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All main topics / Informatics / Linux / LPIC 101.1
Is SCSI device identification different than other hard drives? Explain.
Yes. SCSI IDs aren’t used to identify the corresponding device file on a Linux system. Hard drives follow the naming system /dev/sdx (where x is a letter from a up), SCSI tapes are named /dev/stx and /dev/nstx (where x is a number from 0 up), and SCSI CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs are named /dev/scdx (where x is a number from 0 up).
Tags: 101.1, devices, fs, hard drives, linux, scsi
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Flashcard info:
Author: Ryan Robson
Main topic: Informatics
Topic: Linux
City: Houston
Published: 08.02.2011




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