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Alle Oberthemen / Management / MKT1 / MKT

9.  The product life cycle presents two major challenges.  First, a firm must be good at
     developing new products to replace aging ones.  Second, a firm must be good at:
     a.  adapting its marketing strategies in the face of changing tastes, technologies,
          and competition as products pass through life-cycle stages.
     b.  image building to ensure that products sell well.
     c.  primary demand forecasting so product winners can be chosen rather than
          making poor investments with product losers.
     d.  acquisition of other companies since this is the only real way to ensure new
          product success--go with what has worked in the past.

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Autor: mariagrau25
Oberthema: Management
Thema: MKT1
Veröffentlicht: 07.04.2010




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