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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM

there are 10 layers of the retina, name them.
a pigmental epithelium
b  photoreceptor layer (the outer and inner segemtns of photoreceptors)
c outer limiting membrane
d outer nuclear layer (consits of rods and cones types of photoreceptors)
e ouyter plexiform layer (synapse with horizontal and bipolar cells (the rods and cones)
f inner nuclear layer (consits of amacirne cells, bipolar and horizontal cells)
g inner plexiform layer (where amacine and bipolar cells synapse with ganglino cells)
h layer of ganlion cells
i layer of optic nerve
j iner limiting membrane

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Flashcard info:
Author: Peebls
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 26.03.2010




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