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All main topics / Business / Business

sara (5 Cards)

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Tips on how to manage a capstone project
Writing educational pieces is not an easy task for any student. Besides, each task contributes to the overall mark in their academic performances. So, it is crucial to learn the basics for developing capstone writing for nurses. Remember, the quality of your writing determines the scores that you’ll get. As such, it is crucial to work on all your academic tasks in the best way possible.

What is a capstone project?
It is a writing project that involves the collection of information concerning a particular subject of research. Often, students would work on research projects while in schools. These papers are crucial for achieving the lower grades in their academics.
For instance, some students might forget that they’ll need to structure their papers by following a particular format. When writing a capstone project, you must:

Have a topic
Literature review
Research methods
The above steps are simple for any individual to master. Besides, only someone who knows how to handle such papers can submit quality reports.

4 Steps in Writing a Capstone ProjectMSn
What are the steps in writing a capstone project?

· Research

The first step is to conduct research. When researching, you must understand the topic of your study. After, you can start by understanding the concept of writing a capstone project.
You can determine the number of previous research done on the same subject matter. From there, you can decide whether to pick an broad or narrow topic. Doing so will enable you to have enough evidence to support your claims in the capstone project paper.

Researching also allows individuals to come across sample papers they might want to use as guides when writing their papers.

When you have all the data at your palm, you can tailor the information to suit your writing. Try to identify various relevant sections that trigger your research. Doing so will enable you to develop a compelling story in your capstone project.

At times, you might not be in a position to research the particular subject. In such situations, you will need to retain the theme of your research. By then, you must remember that you must always remember the objective of doing thorough research.
Flashcard set info:
Author: saratraviss
Main topic: Business
Topic: Business
School / Univ.: writer
City: Boston
Published: 26.11.2021
Tags: write
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