3 ways in which pollen gets from flower to flower, and which way is used by the majority of plants?
1. They don't; obligate selfers-- plants/flowers self pollinate
2. Abiotic: Wind, water
3. Biotic: insects, birds, bats, etc etc etc (used by majority)
2. Abiotic: Wind, water
3. Biotic: insects, birds, bats, etc etc etc (used by majority)
Tags: angiosperms, animals, pollen, pollination
Explain pollination syndrome.
- correlated suite of floral traits evolved in response to a particular type of pollinator. Typically, diffuse coevolution between groups of plants and animals.
Tags: definition, pollination syndrome
Define diaspore. What is the cost and benefit?
= Any part of an organism capable of dispersing, give rise to new individual.
Cost: use of resources, risk of predation, not encountering better environment
Benefit: might encounter more favorable environment.
Cost: use of resources, risk of predation, not encountering better environment
Benefit: might encounter more favorable environment.
Tags: benefit, cost, definition, diaspore
Cost to plant (animal pollination) 3 things:
. advertisement (petals, scent)
. reward (nectar, pollen, floral parts)
. potential damage
. reward (nectar, pollen, floral parts)
. potential damage
Tags: angiosperms, costs, flowers, pollination
Name 2 benefits to plant (animal pollinators):
- animal vectors more reliable/efficient than wind
- increased potential for outcrossing
- increased potential for outcrossing
Tags: angiosperms, benefits, flowers, pollinators, rewards
Tags: definition, mutualism

Flashcard set info:
Author: zeestree
Main topic: Biology
Topic: Mutualism
School / Univ.: University of Hawaii at Manoa
City: Honolulu
Published: 28.04.2010
Card tags:
All cards (7)
angiosperms (3)
animals (1)
benefit (1)
benefits (1)
coevolution (1)
cost (1)
costs (1)
definition (4)
diaspore (1)
flowers (2)
mutualism (1)
pollen (1)
pollination (2)
pollinators (1)
rewards (1)