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All main topics / Veterinary Medicine / Medicine

Teaching Your Cat How To Walk On A Leash (5 Cards)

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How to Teach Your Cat How to Walk on a Leash?
Leash walking gives your cat a chance to explore and enjoy the great outdoors without risking his life and health. Once learned the two of you can write an essay on how to spend more quality time together, improving your bond.

You will first need to begin with teaching two other behaviors: Come when called and Acclimation to a Harness. Every big goal, such as leash walking, begins with achieving smaller goals first. Even the concept of leash walking needs to be broken down into smaller goals, then brought together slowly before you are able to take your cat for an outing.
Should your cat begin looking around instead of at your training tool, it is time to stop working and try again later. Either the cat is stressed or has reached a point of satiation (is full); both of which will create less desire for her to respond.

Achieving the goal of leash walking may take anywhere from two weeks to six months. Remain patient, consistent and do a lot of repetition. Every cat is different and will learn at a different rate.
Here are the steps for teaching your cat to walk on a leash:
· Show her the reward (on the training tool), walk forward a few steps (3-5 steps). When she follows, praise her. As she arrives at your heels, use a reward marker, such as a click or say, “Yes,” in an enthusiastic tone of voice and allow her to lick some of her treat off the training tool. · Repeat, adding a few more steps prior to stopping, such as 5 – 10 steps. Praise your cat as she moves with you. Mark the moment she arrives and reward her. · Each time you move again, add more steps prior to stopping.
One Step at a Time
Please note that you should begin this training indoors in a familiar area so that the cat is not unduly distracted. Once she can move well with you throughout your home, go to the front porch or deck. If you live in a condominium, apartment building or other type of community housing, move from your home to the hallway and gradually make your way toward the door to the outside as your cat can handle the distractions.
Reward Basics
When teaching your cat how to walk with you it is best to use a cat training tool that will enable you to move comfortably while also luring your cat to remain with you. Also, use some food that is of high value to your cat, such as canned cat food, tuna fish or sardines. Often, trying to use a commercial cat treat can earn tooth marks on your fingers due to your cat being overzealous in retrieving her reward. She cannot be faulted for this as her jaw is made for grabbing and tearing not nibbling. A moist reward such as canned cat food will satisfy her as well as allow for only small rewards, keeping her attentive for longer periods of time.
Flashcard set info:
Author: kurtmagnus
Main topic: Veterinary Medicine
Topic: Medicine
School / Univ.: University of Chicago
City: Chicago
Published: 03.05.2019
Tags: cats, teaching, treat, animals
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