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Alle Oberthemen / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM
name and explain briefly the three main types of herniatoin syndrome:
1) subfalcine
cingulate gyrus herniates under falx cerebri, may interfere with blood vessles

2) uncal, transtentrial
the medial portion of the temporal
lobe (uncus) is forced medially and downward over the
tentorium.  There is ipsilateral pupillary dilation.  The
uncus is pushed medially into the suprasellar cistern. 

3) tonsillar
herniation of cerebellar tonsils though the foramen magnum, medula gets compressed and causes cardiac problems and respiratry arrest
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Autor: Peebls
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Anatomy
Veröffentlicht: 26.03.2010




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