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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM
by whcih stuff is the medial wall fo the inner ear formed??
what is the round and ovale window?
what do we find above the promonory? what is the processus cochleariformis?
Formed mainly by bony wall of internal ear
Convexity of medial wall formed by promontory - basal turn of cochlea
Behind & above promontory is oval window (fenestra vestibuli) - covered by footplate of stapes
Behind and below oval window is round window (fenestra cochleae) - covered by fibrous membrane called secondary tympanic membrane
Above promontory is ridge which overlies facial canal
Ant. end of facial canal is processus cochleariformis
Below mucous membrane is tympanic plexus

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Flashcard info:
Author: Peebls
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 26.03.2010




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