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Alle Oberthemen / History / World History / World War I (1914-1918)
Why was 1917 a turning point? how did these events impact the course of the war?
Russian Revolution
US declares war on Germany

Russia was suffereing because of the war, ppl grew tired of fighting and became irritable and tens.
Riots broke out including the Bolshievik Revolution (socialist group that sieses control)
Russia has huge conflict, unstable and pulls out of the war.
Germany now only fighting one front war

US declared war on Germany  because of unrestricted sub warfare
breaks isolation
sent 2 million soilders to back up entant
they were positive and ready to win
tips balance in favor of entent
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Autor: Grace
Oberthema: History
Thema: World History
Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2010




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