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All main topics / Englisch / Vocabulary / English
quedarse helado/flipar
freak out /friːk/ (usally used when crazy or confused or angry)

a  vi + adv  (=get excited) flipar  , alucinar * , (on drugs)  viajar  , flipar

b  vt + adv  (=frighten) dejar helado

to become or make you become so angry, surprised, excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself

She just freaked when she saw the police.

Meeting my dad again after all these years really freaked me out.

freak out  Verbo

   1. desquiciar, alucinar, dejar frío, poner fuera de sí, friquear; Sinónimos: madden, bewilder, craze, daunt, derange, freak, unbalance, upset, blitz out; Cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind.
   2. descontrolarse, enloquecerse, dar un ataque, perder el control propio, friquearse; Sinónimos: go crazy, go insane, go mad, become nutty as a fruitcake, crack up, flip, flip out, flip over, lose control; Lose one's nerve.
      When he saw the accident, he freaked out.
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Flashcard info:
Author: sarapalacio
Main topic: Englisch
Topic: Vocabulary
School / Univ.: Privat
City: pamplona
Published: 01.03.2010




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