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Alle Oberthemen / History / Mysteries of Ancient Maya / Mysteries of the Ancient Maya Midterm 1
When was the Late Preclassic Period and what characterized it?
Late Preclassic 400BC-100 AD
Massive Pyramid building in lowlands
First lowland Maya dated Stela at Tikal

Transference of Olmec motifs and possibly modes of rulership to Maya region

Increasing social stratification with royal elites living in palaces while the majority of the population resides in perishable pole and thatch housing

Codification of religion and ideological practice Increasing trend toward urbanism, particularly for elites

Building of larger and more impressive monumental architecture
Founding of the great cities of the Classic Period Rulership based on cosmological position, not individual traits
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Autor: fooboozlie
Oberthema: History
Thema: Mysteries of Ancient Maya
Schule / Uni: UC Riverside
Ort: Riverside
Veröffentlicht: 15.08.2012




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