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All main topics / Informatics / Linux / LPIC 101.1
Operating Systems like Windows and DOS rely more on type code partitions than Linux, but there are exceptions. What are they?

  • During installation, most Linux distributions pay attention to the partition type codes to help them guess how the system is configured. Installers and Linux disk utilities also create partitions with appropriate type codes set.
  • Linux relies on the extended partition type codes (0x05 and 0x0f) to identify extended partitions. You can try to act directly on the extended partition using various utilities, but for the most part doing so would be a mistake.
Tags: 101.1, linux, partitions, type codes, x86
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Flashcard info:
Author: Ryan Robson
Main topic: Informatics
Topic: Linux
City: Houston
Published: 08.02.2011




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