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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy Foot / Anatomy 1, 12 (neck), 9 (eye)
what are the
Long posterior ciliary arteries, which enter the eyeball posteriorly, one on each side, piercing the sclera and running between it and the choroid to anastomose with the  anterior ciliary arteries (branches of the lacrimal artery) to supply the ciliary plexus.

2 Short posterior ciliary arteries which enter the eyeball posteriorly and directly supply the choroid, which nourishes the outer, non-vascular layer of the retina by diffusion.

3. The central artery of the retina,  gives out branches which
provide the direct blood supply to the internal aspect of the

. The lacrimal artery, supply the lacrimal gland, lateral extraocular muscles, the eyeball (via an anterior ciliary branch) and the lateral sides of the eyelids.

5.  Muscular arteries, which supply the extraocular muscles - those supplying the recti anastomose with anterior ciliary arteries.

6. The supraorbital artery,  exits the orbit through the supraorbital notch  with the supraorbital nerve. It supplies the forehead to the vertex of the skull.

7.  The posterior ethmoidal artery, which exits the orbit medially through the posterior ethmoidal foramen to supply the ethmoidal air cells and nasal cavity.

8. The anterior ethmoidal artery, which similarly exits the orbit medially through the anterior ethmoidal foramen, enters the cranial cavity to give of the anterior meningeal branch, and
continues into the nasal cavity to supply its septum and lateral wall.

9. The dorsal nasal artery, supply the upper surface of the nose.

10. The supratrochlear artery**, supply the medial part of the forehead.
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Flashcard info:
Author: Schnuschnax
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy Foot
Published: 20.02.2010




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