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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy Foot / Anatomy 1, 12 (neck), 9 (eye)
lacrimal lake has both parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation.
where does the parasympathetic innervation come from?
list its way to the lacriumal gland.
where does szmpathetic innervation come from?
list its way to the lacriumal gland.
lacrimal nucleus of the facial nerve

the greater petrosal nerve   (facial nerve) continue within the nerve of the pterygoid canal to the pterygopalatine ganglion, where they synapse with cell bodies of postsynaptic fibres. These fibres join the maxillary division o the trigeminal nerve and then its branches, the zygomatic nerve and zygomaticotemporalnerve, and then run in a communicating branch to the lacrimal nerve.

superior cervical ganglio n by the internal carotid plexus 

vas the deep petrosal nerve and then join the parasympathetic fibres in the nerve of the pterygoid canal. They traverse the pterygopalatine ganglion without synapsing and continue to run with the postsynaptic parasympathetic fibres in the maxillary,
zygomatic, zygomaticotemporal and lacrimal nerves
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Flashcard info:
Author: Schnuschnax
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy Foot
Published: 20.02.2010




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