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Alle Oberthemen / Business Economics / Behavior, Managment and Organisation / BMO
You want to increase the productivity of an employee. Your goal is to have him produce 10 units per day. On the first day he produces 5 units and you give him a reward. On the second day he produces 5 units and you don’t give him a reward. On the third day he produces 6 units and you give him a reward. Which method of behavioral change are you using?

A) modeling
B) shaping
C) classical conditioning
D) social learning
E) ego impairment
b) shaping


Methods of Shaping Behavior are: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment and extinction.

You give positive reinforcement to show the employee that his behavior is closer to the wanted behavior than his former behavior.
Neuer Kommentar
Timothy324 (05.06.2024)
B) Shaping
Shaping is a method in social learning in which we divide a goal into smaller steps and reward the learner's desired behavior, then gradually increase the requirements to achieve the final goal.
galeboast (28.02.2024)
Because I don't read online articles often, I am glad that I did so today. You write quite well and your points are well-expressed.
useversion (19.12.2023)
Due to my limited frequency of internet article reading, I am pleased that I managed to do so today. Your writing is exceptionally articulate and your arguments are effectively conveyed.
dontaylor (02.10.2023)
By rewarding the behavior inconsistently on a variable ratio schedule, you are driving the employee to keep producing more output in hopes of another reward. The unpredictability creates a persistent response. (14.08.2023)
BMO (Bank of Montreal) has undoubtedly taken the financial world by storm, showcasing a remarkable blend of innovation and banking prowess.
smellpath (04.04.2023)
Paying a little attention we can see that b is the correct answer.
henny123 (30.01.2023)
Thank you for this helpful answer, this is a topic I really needed
Gall1951 (28.12.2022)
Thank you for sharing your answer, I totally agree
pigen1 (01.11.2022)
You want to increase the productivity of an employee. Your goal is to have him produce 10 units per day. On the first day, he produces 5 units and you give him a reward. Also, you can visit to write your assignment easily. On the second day he produces 5 units and you don’t give him a reward. On the third day he produces 6 units and you give him a reward. Which method of behavioral change are you using? (14.09.2022)
There is an intriguing proposal regarding the ball that is slope game in addition to ball sports like football, basketball, and volleyball
Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Behavior, Managment and Organisation
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010




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