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Alle Oberthemen / History / Mysteries of Ancient Maya / Mysteries of the Ancient Maya Midterm 1
What evidence do we have of Olmec-Maya contact?
There are Olmec and Maya hybrid artworks in many Maya areas. The Maya looked at the Olmec as a mother culture or sister culture (up for debate).

Many shared beliefs

Maya representation of Maize God is an Olmec Face

Trade of valuable stones and Jaguar Pelts, Quetzal Feathers, salt. Olmec had shell from Gulf Coast, as well as rubber and perishable goods as well as Olmec Ceramics
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Autor: fooboozlie
Oberthema: History
Thema: Mysteries of Ancient Maya
Schule / Uni: UC Riverside
Ort: Riverside
Veröffentlicht: 15.08.2012




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