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All main topics / Englisch / Vocabulary / English
the media
to read the tabloids los periodicos sensacionalistas

to seek publicity to seach, to look for

to seak, sought, sought

to hold a press conference

to receive a lot of coverage

what type of news regularly receives a lot of coverage in this country?

to sue for libel denunciar por calumnia, difamación

libel  /ˈlaɪb(ə)l/

to libel writen
to slander spoken - difamar
a slander noun

to hit the headlines    1. hacerse famoso; Sinónimos: become famous, become well known, burst on the scene, burst onto the scene, get a name

to issue a press release    comunicado de prensa, boletín de prensa, comunicado a la prensa, informe a la prensa, nota de prensa;

to issue a statement

to make the front page

to run a story

damage: uncountable daño
extensive, heavy, irreparable, irreversible, permanent, serious, severe, significant, untold, widespread

damages: [plural] legal money that a court orders you to pay someone because you have harmed them or their property

he gain a lot of money in damages - agravio
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Flashcard info:
Author: sarapalacio
Main topic: Englisch
Topic: Vocabulary
School / Univ.: Privat
City: pamplona
Published: 01.03.2010




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