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All main topics / English Writing / Reflective writing and peer editing

ED 432 Module 2 (5 Cards)

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What is reflective writing?
Reflective writing is evidence of reflective thinking. In an academic context, reflective thinking usually involves:

1. Looking back at something (often an event, i.e. something that happened, but it could also be an idea or object).

2. Analyzing the event or idea (thinking in depth and from different perspectives, and trying to explain, often with reference to a model or theory from your subject).

3. Thinking carefully about what the event or idea means for you and your ongoing progress as a learner and/or practicing professional.

Source: University of Portsmouth, DCQE
Keep in mind (reflective writing)
1. Reflection is an exploration and an explanation of events – not just a description of them.

2. Genuinely reflective writing often involves ‘revealing’ anxieties, errors and weaknesses, as well as strengths and successes.

3. It is often useful to ‘reflect forward’ to the future as well as ‘reflecting back’ on the past.
Source: University of Portsmouth, DCQE
A possible structure for reflective writing
1. Description (keep this bit short!)

What happened?
What is being examined?

2. Interpretation
What is most important / interesting / useful / relevant about the object, event or idea?
How can it be explained e.g. with theory?
How is it similar to and different from others?

3. Outcome

What have I learned from this?
What does this mean for my future?
Source: University of Portsmouth, DCQE
Rules to follow for peer review
1. Read the paper carefully, and read it through once before commenting. Read to the end, then offer advice.

2. Ask your colleague about the intention and audience of this paper. To whom is she writing? For what purpose is she writing?

3. After you have read the paper through once, go back and mark places on which you are unclear. If you don't really understand the point of a paragraph, say, or if a certain example seems totally out of place, make a little mark in the margin and be prepared to explain what sees out of whack to you.

4. Remember that you are offering advice, not laying down the law. If your colleague balks at your suggestion, do not take it personally.

(Adapted from George Mason University's Writing Center)
Questions to consider for peer review
1. What is this paper doing? Is it expressing an opinion, giving information, offering criticism? Does it attempt to persuade, enlighten, entertain? What is the objective of this paper?

2. Does the writer seem aware of her audience?

3 .Is the writer's style and tone appropriate to her subject matter and to her audience?

4. Does the writer have a clear focus?

5. Is the paper well organized?

6. Are the transitions between ideas smooth?

(Adapted from George Mason University's Writing Center)
Flashcard set info:
Author: farzanahafsa
Main topic: English Writing
Topic: Reflective writing and peer editing
School / Univ.: U of R
City: Rochester
Published: 07.04.2014
Tags: teacher, students
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