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All main topics / Informatics / Linux

LPIC 101.1 (75 Cards)

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Are SCSI devices detected by a standard x86 BIOS? Can you boot from a SCSI drive?
No, but you can detect SCSI if the SCSI host adapter has its own BIOS included. Higher end SCSI host adapters generally have this capability, while the lower end ones do not.

Even with a host adapter that includes its own BIOS, you will still need to boot from PATA or SATA drive to detect the SCSI drives.
Tags: 101.1, BIOS, linux, scsi, x86
How many partitions did the original x86 architecture support? Now that this has changed, what are those original partitions referred to as?
Four. They are now referred to as the primary partitions.
Tags: 101.1, partitions, x86
As hard disks grew larger, how did they work around the issue of the four partition limit, while maintaining backwards-compatibility?

How did they identify and categorize the subsequent solution?
The x86 partitioning system was extended by a single primary partition as a placeholder for an arbitrary number of additional partitions.

The placeholder partition is known as an extended partition, and all partitions within it are referred to as logical partitions.
Tags: 101.1, extended partitions, linux, logical partitions, partitions, primary partitions, x86
What is now the standard x86 partition design?
The x86 partitioning system uses up to four primary partitions, one of
which can be a placeholder extended partition that contains logical partitions.

Tags: 101.1, extended partition, linux, logical partition, partitions, primary partition, x86
Aside from logical, primary, and extended partitions, there is another class of partitions that should be recognized. What are they, and how are they classified in the x86 architecture?
The x86 partition table supports partition type codes, which are two-digit hexadecimal numbers that are assigned to specific functions.

0x06 is reserved for a certain type of File Allocation Table (FAT) partition.
0x82 denotes a Linux swap partition.
0x83 denotes a Linux file-system partition.

Tags: 101.1, linux, partitions, type codes, x86
Operating Systems like Windows and DOS rely more on type code partitions than Linux, but there are exceptions. What are they?

  • During installation, most Linux distributions pay attention to the partition type codes to help them guess how the system is configured. Installers and Linux disk utilities also create partitions with appropriate type codes set.
  • Linux relies on the extended partition type codes (0x05 and 0x0f) to identify extended partitions. You can try to act directly on the extended partition using various utilities, but for the most part doing so would be a mistake.
Tags: 101.1, linux, partitions, type codes, x86
Flashcard set info:
Author: Ryan Robson
Main topic: Informatics
Topic: Linux
City: Houston
Published: 08.02.2011
Tags: LPIC-1, Exam, Training, LPIC, Linux, , BASH, Regular Expression, Certification
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