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All main topics / BWL / Human Side of Innovation / Human Side of Innovation
The Cooperation of the Power and Expert Promotor (3 questions)
Why do they work?
  • no formal order
  • they act on their own motivation
  • but they have a common goal

How do they become a team?
  • Always access to each other
  • Speak the same language
  • Mutual respect
  • Open, constructive and solution-oriented dialogue
  • not working alone for a long time

What is the result?
* Power promotor learns benefits, risks and requirements of new technology
* Expert promotor learns political restrictions and resource limits
* Mutual trust and commitment
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Flashcard info:
Author: Florian
Main topic: BWL
Topic: Human Side of Innovation
School / Univ.: TU Berlin
City: Berlin
Published: 13.07.2013




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