Advantages of starting a franchise are:
1. reduced financial risk
2. training, financial, and management support by franchisor
There are some significant disadvantages, though. What are the three named in the book?
1. reduced financial risk
2. training, financial, and management support by franchisor
There are some significant disadvantages, though. What are the three named in the book?
1. start up fees
2. limitations imposed by franchise (market area, product, customer)
3. operational controls of franchisor
2. limitations imposed by franchise (market area, product, customer)
3. operational controls of franchisor
What is a Dutch Auction IPO? What company, noted in the powerpoint slides, used a Dutch Auction IPO several years ago?
A Dutch Auction IPO is an IPO where the price is set by the lowest winning bidder.
Example: Three bidders each want one share of stock. Their bids are $25, $30, and $50 respectively for one share. However, the company is only allotting a total of two shares, so the lowest bidder at $25 doesn't get a share. The $30 bidder and $50 bidder each get a share, but they both only pay $30.
Example: Three bidders each want one share of stock. Their bids are $25, $30, and $50 respectively for one share. However, the company is only allotting a total of two shares, so the lowest bidder at $25 doesn't get a share. The $30 bidder and $50 bidder each get a share, but they both only pay $30.
What is Transformational Leadership? What four characteristics do Transformational leaders have?
Going beyond expectations by giving a sense of mission, stimulating learning, and changing the attitudes and assumptions of employees
Characteristics of Transformational Leaders
1. Charismatic
2. Individualized consideration
3. Intellectually stimulating
4. Inspirational
Characteristics of Transformational Leaders
1. Charismatic
2. Individualized consideration
3. Intellectually stimulating
4. Inspirational
Describe the Least Preferred Coworker Theory. What is the LCP? What does a high or low score mean?
the appropriate style of leadership varies with situational favorableness
A measuring scale that asks leaders to describe the person with whom they are least able to work well with
A high LPC score indicates a relationship orientation while a low score indicates a task orientation.
A measuring scale that asks leaders to describe the person with whom they are least able to work well with
A high LPC score indicates a relationship orientation while a low score indicates a task orientation.
What are the three environmental factors that determine situational favorableness from the leader's point of view? Briefly describe each. This referes to the LPC theory.
1. Leader-member relations - relationship with members
2. Task structure - how well task is defined
3. Position Power - power given to leader
2. Task structure - how well task is defined
3. Position Power - power given to leader
What two leader behaviors did the Ohio State Studies find? Briefly describe them.
Initiating-Structure - subordinate roles clearly defined, formal lines of communication (max performance, but least satisfied)
Consideration - concern for subordinates, friendly climate (very satisfied, lower performers)
Consideration - concern for subordinates, friendly climate (very satisfied, lower performers)
There are five different levels of subordinate participation in Vroom's Decision Tree. Name and briefly describe each.
Telling - manager decides, announces to the group
Selling - group decision with leader input
Consulting Individually - individual consultations with members
Consulting as a Group - group consultation for solution
Delegating - group decides on their own
Selling - group decision with leader input
Consulting Individually - individual consultations with members
Consulting as a Group - group consultation for solution
Delegating - group decides on their own
What is the Path-Goal Theory? What are the four kinds of leader behaviors for a particular situation (briefly describe each)?
Path-Goal Theory - primary functions of a leader are to make valued/desired rewards available in the workplace and to clarify to subordinates how they can get them
Directive - let sub. know what is expected of them, give guidance
Supportive - show concern for employees' welfare, treat equally
Participative - consult with sub., allow participation in decision making, solicit suggestions
Achievement-Oriented - set goals, encourage sub.
Directive - let sub. know what is expected of them, give guidance
Supportive - show concern for employees' welfare, treat equally
Participative - consult with sub., allow participation in decision making, solicit suggestions
Achievement-Oriented - set goals, encourage sub.
Explain the difference between visibility and contrast. Give an example.
Visibility is when a small percentage of a large group belongs to one category, the small percentage will be noticed. Contrast is when what makes the small percentage different is focused on.
Visibility is when there is a woman in a group of men. Contrast is when men notice she is a woman.
Visibility is when there is a woman in a group of men. Contrast is when men notice she is a woman.
Explain the Attribution Theory. How does this relate to poor performance in the workplace by employees?
When you observe someone else's behavior:
you overestimate personality
When you explain your own behavior:
you overestimate environmental influences
Poor performance in the workplace by employees is attributed to internal and personal factors.
you overestimate personality
When you explain your own behavior:
you overestimate environmental influences
Poor performance in the workplace by employees is attributed to internal and personal factors.
What are the "Big 5" Personality traits? (OCEAN) Briefly explain each.
Openness - measure of individual's rigidity of beliefs
Conscientiousness - number of goals a person has
Extraversion - confort level with relationships
Agreeableness - ability to get along with others
Negative Emotionality - emotional stability level
Conscientiousness - number of goals a person has
Extraversion - confort level with relationships
Agreeableness - ability to get along with others
Negative Emotionality - emotional stability level

Flashcard set info:
Author: savhighsmith
Main topic: Management
Topic: Entrepreneurship, Leadership
School / Univ.: UGA
City: Athens
Published: 30.03.2011
Tags: Pirkle
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