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All main topics / Englisch / Vocabulary / English
advise - verb
advice - noun
   1. aconsejar, dar consejo, apercibir, caucionar, preconizar; Sinónimos: counsel, warn, caution, suggest, admonish, give advice, give advice to, give counsel to, caveat, rede; Give advice to. ; Make a proposal, declare a plan for something.
      The teacher counsels troubled students.
      The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud.

   2. asesorar, dar asesoría; Sinónimos: counsel; Give advice to.
   3. recomendar; Sinónimos: recommend, suggest, counsel, offer as advice; Give advice to. ; Make a proposal, declare a plan for something.
      The teacher counsels troubled students.
      The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud.

   4. notificar, hacer saber; Sinónimos: inform, notify, communicate, make known, serve notice on; Give information or notice to.
      I advised him that the rent was due.

   5. avisar; Sinónimos: warn, forewarn; Notify, usually in advance. ; Notify of danger, potential harm, or risk. ; Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.

advice  Sustantivo

    Plural: advices

   1. consejo, sugerencia, asesoría, consejos, recomendación, sugestión, asesoramiento; Sinónimos: counsel, piece of advice, tip, word of advice, pointer, rede; A proposal for an appropriate course of action.
   2. consulta, dictamen, informe
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Flashcard info:
Author: sarapalacio
Main topic: Englisch
Topic: Vocabulary
School / Univ.: Privat
City: pamplona
Published: 01.03.2010




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