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All main topics / Mathematics / Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

STEM homework (5 Cards)

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Can you get caught buying an essay?
Buying essays is a serious offense. It can have a negative impact on your academic career and even get you expelled from school. So, if you are looking to buy an essay, here are some of the things that you should keep in mind before making a purchase.

- Make sure that the essay is written by an expert in the subject matter.

- Choose an essay writing service that has been around for at least 5 years and has good reviews from customers.

- You should not buy essays from someone who just registered with Google or Facebook as they may be inexperienced and offer low quality essays for sale.

- Make sure that you know who the writer is before handing over your money.

- Check the plagiarism report and ensure that your essay has not been copied from anywhere else.

- Do not pay upfront to buy an essay as this can be dangerous for you in case of a scam or if the writer disappears leaving you with nothing.
Tags: essay
Flashcard set info:
Author: EvanHolland
Main topic: Mathematics
Topic: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
School / Univ.: California Institute of Technology
City: California
Published: 27.07.2022
Tags: homework
Card tags:
All cards (5)
engineering (1)
essay (1)
math (1)
science (1)
technology (1)
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