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years while academic language (CALPS) is more difficult and takes 5-8 years to develop.
ESL 533 Advanced Methodologies of SEI GCU
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ESL 533 Advanced Methodologies of SEI GCU
ESL 533 Full Course Discussions GCU
ESL 533 Topic 1 Discussion 1
According to Jim Cummins, social language (BICS) takes 1-3 years while academic language (CALPS) is more difficult and takes 5-8 years to develop. How can teachers help English language learners develop academic language? How can teachers reach out to students who are in the Silent Period?
ESL 533 Topic 1 Discussion 2
Based on key legislation pertaining to English language learners (ELLs) in your state, describe the characteristics of the English immersion program in terms of instructional strategies, time spent in the classroom with other ELL students, and time spent in regular classrooms with native speakers. You can find this information on the Department of Education website of your state.
ESL 533 Topic 2 Discussion 1
Describe the difference between diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments. How can these assessments support the language needs of ELL students? How are assessment results used for placement and accommodation of gifted ELLs and ELLs with special education needs?
ESL 533 Topic 2 Discussion 2
Discuss the role of formal and informal assessments in ESL classrooms. How might feedback be incorporated into these assessments to provide a well-rounded approach to assessment and instruction for ELL students? What should feedback look like?
ESL 533 Topic 3 Discussion 1
Choose one strategy from your required reading that you would utilize to teach vocabulary. Explain why this strategy would be effective for an English language learner.
ESL 533 Topic 3 Discussion 2
Provide at least one example of an effective SEI strategy utilized in one of the classrooms that you have observed. Why do you think this strategy worked? Were the teaching concepts in the lesson tied to the students’ backgrounds?
ESL 533 Topic 4 Discussion 1
Based on your observations, how did the teacher integrate ELL Proficiency Standards in the strategies, interactions, practice, and application of the concepts being taught?
ESL 533 Topic 4 Discussion 2
Based on your observations, how did the teacher integrate ELL Proficiency Standards in the strategies, interactions, practice, and application of the concepts being taught?
ESL 533 Topic 5 Discussion 1
Research the assessment process for ELL students in your state. What is the process your district goes through to properly identify students for ESL program placement?
ESL 533 Topic 5 Discussion 2
Planning for effective instruction is the key to academic success for students. Using data to inform instruction is a regular process. Discuss how teachers can use longitudinal data along with other formative classroom assessments to design effective instruction.
ESL 533 Topic 6 Discussion 1
Creating and maintaining relationships between home and school are pivotal to the overall success of our ELL students. Discuss some ways you might cultivate these partnerships throughout the school year.
ESL 533 Topic 6 Discussion 2
There is research supporting the theory that students who are literate in their home language are more likely to be literate in their second or subsequent language. Thinking of this, what are the potential effects of home language on the development of English and classroom learning?

ESL 533 Full Course Assignments GCU
ESL 533 Topic 1 ELL Proficiency Standards
Using the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards from Arizona or from your state, select the stage for a grade level of your choice. Based on the Common Core Standards’ English Language Arts (ELA) performance objectives or the English Language Arts Standards from your state, create a learning activity that is aligned with a learning objective at the basic proficiency level on the ELP standards for each of the following domains:
1.Listening and Speaking
Account for language acquisition principles within the design of your activities.
Include a 250-500 word rationale that describes how each activity addresses the characteristics of the ELL at the basic level and how language acquisition principles have been accounted for within your design. Include ideas for strategies to differentiate these activities for students in the pre-production and early production stages.
Tags: years while academic language (CALPS) is more difficult and takes 5-8 years to develop.
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Education
Topic: Education
School / Univ.: devry university
City: UK
Published: 12.02.2020




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