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MIS 600 Topic 6 CLC  Security Response Plan GCU
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MIS 600 Topic 6 CLC  Security Response Plan GCU

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
Data breaches are commonplace in businesses. In spite of various kinds of software, tools, and other resources used to secure data, the potential for internal and external threats still exist. However, the degree by which data breaches can affect an organization and its customers depends greatly on the response plan the organization has in place to address potential threats. Neglecting to have a plan or having a plan that is inadequate can affect the brand and reputation of the business as well as negatively influence the confidence and loyalty of the customers. As a result, for this assignment you will work in a group to create a security response plan that helps detect threats to data and identify procedures across the organization that will help minimize or contain potential damage.
Tags: MIS 600, MIS 600 Topic 6, MIS 600 Topic 6 CLC Security Response Plan GCU
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Education
Topic: Education
School / Univ.: devry university
City: UK
Published: 12.02.2020




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