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All main topics / Psychology / Psychology / Stop Forgetting: 7 Techniques by EssayCompany to Improve Memory
1. Be clear about the information:
A computer cannot access information well if it has not been entered correctly.

Something very similar happens with our memories. Let's take the memorization of names as an example. In his book Stop Forgetting, Dr. Bruno Furst says the following: "If we do not hear the name clearly and accurately, we cannot even talk about remembering or forgetting. We can neither remember nor forget something we never knew. Therefore, the first step we must take is to grasp the name in such a way that there is no doubt as to its pronunciation or spelling." If someone does not pronounce your name when presented to you, do not hesitate to ask them to repeat it. If necessary, ask them how to spell it.
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Psychology
Topic: Psychology
Published: 08.02.2022




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