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Alle Oberthemen / Law / Police Powers / Police Powers I: Stop & Search
What is the significance of the case of Castorina regarding the definition of reasonable suspicion?
In this case Lord Woolf attempted to formulate a test for the courts to use to determine whether an officer acted with reasonable suspicion

(a) Did the arresting officer suspect that the person arrested was guilty of the offence;

(b) were there reasonable grounds for that suspicion;

(c) did the officer exercise his discretion to make the arrest in accordance with Wednesbury principles (this means did he/she do what the reasonable officer in that situation would have done).
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Law
Thema: Police Powers
Schule / Uni: JLC
Ort: Scunthorpe
Veröffentlicht: 08.12.2010




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