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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM
how to the a delta and c fibres travel?
Neospinothalamic tract
- terminate on the dorsal horn (used to be primary sensory nerves) of the spinal cord (secondary sensory neurons, synapse with them there) where they synapse with the dendrites of the neospinothalamic tract
-travel up the spine to the brain and cross the midline through the anterior white commissure (lamina 10 after grey commisure)
- passing upwards in the contralateral anterolateral columns.
- terminate in  thalamus and synapse with the dendrites of the somatosensory cortex
- this pain stimluated by temperature and mechanical

Paleospinothalamic tract

- Slow pain is transmitted via slower type C fibers to laminae II and III of the dorsal horns, together known as the substantia gelatinosa. - Impulses are then transmitted to nerve fibers that terminate in lamina V, also in the dorsal horn, synapsing with neurons that join fibers from the fast pathway, crossing to the opposite side via the anterior white commissure
- traveling upwards through the anterolateral pathway (spinothalamic tract)
- terminate throughout the brain stem, with one tenth of fibres stopping in the thalamus and the rest stopping in the medulla, pons
-Slow pain is stimulated by chemical stimulation,
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Flashcard info:
Author: Peebls
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 26.03.2010




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