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After formal assessments for determining eligibility under
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SPD 320 Topic 7 Benchmark Comprehensive Report Summary and Recommendations GCU

After formal assessments for determining eligibility under IDEA’s 13 disability categories are completed, school-based specialists are charged with summarizing the results to aid team decision making. In turn, specific recommendations are made to ensure school staff and family members fully understand how programming and supports should be implemented to address documented student needs. It is vital that teachers understand how to review assessment results and be an active team member in collaborating with families around the specific recommendations to be implemented. Teachers must be able to advocate for necessary programming and supports while still addressing the questions/needs of family members.
Review the “Report of Psychological Assessment: Scott Smith” to inform the assignment.
As the special education teacher, you have been tasked with summarizing Scott’s psychological report and creating a plan to help him improve his social skills and make better behavior choices in the general education setting.
Using the “Scott Smith Assessment and Recommendations Template” create a plan for Scott.
Tags: SPD 320, SPD 320 Topic 7, SPD 320 Topic 7 Benchmark Comprehensive Report Summary and Recommendations GCU
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Education
Schule / Uni: devry university
Ort: UK
Veröffentlicht: 12.02.2020




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