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All main topics / Law / International Law / LAW
Mark intentionally pushes Don.  Don falls to the ground and breaks his arm.  Mark is liable for the injury

a. only if Mark did not intend to break Don’s arm.
b. only if Mark had a bad motive for pushing Don.
c. only if Mark intended to break Don’s arm.
d. if Mark intended to push Don.
d. if Mark intended to push Don.

The completion of the act that caused the apprehension is a battery, which is defined as an unexcused and harmful or offensive physical contact intentionally performed.
Tags: 2nd Absatz, Assault and Battery
Source: p. 20
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Flashcard info:
Author: Elisa
Main topic: Law
Topic: International Law
School / Univ.: Hanze Hogeschool
City: Groningen
Published: 14.02.2010




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