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All main topics / Law / Property / Property

a. Must be connected to product

b. When you see a word, it conjures up something, and this is what we are legally protecting (the images inside your head)→ protecting goodwill to what company attaches to the stuff in your head.
                           Signifier + Signified = Sign
(Comftibility- word w/out signified under it (just signifier)- no sign)

c. Must have secondary meaning attached to trademark→ when you see that trademark, you think of the product (takes times for general public to feel this)

d. Boundaries of property in trademark?
-Want to be able to have trademark holder use  trademark to  exclusion of all others.
-Must police your mark or it becomes generic and everyone can use it to identify products (like adverse possession)
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Flashcard info:
Author: jackielen
Main topic: Law
Topic: Property
Published: 17.04.2010




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