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Alle Oberthemen / Business / Marketing / Email Marketing

When running multiphase campaigns, enable crossover between media. Make use of user preferences. For instance, ask people which medium they prefer. Apply business rules based on behavior and implied preferences. If an e-mail address starts bouncing, switch that person to print. If she doesn't respond to print, send her e-mail.
Tags: Crossover
Neuer Kommentar
Fred25 (28.12.2022)
Hello. Great post. I agree that engaging with your target audience is a necessary part of running a business. But it seems to me that the best solution for this purpose is to outsource such duties to a company which I started using last year. This allows you to automate the process and ensure communication with customers 24.7. It also allows you to increase customer engagement and enhance the company's image.
Autor: MaxAdams
Oberthema: Business
Thema: Marketing
Schule / Uni: NDA
Ort: New York
Veröffentlicht: 13.10.2021




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