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All main topics / Physik / Bilingual D-En / BILI - Physik
speed of light
light speed

symbol: c
Value in vacuum:
c = 299,792,458 metres per second = 1 Planck unit
(Sunlight takes about 8 minutes, 19 seconds to reach Earth, but, due to refraction, scattering, gravity and so on, about 100000 years to reach the surface of the sun from it's core)

- the maximum speed in the universe
- a constant of nature
- in a medium reduces the speed of light
- different types of light wave will travel at different speeds.

Approximate values:
300,000 kilometres per second        
1,079 million kilometres per hour        
186,000 miles per second                
671 million miles per hour                
173 astronomical units per day

real animation: Speed_of_light_from_Earth_to_Moon

Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Licht, Optik, Relativitätstheorie
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Flashcard info:
Author: schorai
Main topic: Physik
Topic: Bilingual D-En
City: Schwerin
Published: 06.11.2010




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