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Alle Oberthemen / Ceramics / Basic Clay Working Terms / Ceramics Terms
What is vitrification?
When clay is fired to maturity it will be vitrified.  This means that all physical and chemical water has been burnt off, particles of clay are compacted and some of the minerals in the clay have melted.  Clay that has vitrified will be at it maximum strength and it has lost all porosity. Vitrification happens at different temperatures depending upon the clay body's formula.
Tags: ceramics, clay, maturity, pottery, vitrification
Quelle: Desrosiers
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Ceramics
Thema: Basic Clay Working Terms
Schule / Uni: New Prairie High School
Ort: New Carllisle, IN
Veröffentlicht: 17.10.2012




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