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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM
expain the dorsal column pathway
has tow nuclie, medial one is gracilis, lateral in cuneatus in medulla, cuneate nuslies recives form upper and graciale form lower l of body but firbes ascend in their faciculius, like cuneate fasciculu,s until thez find their nucleus in the mduula. where thez cross over.

darge diamter inout nerve fibres ofm a alpha and a beta, *ALTS receives fbres form a delta and c )
ascends ippsilaterally ( in ALT ascneds contralaterally)
seconds order neuorns in

seond order neuorn s in the nuclie in medula
convey ino abotu touch and so.

corss ove rin medulla ad ascend in medila lemnicsus to VP thalamus
then projectto somatosensory cortey
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Flashcard info:
Author: Peebls
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 26.03.2010




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