by specialists, when necessary.
After reviewing the “Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) Case Study,” reflect upon the following in a 750-1,000 word essay:
•Who would participant in the MET? What role does each team member hold and how can these team members collaborate effectively with the student’s family and each other?
•What background and informal assessment and observation information does the case study illustrate that might be significant to the MET? Why?
Tags: SPD 320, SPD 320 Topic 5, SPD 320 Topic 5 Next Steps Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team GCU
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Education
Schule / Uni: devry university
Ort: UK
Veröffentlicht: 12.02.2020




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