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All main topics / business / business

Bestonlineloans set (5 Cards)

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Which microloan to choose

If you want to take an urgent car loan at a minimum percentage, bring a certificate confirming income and employment, pay off active overdue loans (if any).

Get a microloan in companies in which the interest rate decreases depending on the time you use the funds. For example, in MFIs rates depending on the duration of the loan:

Up to 30 days - 0.25–2.3% per day, depending on size;
Up to 180 days - 0.2-0.55% per day;
Up to 365 days - 0.25-0.34% per day.
To increase the likelihood of a large microloan being secured, first take a small loan for a short period of time and close it in a timely manner. Having thus earned a status as a lender, you can apply for larger amounts.
Tags: loans
Flashcard set info:
Author: jannispo
Main topic: business
Topic: business
School / Univ.: business academy
City: Colombo
Published: 04.03.2020
Tags: money, cash, loans
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cash (4)
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