Define the following terms: flower, sepals, petals, stamens, pistil.
Flower: shoot bearing sporophylls (stamens, carpels)
Sepals: leaf like, green, protect bud
Petals: leaf like, non green, bright
Stamens: filament + anther
Pistil: 1 or more carpels consisting of stigma + style + ovary
Sepals: leaf like, green, protect bud
Petals: leaf like, non green, bright
Stamens: filament + anther
Pistil: 1 or more carpels consisting of stigma + style + ovary
Tags: angiosperms, flower, petals, pistil, sepals, stamens
What did sepals evolve from? Petals? Stamens? Carpels?
Sepals: Modified leaves
Petals: modified leaves OR stamens that lost sporangia
Stamens: reduced microsporophylls OR branches with terminal sporangia
Carpels: folded megasporophylls
Petals: modified leaves OR stamens that lost sporangia
Stamens: reduced microsporophylls OR branches with terminal sporangia
Carpels: folded megasporophylls
Tags: angiosperms, evolution, flowers, sepals, stamens
What is a "perfect" flower? A pistillate flower? A staminate flower?
Has both male, female parts. I.E: has stamens and pistils
Pistillate: lack stamens (female flower)
Staminate: lack pistils (male flower)
Pistillate: lack stamens (female flower)
Staminate: lack pistils (male flower)
Tags: angiosperms, flowers
Describe the evolutionary trends of primitive flowers (floral parts, completeness, organ arrangement, ovary position, symmetry):
Floral parts: many, indefinite #
Completeness: complete
Organ arrangement: spiral
Ovary: superior
Symmetry: radial
Completeness: complete
Organ arrangement: spiral
Ovary: superior
Symmetry: radial
Tags: angiosperms, evolution, flowers, trends
Describe the evolutionary trends of advanced flowers (floral parts, completeness, organ arrangement, ovary position, symmetry):
Floral parts: few, definite #
Completeness: incomplete
Organs: shortened
Ovary: inferior
Symmetry: bilateral
Completeness: incomplete
Organs: shortened
Ovary: inferior
Symmetry: bilateral
Tags: advanced, angiosperms, evolution
Sexual reproduction may involve selfing or outcrossing. What are these?
Selfing: pollination between anthers, pistil on 1 plant
Outcrossing: pollination between anthers, pistils on separate plants
Outcrossing: pollination between anthers, pistils on separate plants
Tags: angiosperms, flowers, sexual reproduction
What are 3 mechanisms that may promote outcrossing?
1. Genetic self-incompatibility
2. spatial separation of sexes
3. temporal separation of sexes
2. spatial separation of sexes
3. temporal separation of sexes
Tags: angiosperms, flowers, outcrossing, sexual reproduction
Define protandry vs. protogyny.
Protandry: pollen shed before stigma receptive
Protogyny: stigma receptive before pollen shed.
Protogyny: stigma receptive before pollen shed.
Tags: angiosperms, flowers, protandry, protogyna
Flashcard set info:
Author: zeestree
Main topic: Biology
Topic: Flowers and Fruits
School / Univ.: University of Hawaii at Manoa
City: Honolulu
Published: 20.04.2010
Card tags:
All cards (15)
advanced (1)
angiosperms (10)
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eudicots (1)
evolution (3)
fleshy (1)
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flowers (6)
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orchidaceae (1)
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pollination (1)
protandry (1)
protogyna (1)
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stamens (2)
trends (1)