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Alle Oberthemen / education / education / Army Programs
What must Commanders do to implement and support the Army's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program?
Ensure that assigned personnel (to include RC personnel under their jurisdiction) are familiar with the Army policy on sexual harassment.
Publish and post written command policy statements for the prevention of sexual harassment.
Continually assess and be aware of the climate of command regarding sexual harassment. Identify problems or potential problems. Take prompt, decisive action to investigate all complaints of sexual harassment. Either resolve the problem at the lowest possible level or, if necessary, take formal disciplinary or administrative action. Do not allow Soldiers to be retaliated against for filing complaints. Continually monitor the unit and assess sexual harassment prevention policies and programs at all levels within area of responsibility. Ensure all leaders understand that if they witness or otherwise know of incidents of sexual harassment, they are obligated to act. If they do not, they themselves are also engaging in sexual harassment.
Set the standard
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: GretchenTurner
Oberthema: education
Thema: education
Veröffentlicht: 24.06.2021




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