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All main topics / Law / International Law / LAW
Pete and Rob hold the first organizational meeting of Coastal Resorts Cor­poration (CRC). Probably the most important function of this meeting is

a. adopting CRC’s by laws.
b. chartering CRC.
c. drafting CRC’s articles of incorporation.
d. specifying CRC nature and purpose in the articles of in­corporation.
a. adopting CRC’s by laws.

At the first meeting, the incorporators elect first boad of directors and complete routine business of incorporation (pass bylaws, issue stock..)
Tags: First Orginazational Meeting
Source: p.108, 2. Absatz nach Überschrift
New comment
alfiprint (23.05.2024)
Very inspiring! This article makes me feel motivated to delve deeper into the same topic.
nicmas (26.09.2023) (22.06.2023)
The correct answer is a. adopting CRC's bylaws. During this meeting, the incorporators, Pete and Rob, along with other stakeholders, would discuss and finalize the bylaws to establish the framework for how the corporation will be governed and operated.
tuberob (16.06.2023)
a. adopting CRC’s by laws.
markola (12.03.2023)
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Flashcard info:
Author: Elisa
Main topic: Law
Topic: International Law
School / Univ.: Hanze Hogeschool
City: Groningen
Published: 14.02.2010




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