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Alle Oberthemen / Anglistik / Applied Linguistics / Applied Linguistics
Syntactic features of EST
English for Science and Technology
‐ passive use
‐ tense, aspect, and modal verbs > difference to StE
    - modals are distributed differently to GenE, almost all of them less as 50% as often, may occurs 14 times more often.
‐ non‐defining relative clauses
‐ rhetorical device
‐ nominal and nominalization (producing nouns by morphological processes)
> more nouns (44% in EST, 28% in GenE)
    - combination of function verb and noun is common, e.g. make an investigation instead of investigate
    -  more compound nouns
‐ article use
‐ restricted use of personal pronouns
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Autor: Nervensaege
Oberthema: Anglistik
Thema: Applied Linguistics
Veröffentlicht: 03.05.2010




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