turn off
to turn off
to turn off
1. desvío, salida de la autopista
2. te da para atras/te quita el deseo sexual
3.apagar un aparato, cortar el suministro
4.aburrir a alguien, desconectar pq te aburre algo
1. a road that leads off a main road or motorway
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of turn-off: more
2. Informal something that stops you feeling sexually attracted or excited
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of turn-off: arouse, desire, excite, want, excited... more
2. te da para atras/te quita el deseo sexual
3.apagar un aparato, cortar el suministro
4.aburrir a alguien, desconectar pq te aburre algo
1. a road that leads off a main road or motorway
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of turn-off: more
2. Informal something that stops you feeling sexually attracted or excited
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of turn-off: arouse, desire, excite, want, excited... more
Besides can be used in the following ways:
as a preposition (followed by a noun): Did you talk to anyone else besides Joan?
as an adverb (without a following noun): I’ve read all the books on the list and a few others besides.
as a way of starting a new statement and connecting it to the previous statement: I don’t want to go shopping. Besides, I haven’t got any money.
in addition to someone or something else that is being mentioned
A lot of them are studying other things besides Italian.
There are cakes and sandwiches, and lots more besides.
besides being/doing something:
Besides being a teammate, he’s my friend.
Besides making money, the company aims to set high standards of quality and design.
Thesaurus entry for this meaning of besidesThesaurus entry for this meaning of besides
used when you are adding another stronger reason to support what you are saying
It’s too late to invite any more people. Besides, you know how Tim hates parties.
Besides can be used in the following ways:
as a preposition (followed by a noun): Did you talk to anyone else besides Joan?
as an adverb (without a following noun): I’ve read all the books on the list and a few others besides.
as a way of starting a new statement and connecting it to the previous statement: I don’t want to go shopping. Besides, I haven’t got any money.
in addition to someone or something else that is being mentioned
A lot of them are studying other things besides Italian.
There are cakes and sandwiches, and lots more besides.
besides being/doing something:
Besides being a teammate, he’s my friend.
Besides making money, the company aims to set high standards of quality and design.
Thesaurus entry for this meaning of besidesThesaurus entry for this meaning of besides
used when you are adding another stronger reason to support what you are saying
It’s too late to invite any more people. Besides, you know how Tim hates parties.
'View' is essentially like a scene or a picture that you could see when you look out of a window. 'Sight' apart from being the sense of being able to see also often refers to a particular object such as a building that is of interest. People go sight-seeing when they visit a town/city/country.
policy /'pɑ:ləsi /
a set of plans or actions agreed on by a government, political party, business, or other group
a set of plans or actions agreed on by a government, political party, business, or other group
to mantain a policy lleva una política de..
to sign your insurance policy
foreign policy
it´s not a real education policy
policy on/regarding
What is the party’s policy on immigration?
to sign your insurance policy
foreign policy
it´s not a real education policy
policy on/regarding
What is the party’s policy on immigration?
Medicine and Healt
to be/ to feel under the weather estar/sentirse pachucho
regime a system or form of government
vs diet : the food that a person or animal usually eats
recipe: /'resəpi/ vs. presciption drug: medicamento con receta
to have an arm in a sling cabestrillo
preventable disease evitable
regime a system or form of government
vs diet : the food that a person or animal usually eats
recipe: /'resəpi/ vs. presciption drug: medicamento con receta
to have an arm in a sling cabestrillo
preventable disease evitable
abstinencia - síndrome
withdrawal symptoms
to withdraw [wɪð'drɔ:]
Ivtr (ps withdrew
pp withdrawn)
1 retirar, sacar
to withdraw money from the bank, sacar dinero del banco
Com (un producto) retirar del mercado
2 (permiso) cancelar
(declaración) retractarse de
3 (una reivindicación) renunciar a
IIverbo intransitivo
1 retirarse [from, de]
2 Med retraerse
to withdraw [wɪð'drɔ:]
Ivtr (ps withdrew
pp withdrawn)
1 retirar, sacar
to withdraw money from the bank, sacar dinero del banco
Com (un producto) retirar del mercado
2 (permiso) cancelar
(declaración) retractarse de
3 (una reivindicación) renunciar a
IIverbo intransitivo
1 retirarse [from, de]
2 Med retraerse
to show someone or something in a way that attracts attention and emphasizes their good qualities
describe, define, illustrate, set out, pin down.
describe, define, illustrate, set out, pin down.
to showcase /ˈʃəʊˌkeɪs/ (exhibir)
a comedy sketch that showcases their unique style of humour
showcase noun (escaparate ?)
an event that emphasizes the good qualities of someone or something
The exhibition is a showcase for British exports.
a comedy sketch that showcases their unique style of humour
showcase noun (escaparate ?)
an event that emphasizes the good qualities of someone or something
The exhibition is a showcase for British exports.
bo ban somebody
to officially say that something must not happen, or that someone must not do something or go somewhere
to officially say that something must not happen, or that someone must not do something or go somewhere
to bar someone from (doing) something
The new rule bars the export of live animals.
It was an old-fashioned club from which women were barred.
He has been barred from running for political office for five years.
The new rule bars the export of live animals.
It was an old-fashioned club from which women were barred.
He has been barred from running for political office for five years.
1. someone who is boring, not physically attractive, and does not have much social ability
2. someone who is very interested in technical or scientific subjects, especially computers. This word usually shows that you think people like this are boring
nerd /nɜː(r)d/
internet nerds
a computer nerd
internet nerds
a computer nerd
if you enrol at a school or other institution, or if someone enrols you there, you put your name on the official list of its students or members
to enrolɪnˈrəʊl/
past tenseenrolled
1. enrol at:
Andrew cannot enrol at his local school because the class is full.
enrol someone in/on something:
Isabelle enrolled her brother in a training programme for engineers.
past tenseenrolled
1. enrol at:
Andrew cannot enrol at his local school because the class is full.
enrol someone in/on something:
Isabelle enrolled her brother in a training programme for engineers.
Michael Carroll
1. to dub /dʌb/ verbo transitivo -bb-
1. (nickname) apodar
2. 1. (Cin) ‹film› doblar
2. (Audio) mezclar
He was immediately dubbed "the lotto lout"
lout= hooligan
2.hooligan /'hu:lɪgən/ gamberro, vándalo
a larger lout refering to beer
3. crack or crack cocaine
[uncountable] a pure form of the illegal drug cocaine
crack addicts
4. fuel exarcerbar
drug-fuelled parties
Collocations: to fuel
▪ criticism, debate, expectations, fears, rumours, speculation, worries
5.boast alardes
6,straight and narrow
the ~ and narrow el buen camino, el camino recto;
She helps him to move closer to the straight and narrow
1. (nickname) apodar
2. 1. (Cin) ‹film› doblar
2. (Audio) mezclar
He was immediately dubbed "the lotto lout"
lout= hooligan
2.hooligan /'hu:lɪgən/ gamberro, vándalo
a larger lout refering to beer
3. crack or crack cocaine
[uncountable] a pure form of the illegal drug cocaine
crack addicts
4. fuel exarcerbar
drug-fuelled parties
Collocations: to fuel
▪ criticism, debate, expectations, fears, rumours, speculation, worries
5.boast alardes
6,straight and narrow
the ~ and narrow el buen camino, el camino recto;
She helps him to move closer to the straight and narrow
money matters
to pay off = to pay a mortgage
to be in charge of the kitty bote
shall we have a kitty? ok, how much shall we put in?
to go on spending spree go and spend a lot of money
to be on a spending spree you win a prize and you have to spend it quickly
spending spreesalir a comprar a lo loco x
to go on a spree ir de juerga:
to make a bomb to make a lot of money
it must have cost her a bomb
loose change coins
to be strapped for cash I broke , no money /stræpt/
I´m a bit strapped for cash right now
be brokeinformal - to have no money
Can you lend me £5? I’m completely broke.
strapped/ stræpt/ corto de dinero
football pool syndicate/ˈsɪndɪkət/ porra para quiniela
are you going to do the pools this week? no, the season is almost over
season /'si:zn̩/ estación / temporada
syndicate a group of people or organizations that work together to achieve a particular aim apuesta f colectiva, bote para la quiniela
pocket money
we will have a bet on it
can you lend us (me) fifty pounds till next month?
to be in charge of the kitty bote
shall we have a kitty? ok, how much shall we put in?
to go on spending spree go and spend a lot of money
to be on a spending spree you win a prize and you have to spend it quickly
spending spreesalir a comprar a lo loco x
to go on a spree ir de juerga:
to make a bomb to make a lot of money
it must have cost her a bomb
loose change coins
to be strapped for cash I broke , no money /stræpt/
I´m a bit strapped for cash right now
be brokeinformal - to have no money
Can you lend me £5? I’m completely broke.
strapped/ stræpt/ corto de dinero
football pool syndicate/ˈsɪndɪkət/ porra para quiniela
are you going to do the pools this week? no, the season is almost over
season /'si:zn̩/ estación / temporada
syndicate a group of people or organizations that work together to achieve a particular aim apuesta f colectiva, bote para la quiniela
pocket money
we will have a bet on it
can you lend us (me) fifty pounds till next month?
estar de buen/mal humor
to be in a good / bad mood
are you in the mood of....?
I'm not in the mood no tengo ganas;
I'm not in the mood for dancing no tengo ganas de bailar
mood of:
Mandela’s release created a mood of optimism in South Africa.
the mood of the moment/time (=what people in general are feeling at a particular time):
The film was a success because it reflected the mood of the moment.
are you in the mood of....?
I'm not in the mood no tengo ganas;
I'm not in the mood for dancing no tengo ganas de bailar
mood of:
Mandela’s release created a mood of optimism in South Africa.
the mood of the moment/time (=what people in general are feeling at a particular time):
The film was a success because it reflected the mood of the moment.
I cannot control it
I can´t handle it
he can't ~ the job (colloq) no puede con el trabajo
(a la gente) tratar
fam (tolerar) poder con: I can't handle these children, no puedo con estos niños
5 ser capaz: do you think he can handle this assignment?, ¿crees que será capaz de llevar a cabo esta misión?
asignment /ə'saɪnmənt/
1. countable
1. (mission) misión f
2. (task) función f
3. (schoolwork) tarea f
2. uncountable
1. (posting) nombramiento m
2. (allocation) asignación f
he can't ~ the job (colloq) no puede con el trabajo
(a la gente) tratar
fam (tolerar) poder con: I can't handle these children, no puedo con estos niños
5 ser capaz: do you think he can handle this assignment?, ¿crees que será capaz de llevar a cabo esta misión?
asignment /ə'saɪnmənt/
1. countable
1. (mission) misión f
2. (task) función f
3. (schoolwork) tarea f
2. uncountable
1. (posting) nombramiento m
2. (allocation) asignación f
money and success
to get to the end of the month
you can´t make ends meet no llegas a final de mes
to live beyond/withing one´s means vivir por encima, ajustado a tus posibilidades
points on the agenda puntos del orden del día
I have to write the minutes of the meeting el acta
ghost writer author who writes for sb else - el negro
PhD = Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy) - (award) doctorado m;
(person) Dr., Dra.
you can´t make ends meet no llegas a final de mes
to live beyond/withing one´s means vivir por encima, ajustado a tus posibilidades
points on the agenda puntos del orden del día
I have to write the minutes of the meeting el acta
ghost writer author who writes for sb else - el negro
PhD = Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy) - (award) doctorado m;
(person) Dr., Dra.
hint/hɪnt/ sustantivo
1. (oblique reference) insinuación f, indirecta f;
(clue) pista f;
to drop a hint to sb lanzarle(conj.⇒) una indirecta a algn;
to take the hint captar or (Esp tb) coger(conj.⇒) la indirecta
2. (trace hint of bitterness, sadness) dejo m;
(hint of color) toque m, matiz m;
(hint of garlic, lemon) dejo m, gusto m
2. (tip) consejo m
to hint insinuar v.transitivo (conj.⇒), dar(conj.⇒) a entender
verbo intransitivo
lanzar(conj.⇒) indirectas;
to ~ AT sth insinuar(conj.⇒) or dar(conj.⇒) a entender algo
1. (oblique reference) insinuación f, indirecta f;
(clue) pista f;
to drop a hint to sb lanzarle(conj.⇒) una indirecta a algn;
to take the hint captar or (Esp tb) coger(conj.⇒) la indirecta
2. (trace hint of bitterness, sadness) dejo m;
(hint of color) toque m, matiz m;
(hint of garlic, lemon) dejo m, gusto m
2. (tip) consejo m
to hint insinuar v.transitivo (conj.⇒), dar(conj.⇒) a entender
verbo intransitivo
lanzar(conj.⇒) indirectas;
to ~ AT sth insinuar(conj.⇒) or dar(conj.⇒) a entender algo
bien, provecho
bien, provecho
income /'ɪnkʌm/ n uncountable or countable
income: income support~ support n uncountable (in UK) subsidio otorgado a personas de bajos ingresos;
income tax~ tax n uncountable - impuesto m sobre or a la renta, impuesto m a los réditos (Arg)
benefits never involves money - bien, provecho
profit involves money
to make a profit
The fact that pharmacological industries are making profit out of people´s health is a scandal
profit-making /'prɑ:fətˌmeɪkɪŋ (profitable) rentable;
income: income support~ support n uncountable (in UK) subsidio otorgado a personas de bajos ingresos;
income tax~ tax n uncountable - impuesto m sobre or a la renta, impuesto m a los réditos (Arg)
benefits never involves money - bien, provecho
profit involves money
to make a profit
The fact that pharmacological industries are making profit out of people´s health is a scandal
profit-making /'prɑ:fətˌmeɪkɪŋ (profitable) rentable;
dilemmas and fears
terrifying, petrifying
it gave me the creeps dar escalofríos
phobia of
to dread: temer, tener pavor a - opposite to: to look forward to
con infinitivo para casos más específicos: I dread to tell him. Temo decírselo.I dread to think what it cost, no quiero ni pensar en cuánto costó
con gerundio para casos generales I dread living in the country, tengo pavor a vivir en el campo
con what
I dread what will happen. Temo lo que va a pasar.
the sheer terror # (pure, absolute) (as intensifier) puro;
The leaves of Mma Makutsi´s two pawpaw trees were drooping (mustios), as if with sheer exhaustion
horror films
spine-chilling film espeluznante
it gave me the creeps dar escalofríos
phobia of
to dread: temer, tener pavor a - opposite to: to look forward to
con infinitivo para casos más específicos: I dread to tell him. Temo decírselo.I dread to think what it cost, no quiero ni pensar en cuánto costó
con gerundio para casos generales I dread living in the country, tengo pavor a vivir en el campo
con what
I dread what will happen. Temo lo que va a pasar.
the sheer terror # (pure, absolute) (as intensifier) puro;
The leaves of Mma Makutsi´s two pawpaw trees were drooping (mustios), as if with sheer exhaustion
horror films
spine-chilling film espeluznante
respetuoso de la ley
law-abiding /'lɔ:əˌbaɪdɪŋ/ adjetivo
restorative justice
restorative [rɪ'stɒrətɪv] adjetivo- reconstituyente
law and order el orden público
to exact punishment verbo transitivo - exigir:
he exacts obedience from his son, exige que su hijo le obedezca
to carry out justice impartir justicia
delinquent /dɪ'lɪŋkwənt/ sustantivo
delincuente mf
to pursuitpursuit [pə'sjʊ:t] nombre
1 (de un criminal) persecución
2 (de la felicidad) busca, búsqueda
3 (de una profesión) ejercicio
4 pasatiempo
in pursuit of en busca de, en persecución
prosecuteprocesar /'prɑ:sɪkju:t / || /'prɒsɪkju:t/ verbo transitivo (Law) to ~ sb FOR sth procesar a algn por algo
restorative justice
restorative [rɪ'stɒrətɪv] adjetivo- reconstituyente
law and order el orden público
to exact punishment verbo transitivo - exigir:
he exacts obedience from his son, exige que su hijo le obedezca
to carry out justice impartir justicia
delinquent /dɪ'lɪŋkwənt/ sustantivo
delincuente mf
to pursuitpursuit [pə'sjʊ:t] nombre
1 (de un criminal) persecución
2 (de la felicidad) busca, búsqueda
3 (de una profesión) ejercicio
4 pasatiempo
in pursuit of en busca de, en persecución
prosecuteprocesar /'prɑ:sɪkju:t / || /'prɒsɪkju:t/ verbo transitivo (Law) to ~ sb FOR sth procesar a algn por algo
Ivtr (una habitación) alegrar
IIverbo intransitivo
1 (el tiempo) despejarse
2 (una persona) animarse
IIverbo intransitivo
1 (el tiempo) despejarse
2 (una persona) animarse
to brighten up
Ivtr (una habitación) alegrar: she brightened up the room by adding colourful curtains, dio un toque más alegre a la habitación colocando unas cortinas de vivo colorido
IIverbo intransitivo
1 (el tiempo) despejarse
2 (una persona) animarse
Ivtr (una habitación) alegrar: she brightened up the room by adding colourful curtains, dio un toque más alegre a la habitación colocando unas cortinas de vivo colorido
IIverbo intransitivo
1 (el tiempo) despejarse
2 (una persona) animarse
estar resignado
to resign from sth /rɪ'zaɪn/ verbo intransitivo
renunciar, dimitir;
to ~ oneself (TO sth/-ING) resignarse (a algo/+ inf)
she has resigned herself to the fact that she will never marry, se resignó al hecho de que nunca se casaría
to be resigned to the failure,...
renunciar, dimitir;
to ~ oneself (TO sth/-ING) resignarse (a algo/+ inf)
she has resigned herself to the fact that she will never marry, se resignó al hecho de que nunca se casaría
to be resigned to the failure,...
defeat /dɪ'fi:t/ n uncountable or countable
1. (by opponent) derrota f
2. (of motion, bill) (Adm, Govt) rechazo m
to defeat
1. ‹opponent› derrotar, vencer(conj.⇒)
2. ‹hopes/plans› frustrar;
that would ~ the object of the exercise eso iría en contra de lo que se pretende lograr
3. (Adm, Govt) ‹opposition› derrotar;
‹bill/motion› rechazar(conj.⇒)
4. (baffle) (colloq): it ~s me no alcanzo a comprenderlo
1. (by opponent) derrota f
2. (of motion, bill) (Adm, Govt) rechazo m
to defeat
1. ‹opponent› derrotar, vencer(conj.⇒)
2. ‹hopes/plans› frustrar;
that would ~ the object of the exercise eso iría en contra de lo que se pretende lograr
3. (Adm, Govt) ‹opposition› derrotar;
‹bill/motion› rechazar(conj.⇒)
4. (baffle) (colloq): it ~s me no alcanzo a comprenderlo
Pronunciación inglesa / Pronunciation of English
Consonantes y semivocales
/b/bat/bæt/Sonido más explosivo que el de una b inicial española.
/d/dig/dIg/Sonido más explosivo que el de una d inicial española.
/dʒ/jam/dʒæm/Similar a una ch pero más cercano al sonido inicial de Giuseppe en italiano.
/f/fit/fɪt/Como la f española.
/g/good/gʊd/Sonido más explosivo que el de una g inicial española.
/h/hat/hæt/Sonido de aspiración más suave que la j española, articulado como si se estuviera intentando empañar un espejo con el aliento.
/hw/wheel/hwi:l/Una /w/ con la aspiración de la /h/ (muchos hablantes no distinguen entre /hw/ y /w/ y pronuncian whale de la misma manera que wail).
/j/yes/jes/Como la y española en yema y yo (excepto en el español rioplatense).
/k/cat/kæt/Sonido más explosivo que el de una c española en cama o acto.
/l/lid/lɪd/Como la l española.
/l̩/tidal/'taɪdl̩/l alargada y resonante.
/m/mat/mæt/Como la m española.
/n/nib/nɪb/Como la n española.
/n̩/threaten/'θretn̩/ n alargada y resonante.
/ŋ/sing/sɪŋ/Como la n española en banco o anca.
/p/pet/pet/Sonido más explosivo que el de una p española.
/r/rat/ræt/Entre la r y la rr españolas, pronunciado con la punta de la lengua curvada hacia atrás y sin llegar a tocar el paladar.
/s/sip/sɪp/Como la s española.
/ʃ/ship/ʃɪp/Sonido similar al de la interjección ¡sh!, utilizada para pedir silencio (ver también /tS/).
/t/tip/tɪp/Sonido más explosivo que el de una t española.
/tʃ/chin/tʃɪn/Como la ch española.
/θ/thin/θɪn/Como la c o la z del español europeo en cinco o zapato.
/ð/the /ðə/Sonido similar a una d intervocálica española como la de cada o modo.
/v/van/væn/Sonido sonoro que se produce con los incisivos superiores sobre el labio inferior.
/w/win/wɪn/Similar al sonido inicial de huevo.
/x/loch/lɑ:x/Como la j española.
/z/zip/zɪp/s sonora (con zumbido).
/ʒ/vision/'vɪʒən/Sonido similar al de la y o la ll del español rioplatense en yo o llave, o al de la j francesa en je (ver también /dʒ/).
Vocales y diptongos
El símbolo : indica que la vocal precedente es larga.
/ɑ:/father/'fɑ:ðər/Sonido más largo que el de una a española.
/æ/fat/fæt/Sonido que se obtiene al pronunciar una a española con los labios en la posición de pronunciar una e.
/ʌ/cup/kʌp/Sonido más breve que la a española y que se pronuncia en la parte posterior de la boca.
/e/met/met/Sonido parecido a la e española en mesa.
/ə/abet/ə'bet/Sonido similar al de la e francesa en je (ver también /əʊ/).
/ɜ:/fur/fɜ:r/Sonido que se obtiene al pronunciar una e española con los labios en la posición de pronunciar una o.
/ɪ/bit/bɪt/Sonido más breve que el de la i española.
/i;/beat/bi:t/Sonido más largo que el de la i española.
/i/very/'veri/Sonido similar al de la i española en papi.
/ɔ:/paw/pɔ:/Sonido más largo que el de la o española.
/u:/boot/bu:t/Sonido más largo que el de una u española.
/ʊ/book/bʊk/Sonido más breve que el de la u española.
/aI/fine/faɪn/Como ai en las palabras españolas aire, baile.
/aʊ/now/naʊ/Como au en las palabras españolas pausa, flauta.
/eɪ/fate/feɪt/Como ei en las palabras españolas peine, aceite.
/əʊ/goat/gəʊt/Como una o pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios.
/ɔɪ/boil/bɔɪl/Como oy en voy, coypu.
/uə/sexual/'sekʃuəl/Como una u pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios y seguida de una /ə/.
Símbolos adicionales utilizados en la transcripción de sonidos vocálicos británicos
/ɒ/dog/dɒg/Similar a una o española.
/eə/fair/feə(r)/Como una e española seguida de /ə/.
/ɪə/near/nɪə(r)/Como una i española seguida de /ə/.
/ʊə/tour/tʊə(r)/Como una u española pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios y seguida de /ə/.
Consonantes y semivocales
/b/bat/bæt/Sonido más explosivo que el de una b inicial española.
/d/dig/dIg/Sonido más explosivo que el de una d inicial española.
/dʒ/jam/dʒæm/Similar a una ch pero más cercano al sonido inicial de Giuseppe en italiano.
/f/fit/fɪt/Como la f española.
/g/good/gʊd/Sonido más explosivo que el de una g inicial española.
/h/hat/hæt/Sonido de aspiración más suave que la j española, articulado como si se estuviera intentando empañar un espejo con el aliento.
/hw/wheel/hwi:l/Una /w/ con la aspiración de la /h/ (muchos hablantes no distinguen entre /hw/ y /w/ y pronuncian whale de la misma manera que wail).
/j/yes/jes/Como la y española en yema y yo (excepto en el español rioplatense).
/k/cat/kæt/Sonido más explosivo que el de una c española en cama o acto.
/l/lid/lɪd/Como la l española.
/l̩/tidal/'taɪdl̩/l alargada y resonante.
/m/mat/mæt/Como la m española.
/n/nib/nɪb/Como la n española.
/n̩/threaten/'θretn̩/ n alargada y resonante.
/ŋ/sing/sɪŋ/Como la n española en banco o anca.
/p/pet/pet/Sonido más explosivo que el de una p española.
/r/rat/ræt/Entre la r y la rr españolas, pronunciado con la punta de la lengua curvada hacia atrás y sin llegar a tocar el paladar.
/s/sip/sɪp/Como la s española.
/ʃ/ship/ʃɪp/Sonido similar al de la interjección ¡sh!, utilizada para pedir silencio (ver también /tS/).
/t/tip/tɪp/Sonido más explosivo que el de una t española.
/tʃ/chin/tʃɪn/Como la ch española.
/θ/thin/θɪn/Como la c o la z del español europeo en cinco o zapato.
/ð/the /ðə/Sonido similar a una d intervocálica española como la de cada o modo.
/v/van/væn/Sonido sonoro que se produce con los incisivos superiores sobre el labio inferior.
/w/win/wɪn/Similar al sonido inicial de huevo.
/x/loch/lɑ:x/Como la j española.
/z/zip/zɪp/s sonora (con zumbido).
/ʒ/vision/'vɪʒən/Sonido similar al de la y o la ll del español rioplatense en yo o llave, o al de la j francesa en je (ver también /dʒ/).
Vocales y diptongos
El símbolo : indica que la vocal precedente es larga.
/ɑ:/father/'fɑ:ðər/Sonido más largo que el de una a española.
/æ/fat/fæt/Sonido que se obtiene al pronunciar una a española con los labios en la posición de pronunciar una e.
/ʌ/cup/kʌp/Sonido más breve que la a española y que se pronuncia en la parte posterior de la boca.
/e/met/met/Sonido parecido a la e española en mesa.
/ə/abet/ə'bet/Sonido similar al de la e francesa en je (ver también /əʊ/).
/ɜ:/fur/fɜ:r/Sonido que se obtiene al pronunciar una e española con los labios en la posición de pronunciar una o.
/ɪ/bit/bɪt/Sonido más breve que el de la i española.
/i;/beat/bi:t/Sonido más largo que el de la i española.
/i/very/'veri/Sonido similar al de la i española en papi.
/ɔ:/paw/pɔ:/Sonido más largo que el de la o española.
/u:/boot/bu:t/Sonido más largo que el de una u española.
/ʊ/book/bʊk/Sonido más breve que el de la u española.
/aI/fine/faɪn/Como ai en las palabras españolas aire, baile.
/aʊ/now/naʊ/Como au en las palabras españolas pausa, flauta.
/eɪ/fate/feɪt/Como ei en las palabras españolas peine, aceite.
/əʊ/goat/gəʊt/Como una o pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios.
/ɔɪ/boil/bɔɪl/Como oy en voy, coypu.
/uə/sexual/'sekʃuəl/Como una u pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios y seguida de una /ə/.
Símbolos adicionales utilizados en la transcripción de sonidos vocálicos británicos
/ɒ/dog/dɒg/Similar a una o española.
/eə/fair/feə(r)/Como una e española seguida de /ə/.
/ɪə/near/nɪə(r)/Como una i española seguida de /ə/.
/ʊə/tour/tʊə(r)/Como una u española pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios y seguida de /ə/.
to start something again after stopping temporarily
resume /rɪˈzjuːm/ - reanudar, continuar
verbo transitivo
1 (un trabajo, viaje, etc) reanudar
2 (el control) reasumir
3 (asiento) volver a
I hadn´t the necessary time and peace of mind
to resume my language studies.
II verbo intransitivo continuar, recomenzar
verbo transitivo
1 (un trabajo, viaje, etc) reanudar
2 (el control) reasumir
3 (asiento) volver a
I hadn´t the necessary time and peace of mind
to resume my language studies.
II verbo intransitivo continuar, recomenzar
1. (be imminent) avecinarse
2. (look threatening):
2. (look threatening):
to loom
1. (be imminent) avecinarse
2. (look threatening): the mountain ~ed high above them la montaña surgió imponente ante ellos;
the problem ~ed large in his mind el problema dominaba sus pensamientos
they do not have the worry of an operation looming on the
horizon in the near future.
1. (be imminent) avecinarse
2. (look threatening): the mountain ~ed high above them la montaña surgió imponente ante ellos;
the problem ~ed large in his mind el problema dominaba sus pensamientos
they do not have the worry of an operation looming on the
horizon in the near future.
informal to spend a lot of money quickly on things that you do not need
1. to blow money to spend much money
he blew 8 million pounds in 4 years
He inherited a fortune but blew it on bad investments and a luxurious lifestyle.
to spend money on
to invest money in
time and money:
to spend, invest, waste, lose, safe
he blew 8 million pounds in 4 years
He inherited a fortune but blew it on bad investments and a luxurious lifestyle.
to spend money on
to invest money in
time and money:
to spend, invest, waste, lose, safe
to advertise sth
advertising: concept /ˈædvə(r)ˌtaɪzɪŋ/
advertisement: countable /ədˈvɜː(r)tɪsmənt/
advert /ˈædvɜː(r)t/
My friend works in advertising
to plug sth
to try to make people interested in a book, film, idea etc by talking about it in an enthusiastic way, especially on a radio or television programme
They’re really here to plug their new album.
an announcement or advertisement that is printed on a sheet of paper and given to people
Someone was handing out flyers advertising the local sales.
trailer /ˈtreɪlə(r)/
an advertisement for a film or television programme that shows a short part of that film or programme
sandwich board
a pair of boards with advertisements on them, joined at the top and put over the shoulders of a person who walks around in a public place
sky writing
information printed on the outside of something, especially something for sale such as a book, to describe it or make it attractive to buy
to jump on the bandwagon subirte al carro de.../arrimarse al sol que mas calienta
advertising: concept /ˈædvə(r)ˌtaɪzɪŋ/
advertisement: countable /ədˈvɜː(r)tɪsmənt/
advert /ˈædvɜː(r)t/
My friend works in advertising
to plug sth
to try to make people interested in a book, film, idea etc by talking about it in an enthusiastic way, especially on a radio or television programme
They’re really here to plug their new album.
an announcement or advertisement that is printed on a sheet of paper and given to people
Someone was handing out flyers advertising the local sales.
trailer /ˈtreɪlə(r)/
an advertisement for a film or television programme that shows a short part of that film or programme
sandwich board
a pair of boards with advertisements on them, joined at the top and put over the shoulders of a person who walks around in a public place
sky writing
information printed on the outside of something, especially something for sale such as a book, to describe it or make it attractive to buy
to jump on the bandwagon subirte al carro de.../arrimarse al sol que mas calienta
tacky /ˈtæki/
informal used about something that looks cheap and of poor quality or something that shows bad taste
seedy /ˈsiːdi/
for places
1. connected with activities that are illegal or morally wrong, and often looking dirty or unpleasant
There was something a little bit seedy about the hotel.
a seedy lawyer
informal used about something that looks cheap and of poor quality or something that shows bad taste
seedy /ˈsiːdi/
for places
1. connected with activities that are illegal or morally wrong, and often looking dirty or unpleasant
There was something a little bit seedy about the hotel.
a seedy lawyer
crucial /ˈkruːʃ(ə)l/
We believe the question being investigated by the Commission is one of crucial importance to the country.
Anderson played a crucial role in the team’s 3–2 victory on Saturday.
a crucial factor/element/part:
Experience is, of course, a crucial factor in deciding who would be the best person for the job.
crucial for:The money is crucial for the research.
crucial to:Resolving this issue is crucial to making peace work.
it is crucial (that):It is crucial that all students develop these basic skills.
Work is within walking distances from your home
understanding and forward-looking bosses
to commute /kəˈmjuːt/
1. to travel regularly to and from work
I commute by train.
Synonyms : go, ride, come up, go down, hitch... more
2. [transitive] legal to change a punishment to one that is less severe
Synonyms: punish, discipline, penalize, mete out, hand down..
commutethe journey to and from work every day.
a commuter
to give someone the elbow to stop the relationship with so.
to work shoulder to shoulder trabajar codo con codo
We believe the question being investigated by the Commission is one of crucial importance to the country.
Anderson played a crucial role in the team’s 3–2 victory on Saturday.
a crucial factor/element/part:
Experience is, of course, a crucial factor in deciding who would be the best person for the job.
crucial for:The money is crucial for the research.
crucial to:Resolving this issue is crucial to making peace work.
it is crucial (that):It is crucial that all students develop these basic skills.
Work is within walking distances from your home
understanding and forward-looking bosses
to commute /kəˈmjuːt/
1. to travel regularly to and from work
I commute by train.
Synonyms : go, ride, come up, go down, hitch... more
2. [transitive] legal to change a punishment to one that is less severe
Synonyms: punish, discipline, penalize, mete out, hand down..
commutethe journey to and from work every day.
a commuter
to give someone the elbow to stop the relationship with so.
to work shoulder to shoulder trabajar codo con codo
cruzar los dedos
tocar madera
tocar madera
cross your fingers
orkeep your fingers crossed
to put your middle finger over your first finger as a wish for good luck
I’m going to see if the car starts; keep your fingers crossed!
touch wood
used when you have said that you have had good luck in order to prevent bad luck from happening to you. People sometimes touch something made of wood when they say this
Ben’s making a good recovery, touch wood.
orkeep your fingers crossed
to put your middle finger over your first finger as a wish for good luck
I’m going to see if the car starts; keep your fingers crossed!
touch wood
used when you have said that you have had good luck in order to prevent bad luck from happening to you. People sometimes touch something made of wood when they say this
Ben’s making a good recovery, touch wood.
to rival 65205Messy rivals Ronaldo
a rival
singular rivalry
plural rivalries
1. a situation in which people, teams, businesses etc compete with one another
political rivalries
rivalry between:
There is friendly rivalry between the two teams.
* sibling rivalrynoun: competition between brothers and sisters, often for their parents’ attention
a rival
singular rivalry
plural rivalries
1. a situation in which people, teams, businesses etc compete with one another
political rivalries
rivalry between:
There is friendly rivalry between the two teams.
* sibling rivalrynoun: competition between brothers and sisters, often for their parents’ attention
1, pasar por encima
2. sobre pasar
3. perderse
2. sobre pasar
3. perderse
to overpass
1. To pass above something, as when flying or moving on a higher road.
Gillian watched the overpassing shoppers on the second floor of the mall, as she relaxed in the bench on the ground floor.
2. (transitive) To exceed, overstep, or transcend a limit, threshold, or goal.
Marshall was really overpassing his authority when he ordered the security guards to fire their tasers at the trespassers.
The precocious student had really overpassed her peers, and was reading books written for children several years older.
peers someone who is of the same age as another person
a child who is popular with her peers
3. (transitive) To disregard, skip, or miss something.
"Don't overpass those cheeses; they're really quite excellent!" gushed Terry, pointing to the buffet table.
1. To pass above something, as when flying or moving on a higher road.
Gillian watched the overpassing shoppers on the second floor of the mall, as she relaxed in the bench on the ground floor.
2. (transitive) To exceed, overstep, or transcend a limit, threshold, or goal.
Marshall was really overpassing his authority when he ordered the security guards to fire their tasers at the trespassers.
The precocious student had really overpassed her peers, and was reading books written for children several years older.
peers someone who is of the same age as another person
a child who is popular with her peers
3. (transitive) To disregard, skip, or miss something.
"Don't overpass those cheeses; they're really quite excellent!" gushed Terry, pointing to the buffet table.
1 tenerle mucho cariño a alguien/algo: 2 ser aficionado,-a a hacer algo
3 cariñoso,-a, tierno,-a
fond [fɒnd] adjetivo
1 to be fond of sb/sthg, tenerle mucho cariño a alguien/algo: I'm very fond of you, te tengo mucho cariño
2 o be fond of doing sthg, ser aficionado,-a a hacer algo
3 cariñoso,-a, tierno,-a
1 to be fond of sb/sthg, tenerle mucho cariño a alguien/algo: I'm very fond of you, te tengo mucho cariño
2 o be fond of doing sthg, ser aficionado,-a a hacer algo
3 cariñoso,-a, tierno,-a
to experience angry unhappy feelings because you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect
to resent /rɪˈzent/
Word Forms
present tense
I/you/we/they resent
he/she/it resents
present participle resenting
past tense resented
past participle resented
The girls in the family resented all the attention that Peter was getting.
resent (someone) doing something:
It’s obvious that he resents being dropped from the team.
bitterly/deeply/strongly resent something:
I deeply resent you implying that I would be involved in anything like that.
Word Forms
present tense
I/you/we/they resent
he/she/it resents
present participle resenting
past tense resented
past participle resented
The girls in the family resented all the attention that Peter was getting.
resent (someone) doing something:
It’s obvious that he resents being dropped from the team.
bitterly/deeply/strongly resent something:
I deeply resent you implying that I would be involved in anything like that.
to move around and talk to a lot of people, especially at a social event
to mingle /ˈmɪŋɡ(ə)l/ relacionarse, hacer amigos, alternar, mezclarse;
I/you/we/they mingle
he/she/it mingles
present participle mingling
past tense mingled
past participle mingled
1- [intransitive/transitive] if smells, feelings, flavours etc mingle or you mingle them, they become mixed together without completely losing their individual characters
Leave the dessert overnight for the flavours to mingle.
mingle something with something:
Polly felt hope mingled with fear.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of mingle: mix, dissolve, stir in, jumble, combine... more
2- [intransitive] to move around and talk to a lot of people, especially at a social event
Try to get the guests to mingle.
mingle with:
The event intends to give you a chance to mingle with other students.
I/you/we/they mingle
he/she/it mingles
present participle mingling
past tense mingled
past participle mingled
1- [intransitive/transitive] if smells, feelings, flavours etc mingle or you mingle them, they become mixed together without completely losing their individual characters
Leave the dessert overnight for the flavours to mingle.
mingle something with something:
Polly felt hope mingled with fear.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of mingle: mix, dissolve, stir in, jumble, combine... more
2- [intransitive] to move around and talk to a lot of people, especially at a social event
Try to get the guests to mingle.
mingle with:
The event intends to give you a chance to mingle with other students.
I am going to change jobs
It is a diffucult job
it is difficult work
except for music or literar works
One of X most famous works, if not his most famous, is the....
bruto: gross /ɡrəʊs/
neto: net
gross: very disgusting - [only before noun] gross actions are extremely bad and are considered immoral by most people
He was dismissed for gross misconduct.
gross negligence/mismanagement:
They were accused of gross negligence.
I am going to change jobs
It is a diffucult job
it is difficult work
except for music or literar works
One of X most famous works, if not his most famous, is the....
bruto: gross /ɡrəʊs/
neto: net
gross: very disgusting - [only before noun] gross actions are extremely bad and are considered immoral by most people
He was dismissed for gross misconduct.
gross negligence/mismanagement:
They were accused of gross negligence.
to say that you support something although you do not really, especially when you do nothing to prove your support
to pay lip service to something de boquilla
James has always said he´s been a firm supporter of sth
James?? He just pays lip service to it
Most people only paid lip service to the state religion.
Synonyms: support, back, get behind, speak up for, endorse...
the gouvernment pay lip service to creating jobs/ to job creation
he's just paying lip service todo lo que dice es boquilla
James has always said he´s been a firm supporter of sth
James?? He just pays lip service to it
Most people only paid lip service to the state religion.
Synonyms: support, back, get behind, speak up for, endorse...
the gouvernment pay lip service to creating jobs/ to job creation
he's just paying lip service todo lo que dice es boquilla
Teacher arrested
on suspicion of /sə'spɪʃən/ (belief) sospecha f;
(mistrust) desconfianza f, recelo m;
he's under ~ está bajo sospecha
appeal /ə'pi:l/ sustantivo
1. countable (call) llamamiento m, llamado m (AmL);
(request) solicitud f, pedido m (AmL);
(plea) ruego m
to appeal verbo intransitivo
1. (call) to ~ for sth ‹for funds› pedir(conj.⇒) algo;
the police appealled to witnesses to come forward la policía hizo un llamamiento or (AmL tb) un llamado para que se presentaran testigos del hecho
2. (Law) apelar
3. (be attractive) to ~ to sb atraerle(conj.⇒) a algn
academic record(of performance, behavior): he has a good academic ~ tiene un buen currículum académico;
ethos /ˈiːθɒs/
1. the set of attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people
Working 12-hour days seems to be part of the company ethos.
Synonyms: theory, culture, philosophy, ideology, doctrine.
rating /'reɪtɪŋ/ sustantivo
1. countable or uncountable (evaluation): credit ~ clasificación f crediticia
2. ratings pl (Rad, TV) índice m de audiencia
to feel forinformal (have sympathy for)
boarded up houses to cover a window or door with wooden boards
All the windows were either broken or boarded up
bushy tupido, espeso
bushy beard- ['bʊʃibɪəd]
hairy++ peludo
(mistrust) desconfianza f, recelo m;
he's under ~ está bajo sospecha
appeal /ə'pi:l/ sustantivo
1. countable (call) llamamiento m, llamado m (AmL);
(request) solicitud f, pedido m (AmL);
(plea) ruego m
to appeal verbo intransitivo
1. (call) to ~ for sth ‹for funds› pedir(conj.⇒) algo;
the police appealled to witnesses to come forward la policía hizo un llamamiento or (AmL tb) un llamado para que se presentaran testigos del hecho
2. (Law) apelar
3. (be attractive) to ~ to sb atraerle(conj.⇒) a algn
academic record(of performance, behavior): he has a good academic ~ tiene un buen currículum académico;
ethos /ˈiːθɒs/
1. the set of attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people
Working 12-hour days seems to be part of the company ethos.
Synonyms: theory, culture, philosophy, ideology, doctrine.
rating /'reɪtɪŋ/ sustantivo
1. countable or uncountable (evaluation): credit ~ clasificación f crediticia
2. ratings pl (Rad, TV) índice m de audiencia
to feel forinformal (have sympathy for)
boarded up houses to cover a window or door with wooden boards
All the windows were either broken or boarded up
bushy tupido, espeso
bushy beard- ['bʊʃibɪəd]
hairy++ peludo
Reading: hating the world´s smartest woman
1 jettison to get rid of something that is not useful or successful
We may have to jettison some parts of the business.
2. to throw goods, equipment, or fuel from a ship or plane in order to make it lighter and less likely to sink or crash
A storm forced them to jettison most of the cargo.
2.elicit: evocar una respueta, despertar
3.a contest, a contestant: concurso, concursante
4. tongue-in-cheek : jocoso, ironico
5. to spark: to trigger: activar
6. theseasoned journalist: madura, experimentada
7. obnoxious odioso
8.neither here nor there: sth does not matter bc it is not relevant
9. upholder: defender
We may have to jettison some parts of the business.
2. to throw goods, equipment, or fuel from a ship or plane in order to make it lighter and less likely to sink or crash
A storm forced them to jettison most of the cargo.
2.elicit: evocar una respueta, despertar
3.a contest, a contestant: concurso, concursante
4. tongue-in-cheek : jocoso, ironico
5. to spark: to trigger: activar
6. theseasoned journalist: madura, experimentada
7. obnoxious odioso
8.neither here nor there: sth does not matter bc it is not relevant
9. upholder: defender
if you are hooked on something, you find it so attractive or interesting that you want to do it as much as possible
Synonyms : enthusiastic, keen, eager, motivated, avid.
1. a. if you are hooked on drugs, you cannot stop taking them
Synonyms : stoned, addicted, strung out, gone, blissed out
Synonyms : enthusiastic, keen, eager, motivated, avid.
1. a. if you are hooked on drugs, you cannot stop taking them
Synonyms : stoned, addicted, strung out, gone, blissed out
to hear it on the grapevine
you hear some gosip, it might not be true
it is a rumour
to let the cat out of the bag
to reveal a secret
levantar la liebre
if you have a secret and so by accident tells about it
to read the small print
= spanish
to be burnt out
to be fed up (work+stressed+exhausted+angry+ in need of a change)
you hear some gosip, it might not be true
it is a rumour
to let the cat out of the bag
to reveal a secret
levantar la liebre
if you have a secret and so by accident tells about it
to read the small print
= spanish
to be burnt out
to be fed up (work+stressed+exhausted+angry+ in need of a change)
1.poner para gastos
2.por menor/por mayor
3. explicar los detalles
4. dejarte de gustar algo
2.por menor/por mayor
3. explicar los detalles
4. dejarte de gustar algo
1. to put on expenses
2.retail opposite to wholesale
to work in retailing
retailer /ˈriːˌteɪlə(r)/ - a person or company that sells goods directly to the public for their own usevendedor
retail therapythe activity of shopping in order to make yourself feel happier
3. to explain the ins and outs: to explain the details
to go off something/someone: to stop liking someone or something
retail center
this retail creep has ensured that increasingly there is not much else to do but shop.
creep: adulador
2.retail opposite to wholesale
to work in retailing
retailer /ˈriːˌteɪlə(r)/ - a person or company that sells goods directly to the public for their own usevendedor
retail therapythe activity of shopping in order to make yourself feel happier
3. to explain the ins and outs: to explain the details
to go off something/someone: to stop liking someone or something
retail center
this retail creep has ensured that increasingly there is not much else to do but shop.
creep: adulador
to be spoilted for choice: to have a lot of choices
deep down: profundizar
the crux of the question: el kid de la cuestión /krʌks/
to rub shoulders with: codearse con
consistant: coherente
casualty: /ˈkæʒuəlti/ a person who has died or is very badly injured
Plural: casualties
1. baja, muerte por accidente; Sinónimos: accidental death, death by misadventure
2. víctima, herido, accidentado grave, persona que ha sufrido un accidente; Sinónimos: prey, victim, wounded person, badly injured person, injured person, sufferer, sport, person who has suffered an accident; Person who has suffered an accident. ; Someone injured or killed in an accident. ; Someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement.
3. muerte en combate, muerte por la guerra; Sinónimos: death caused by war, death in combat
4. accidente, contingencia; Sinónimos: accident, event, accidental event, contingency, mishap, contratemps, mischance; An accident that causes someone to die.
5. baja, persona que se enferma súbitamente; Sinónimos: person who is suddenly ill; Person who is suddenly ill. ; A decrease of military personnel or equipment.
distressing situation: a very extremly unhappy, worried, upset situation
to strike a happy medium (to find a balance between two extremes- término medio)
He needs to strike a happy medium
Where do we draw the line? hasta qué punto llegamos?
right to information
morbid instincts
- this kind of thing brings out our...++
deep down: profundizar
the crux of the question: el kid de la cuestión /krʌks/
to rub shoulders with: codearse con
consistant: coherente
casualty: /ˈkæʒuəlti/ a person who has died or is very badly injured
Plural: casualties
1. baja, muerte por accidente; Sinónimos: accidental death, death by misadventure
2. víctima, herido, accidentado grave, persona que ha sufrido un accidente; Sinónimos: prey, victim, wounded person, badly injured person, injured person, sufferer, sport, person who has suffered an accident; Person who has suffered an accident. ; Someone injured or killed in an accident. ; Someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement.
3. muerte en combate, muerte por la guerra; Sinónimos: death caused by war, death in combat
4. accidente, contingencia; Sinónimos: accident, event, accidental event, contingency, mishap, contratemps, mischance; An accident that causes someone to die.
5. baja, persona que se enferma súbitamente; Sinónimos: person who is suddenly ill; Person who is suddenly ill. ; A decrease of military personnel or equipment.
distressing situation: a very extremly unhappy, worried, upset situation
to strike a happy medium (to find a balance between two extremes- término medio)
He needs to strike a happy medium
Where do we draw the line? hasta qué punto llegamos?
right to information
morbid instincts
- this kind of thing brings out our...++
very unpleasant to taste, smell, see, or feel
nasty I regret telling really nasty arguments to my friends
1 (persona) antipático,-a, desagradable, malo,-a
2 (acción, situación) feo,-a, desagradable: that was a nasty trick, eso fue una canallada
3 (olor, sabor) horrible, asqueroso,-a
4 to turn nasty, (persona) ponerse desagradable
(tiempo) ponerse feo
5 (accidente, herida) grave
a nasty cold wind
nasty behaviour, situation, person (unkind, unpleasant)
nasty-looking bugs
cheap and nasty:
cheap and nasty red wine
grime /ɡraɪm/
thick dirt that forms on surfaces
1 (persona) antipático,-a, desagradable, malo,-a
2 (acción, situación) feo,-a, desagradable: that was a nasty trick, eso fue una canallada
3 (olor, sabor) horrible, asqueroso,-a
4 to turn nasty, (persona) ponerse desagradable
(tiempo) ponerse feo
5 (accidente, herida) grave
a nasty cold wind
nasty behaviour, situation, person (unkind, unpleasant)
nasty-looking bugs
cheap and nasty:
cheap and nasty red wine
grime /ɡraɪm/
thick dirt that forms on surfaces
issue /'ɪʃu: / || /'ɪʃju:/ , /ɪsju:/ sustantivo
1. countable (subject discussed) tema , cuestión , asunto m;
to take ~ with sb/sth discrepar de or con algn/en or de algo
1. uncountable (of documents) expedición f;
(of library books) préstamo m;
(of tickets) venta f
2. uncountable or countable (of stamps, shares, bank notes)emisión
3. countable (of newspaper, magazine) número
in the latest issue of my local paper
2 verbo transitivo (give out) ‹statement/report› hacer(conj.⇒) público;publicar
‹instructions› dar(conj.⇒);
‹guidelines› establecer(conj.⇒);
‹tickets/visas› expedir(conj.⇒);
‹library books› prestar;
‹bank notes/stamps/shares› emitir;
‹summons› dictar;
IIverbo transitivo
1 (dinero) emitir
2 (una revista) publicar
3 (billetes, documentos) expedir
4 (instrucciones) dar
5 (provisiones, armas) distribuir, repartir
1. countable (subject discussed) tema , cuestión , asunto m;
to take ~ with sb/sth discrepar de or con algn/en or de algo
1. uncountable (of documents) expedición f;
(of library books) préstamo m;
(of tickets) venta f
2. uncountable or countable (of stamps, shares, bank notes)emisión
3. countable (of newspaper, magazine) número
in the latest issue of my local paper
2 verbo transitivo (give out) ‹statement/report› hacer(conj.⇒) público;publicar
‹instructions› dar(conj.⇒);
‹guidelines› establecer(conj.⇒);
‹tickets/visas› expedir(conj.⇒);
‹library books› prestar;
‹bank notes/stamps/shares› emitir;
‹summons› dictar;
IIverbo transitivo
1 (dinero) emitir
2 (una revista) publicar
3 (billetes, documentos) expedir
4 (instrucciones) dar
5 (provisiones, armas) distribuir, repartir
mainly journalism to promise seriously and publicly to do something
to pledge /pledʒ/
to make pledges
to make a commitment to somebody
pledge support:
Britain, France, and Germany were among the countries pledging their support.
pledge to do something:
He has pledged to fight for a fairer system.
pledge that:
The President has pledged that putting the economy right will be his top priority.
pledge someone/yourself to do something:
They have pledged themselves to root out state corruption.
to make pledges
to make a commitment to somebody
pledge support:
Britain, France, and Germany were among the countries pledging their support.
pledge to do something:
He has pledged to fight for a fairer system.
pledge that:
The President has pledged that putting the economy right will be his top priority.
pledge someone/yourself to do something:
They have pledged themselves to root out state corruption.
to make an effort economically/or not
to struggle /'strʌgəl/ sustantivo
1. (against opponent) lucha f;
(physical) refriega f;
to put up a ~ luchar, oponer(conj.⇒) resistencia
2. (against difficulties) lucha f;
it's a ~ to make ends meet cuesta mucho llegar a fin de mes
struggle2 verbo intransitivo
1. (thrash around) forcejear
2. (contend, strive) luchar;
she had to ~ to support her family tuvo que luchar para mantener a su familia;
to ~ (against/with sth) luchar (contra algo);
to ~ for sth luchar por algo
3. (be in difficulties) pasar apuros
2. (move with difficulty) (+ adv compl): he ~d up the hill subió penosamente la cuesta;
he ~d to his feet se levantó con gran dificultad
1. (against opponent) lucha f;
(physical) refriega f;
to put up a ~ luchar, oponer(conj.⇒) resistencia
2. (against difficulties) lucha f;
it's a ~ to make ends meet cuesta mucho llegar a fin de mes
struggle2 verbo intransitivo
1. (thrash around) forcejear
2. (contend, strive) luchar;
she had to ~ to support her family tuvo que luchar para mantener a su familia;
to ~ (against/with sth) luchar (contra algo);
to ~ for sth luchar por algo
3. (be in difficulties) pasar apuros
2. (move with difficulty) (+ adv compl): he ~d up the hill subió penosamente la cuesta;
he ~d to his feet se levantó con gran dificultad
1. extra hours that someone works at their job
2.over-the-counter medicine can be bought from a shop without a prescription from a doctor
2.over-the-counter medicine can be bought from a shop without a prescription from a doctor
1.overtime /ˈəʊvə(r)ˌtaɪm/
* working overtime
overtime work/pay/rates
work overtime:
I’ve been working a lot of overtime lately.
2. over-the-counter Cup tickets on sale
* working overtime
overtime work/pay/rates
work overtime:
I’ve been working a lot of overtime lately.
2. over-the-counter Cup tickets on sale
addicted to shops
1. I can watch shoals ( /ʃəʊlz/) of people:a group of fish that swim together
2. she is laden /ˈleɪd(ə)n/ carrying something heavy, or supporting the weight of something heavy
3. to go clothes shopping
4.to eye to look at someone or something carefully
5.reliant on the fact that our needs are never satisfied. /rɪˈlaɪənt/
depending on someone or something - dependiente de algo
reliance on dependencia de
2. she is laden /ˈleɪd(ə)n/ carrying something heavy, or supporting the weight of something heavy
3. to go clothes shopping
4.to eye to look at someone or something carefully
5.reliant on the fact that our needs are never satisfied. /rɪˈlaɪənt/
depending on someone or something - dependiente de algo
reliance on dependencia de
Readin: Murdoch´s malign (/məˈlaɪn/)influence
1.to put pressure on someone in order to make them do something
to lean on someone (informal )
The Prime Minister’s been leaning pretty heavily on her to resign.
2. bold (/bəʊld/) - atrevido, audaz
boldness intrepidez, agallas
The one bold voice was...
3. swing, swung - support
it has recently swung behind Cameron
4. to seek, sought to try to reduce sth
he sougth to reduce the power of Ofcom
to lean on someone (informal )
The Prime Minister’s been leaning pretty heavily on her to resign.
2. bold (/bəʊld/) - atrevido, audaz
boldness intrepidez, agallas
The one bold voice was...
3. swing, swung - support
it has recently swung behind Cameron
4. to seek, sought to try to reduce sth
he sougth to reduce the power of Ofcom
to kick the bucket
bucket cubo
# estirar la pata, morir, irse al otro barrio, pasar a mejor vida, pasar al otro barrio, patear el cubo, cerrar el ojo, dar la piel, estirar la pierna, liar el petate, pelar gallo, petatearse, quedarse como un pollo, soltar la piel; Sinónimos: die, kick in, kick off, turn up one's toes, peg out, pip out, snuff it; Die.
The old scoundrel kicked the bucket, El viejo canalla cerró el ojo.
The old man finally kicked the bucket.
bucket cubo
# estirar la pata, morir, irse al otro barrio, pasar a mejor vida, pasar al otro barrio, patear el cubo, cerrar el ojo, dar la piel, estirar la pierna, liar el petate, pelar gallo, petatearse, quedarse como un pollo, soltar la piel; Sinónimos: die, kick in, kick off, turn up one's toes, peg out, pip out, snuff it; Die.
The old scoundrel kicked the bucket, El viejo canalla cerró el ojo.
The old man finally kicked the bucket.
I was impressed: /ɪmˈprest/ you have a high opinion of it
1. admiring someone or something very much, especially because of an unusually good achievement, quality, or skill
Dan looked impressed but slightly confused.
impressed by/with:
I was very impressed by the efficiency of the staff.
suitably impressed (=as impressed as you should be):
She looked suitably impressed when I told her about my new job.
it schocke me that the three of them died. it implies negative
very surprised and upset by something bad that happens unexpectedly
We were deeply shocked to hear of his sudden death.
They listened in shocked silence.
3.to strike, struck, stricken
it struck me that he didn´t want to talk to me again. Neutral
to strike: hacer mella en, impactar, llegar a; Sinónimos: affect, influence, affect strongly, have an effect on, impress, make an impression on; Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon.
This child impressed me as unusually mature.
This behavior struck me as odd.
1. (afflicted) ~ WITH sth: a country ~ with famine un país asolado por el hambre;
I was suddenly ~ with remorse de pronto me empezó a remorder la conciencia
2. ‹vessel› siniestrado (frml), dañado;
‹area› damnificado, afectado
a drought-stricken area
1. admiring someone or something very much, especially because of an unusually good achievement, quality, or skill
Dan looked impressed but slightly confused.
impressed by/with:
I was very impressed by the efficiency of the staff.
suitably impressed (=as impressed as you should be):
She looked suitably impressed when I told her about my new job.
it schocke me that the three of them died. it implies negative
very surprised and upset by something bad that happens unexpectedly
We were deeply shocked to hear of his sudden death.
They listened in shocked silence.
3.to strike, struck, stricken
it struck me that he didn´t want to talk to me again. Neutral
to strike: hacer mella en, impactar, llegar a; Sinónimos: affect, influence, affect strongly, have an effect on, impress, make an impression on; Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon.
This child impressed me as unusually mature.
This behavior struck me as odd.
1. (afflicted) ~ WITH sth: a country ~ with famine un país asolado por el hambre;
I was suddenly ~ with remorse de pronto me empezó a remorder la conciencia
2. ‹vessel› siniestrado (frml), dañado;
‹area› damnificado, afectado
a drought-stricken area
wig: peluca
an engraving by Goya
a person with grey hair is grey
to grey: encanecerse
to stifle : sofocar
stifling: very hot /ˈstaɪf(ə)lɪŋ/
1. heat or a room that is stifling is so hot that it is difficult for you to breathe
the stifling heat of a midsummer’s day
The hotel lobby was stifling.
the fires spreads, the decease spreads
an illness: to pass on (contagiar)
to pass it obn
to be a bit down: sad
colleagues: peers /pɪə(r)z /
you´ve got a blocked nose
your nose isstuffed
stuffly nose
lumbago /lʌmˈbeɪɡəʊ/
old wive´s tale: recetas de viejas
home remedies: remedios caseros
plaster: yeso, emplasto
wrap: envolver
an engraving by Goya
a person with grey hair is grey
to grey: encanecerse
to stifle : sofocar
stifling: very hot /ˈstaɪf(ə)lɪŋ/
1. heat or a room that is stifling is so hot that it is difficult for you to breathe
the stifling heat of a midsummer’s day
The hotel lobby was stifling.
the fires spreads, the decease spreads
an illness: to pass on (contagiar)
to pass it obn
to be a bit down: sad
colleagues: peers /pɪə(r)z /
you´ve got a blocked nose
your nose isstuffed
stuffly nose
lumbago /lʌmˈbeɪɡəʊ/
old wive´s tale: recetas de viejas
home remedies: remedios caseros
plaster: yeso, emplasto
wrap: envolver
sleeping very well
to sound asleep
The children were all sound asleep by 8 o’clock.
1. dormir como un tronco, estar profundamente dormido; Sinónimos: be dead asleep, be dead to the world, be deep asleep, be fast asleep, sleep like a log, sleep like a rock, sleep soundly, sleep like a top, sleep the sleep of the dead
soundly profundamente; Deeply or completely.
Sleep soundly, Dormir produndamente.
Slept soundly through the storm.
Is sound asleep.
a sound/light sleeper
The children were all sound asleep by 8 o’clock.
1. dormir como un tronco, estar profundamente dormido; Sinónimos: be dead asleep, be dead to the world, be deep asleep, be fast asleep, sleep like a log, sleep like a rock, sleep soundly, sleep like a top, sleep the sleep of the dead
soundly profundamente; Deeply or completely.
Sleep soundly, Dormir produndamente.
Slept soundly through the storm.
Is sound asleep.
a sound/light sleeper
domar, acostumbrar
to break in
# domesticar, domar; Sinónimos: domesticate, tame, master, break, domesticize, gentle, house-train; Make submissive, obedient, or useful.
The horse was tough to break.
I broke in the new intern.
# interrumpir; Sinónimos: cut in, interrupt, butt in, chip in; Break into a conversation. ; Intrude on uninvited.
Her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation.
The nosy couple broke in on our conversation.
# entrar a la fuerza, entrar ilegalmente, entrar por la fuerza, forzar una entrada, irrumpir; Sinónimos: enter illegally, make an illegal entry, break entry, enter forcibly, force an entry, force entry, force in, force one's way in, force the entry, trespass; Enter someone's property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act.
Someone broke in while I was on vacation.
They broke into my car and stole my radio!
[ + ] Frases Célebres y Proverbios
* I have tried too in my time to be a philosopher; but, I don't know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in. Oliver Edwards También he tratado de ser un filósofo en mi tiempo; pero no sé cómo, la alegría siempre irrumpía. Oliver Edwards
# acostumbrar, iniciar; Sinónimos: adapt, condition, initiate, make accustomed, set going
# entrenar; Sinónimos: capacitate, pace; Make capable. ; Make legally capable or qualify in law.
# tirar abajo, abatir; Sinónimos: cast down, knock down, knock out, tumble, batter down, beat down, break down, defeat, torpedo
# estallar en; Sinónimos: break forth into, break into, break up with, burst into
# amoldar; Make submissive, obedient, or useful.
Ann broke in her shoes at last, Ana amoldó los zapatos al fin.
The horse was tough to break.
I broke in the new intern.
# domesticar, domar; Sinónimos: domesticate, tame, master, break, domesticize, gentle, house-train; Make submissive, obedient, or useful.
The horse was tough to break.
I broke in the new intern.
# interrumpir; Sinónimos: cut in, interrupt, butt in, chip in; Break into a conversation. ; Intrude on uninvited.
Her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation.
The nosy couple broke in on our conversation.
# entrar a la fuerza, entrar ilegalmente, entrar por la fuerza, forzar una entrada, irrumpir; Sinónimos: enter illegally, make an illegal entry, break entry, enter forcibly, force an entry, force entry, force in, force one's way in, force the entry, trespass; Enter someone's property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act.
Someone broke in while I was on vacation.
They broke into my car and stole my radio!
[ + ] Frases Célebres y Proverbios
* I have tried too in my time to be a philosopher; but, I don't know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in. Oliver Edwards También he tratado de ser un filósofo en mi tiempo; pero no sé cómo, la alegría siempre irrumpía. Oliver Edwards
# acostumbrar, iniciar; Sinónimos: adapt, condition, initiate, make accustomed, set going
# entrenar; Sinónimos: capacitate, pace; Make capable. ; Make legally capable or qualify in law.
# tirar abajo, abatir; Sinónimos: cast down, knock down, knock out, tumble, batter down, beat down, break down, defeat, torpedo
# estallar en; Sinónimos: break forth into, break into, break up with, burst into
# amoldar; Make submissive, obedient, or useful.
Ann broke in her shoes at last, Ana amoldó los zapatos al fin.
The horse was tough to break.
I broke in the new intern.
to rehearse Verbo
1. entrenar, practicar, repasar; Sinónimos: play over, brush up, look over, practice, review, brush up on, drill, read over, practise; Engage in a rehearsal (of).
They rehearse the play, Ellos entrenan la obra.
2. practicar, ensayar; Sinónimos: do one's exercises, drill, practice, practice one's exercises, practise; Engage in a rehearsal (of).
She rehearses in the afternoon, Ella ensaya por la tarde
1. entrenar, practicar, repasar; Sinónimos: play over, brush up, look over, practice, review, brush up on, drill, read over, practise; Engage in a rehearsal (of).
They rehearse the play, Ellos entrenan la obra.
2. practicar, ensayar; Sinónimos: do one's exercises, drill, practice, practice one's exercises, practise; Engage in a rehearsal (of).
She rehearses in the afternoon, Ella ensaya por la tarde
1. jugador; Sinónimos: gambler; Someone who bets.
2. apostador; Sinónimos: gambler, bettor, cardshark, cardsharp; A person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events.
3. cliente de una prostituta, cliente de prostituta; Sinónimos: client of a prostitute, customer of prostitute, prostitute's customer, john
2. apostador; Sinónimos: gambler, bettor, cardshark, cardsharp; A person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events.
3. cliente de una prostituta, cliente de prostituta; Sinónimos: client of a prostitute, customer of prostitute, prostitute's customer, john
fairy tails
puss in boots: el gato con botas
Jack and the beanstalk (stalk: tallo)
manure /məˈnjʊə(r)/
Related dictionary definitions
* manure- verb - abonar
solid waste from farm animals, often mixed with other substances and used on crops to help them to grow
a pattern a series of actions or events that together show how things normally happen or are done
We examined patterns of behaviour in young children.
be in dire/desperate straits
to be in a very difficult situation, especially one involving a lack of money
She was in dire straits and couldn’t get a loan.
contempt desprecio /kənˈtempt/ - desprecio
a feeling that someone or something is unimportant and deserves no respect
racist, sizeist
clumsy torpe - a clumsy person moves in a way that is not careful or graceful, and breaks things or knocks against them
to sigh /saɪ/ - suspirar
Related dictionary definitions
* sighnoun
* breathe a sigh of relief
* heave a sigh
Sound effect: sigh to breathe out slowly making a long soft sound, especially because you are disappointed, tired, annoyed, or relaxed
to sip to drink in small amounts
She was already sitting at the bar, sipping wine.
Jack and the beanstalk (stalk: tallo)
manure /məˈnjʊə(r)/
Related dictionary definitions
* manure- verb - abonar
solid waste from farm animals, often mixed with other substances and used on crops to help them to grow
a pattern a series of actions or events that together show how things normally happen or are done
We examined patterns of behaviour in young children.
be in dire/desperate straits
to be in a very difficult situation, especially one involving a lack of money
She was in dire straits and couldn’t get a loan.
contempt desprecio /kənˈtempt/ - desprecio
a feeling that someone or something is unimportant and deserves no respect
racist, sizeist
clumsy torpe - a clumsy person moves in a way that is not careful or graceful, and breaks things or knocks against them
to sigh /saɪ/ - suspirar
Related dictionary definitions
* sighnoun
* breathe a sigh of relief
* heave a sigh
Sound effect: sigh to breathe out slowly making a long soft sound, especially because you are disappointed, tired, annoyed, or relaxed
to sip to drink in small amounts
She was already sitting at the bar, sipping wine.
law and order
petty/serious crime delito leve/grave
it is crystal clear
abduction raptar niños
bribery soborno
forgery falsificar
to commit manslaugther the crime of causing someone’s death illegally but without intending to - homicidio
a fraudster
to mug sbdy robbing with violence
to stalk perseguir
to commit treason traición
a light fine
a heavy fine
to put sbdy on probation
young offers institution
a short/long prison sentence
electronic tagggin /ˌelektrɒnɪk ˈtæɡɪŋ/
a system in which you attach a small piece of electronic equipment to a person, animal, or object so that you always know where they are
naming and shaming
community service /kəˈmjuːnəti/
work that someone does as a punishment, instead of going to prison
plagiarizeplagiar- to be accuse of plagiarism
arrears /əˈrɪə(r)z/
money that you owe because you have failed to make payments at the correct time
eviction desahuciar
it is crystal clear
abduction raptar niños
bribery soborno
forgery falsificar
to commit manslaugther the crime of causing someone’s death illegally but without intending to - homicidio
a fraudster
to mug sbdy robbing with violence
to stalk perseguir
to commit treason traición
a light fine
a heavy fine
to put sbdy on probation
young offers institution
a short/long prison sentence
electronic tagggin /ˌelektrɒnɪk ˈtæɡɪŋ/
a system in which you attach a small piece of electronic equipment to a person, animal, or object so that you always know where they are
naming and shaming
community service /kəˈmjuːnəti/
work that someone does as a punishment, instead of going to prison
plagiarizeplagiar- to be accuse of plagiarism
arrears /əˈrɪə(r)z/
money that you owe because you have failed to make payments at the correct time
eviction desahuciar
biased Adjetivo
1. parcial, con favoritismo, influenciado, mediatizado, parcializado, predispuesto, sesgado, tendencioso; Sinónimos: one-sided, partial, biassed, influenced, prejudiced, affected, discriminating, tendentious, colored; Excessively devoted to one faction. ; Favoring one person or side over another.
A biased account of the trial.
A decision that was partial to the defendant.
2. biselado, diagonal; Sinónimos: bevel, beveled, bevelled, diagonal, biassed, chamfered
3. prejuiciado; Sinónimos: partial, prejudiced, sided; Excessively devoted to one faction. n
1. parcial, con favoritismo, influenciado, mediatizado, parcializado, predispuesto, sesgado, tendencioso; Sinónimos: one-sided, partial, biassed, influenced, prejudiced, affected, discriminating, tendentious, colored; Excessively devoted to one faction. ; Favoring one person or side over another.
A biased account of the trial.
A decision that was partial to the defendant.
2. biselado, diagonal; Sinónimos: bevel, beveled, bevelled, diagonal, biassed, chamfered
3. prejuiciado; Sinónimos: partial, prejudiced, sided; Excessively devoted to one faction. n
to go off
go off en contexto | imágenes
go off Verbo
1. marcharse, irse; Sinónimos: depart, drive away, drive off, get along, go away, leave; Move away from a place into another direction. ; Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along.
2. detonar, explotar, reventar, dispararse; Sinónimos: explode, go bang, blow up, burst, detonate, go pop, go wall; Be discharged or activated.
The rifle went off when it fell, El rifle se disparó al caer.
The explosive devices went off.
3. apagarse, extinguirse; Sinónimos: blow out, fade away, die down, die off, die out, dim, disappear, go out; Become extinguished. ; Stop running, functioning, or operating.
The lamp went off suddenly, La lámpara se apagó de pronto.
The lights suddenly went out and we were in the dark.
Our power went off during the hurricane.
4. echarse a perder, descomponerse, malearse, pasarse; Sinónimos: get spoiled, go bad, rot, become corrupted, decay, become rotten, corrupt, decompose, deteriorate, get ruined, go to seed, spoil
5. resultar, venir a ser; Sinónimos: turn out to be, come to be, prove to be; Follow a certain course.; Happen in a particular manner.
The inauguration went well.
How did your interview go?
How did your talk go over?
6. dejar de; Sinónimos: finish, stop, be over, be through, cease, cease to, cut, cut out, give over
7. ponerse rancio, ranciarse; Sinónimos: get rancid, get stale, become stale, stale
8. agriarse, acedarse, avinagrarse; Sinónimos: turn sour, become sour, become bitter, sour, turn to vinegar
go off Verbo
1. marcharse, irse; Sinónimos: depart, drive away, drive off, get along, go away, leave; Move away from a place into another direction. ; Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along.
2. detonar, explotar, reventar, dispararse; Sinónimos: explode, go bang, blow up, burst, detonate, go pop, go wall; Be discharged or activated.
The rifle went off when it fell, El rifle se disparó al caer.
The explosive devices went off.
3. apagarse, extinguirse; Sinónimos: blow out, fade away, die down, die off, die out, dim, disappear, go out; Become extinguished. ; Stop running, functioning, or operating.
The lamp went off suddenly, La lámpara se apagó de pronto.
The lights suddenly went out and we were in the dark.
Our power went off during the hurricane.
4. echarse a perder, descomponerse, malearse, pasarse; Sinónimos: get spoiled, go bad, rot, become corrupted, decay, become rotten, corrupt, decompose, deteriorate, get ruined, go to seed, spoil
5. resultar, venir a ser; Sinónimos: turn out to be, come to be, prove to be; Follow a certain course.; Happen in a particular manner.
The inauguration went well.
How did your interview go?
How did your talk go over?
6. dejar de; Sinónimos: finish, stop, be over, be through, cease, cease to, cut, cut out, give over
7. ponerse rancio, ranciarse; Sinónimos: get rancid, get stale, become stale, stale
8. agriarse, acedarse, avinagrarse; Sinónimos: turn sour, become sour, become bitter, sour, turn to vinegar
Falling ill and getting better
I was seeing by an specialist
to do tests
to recover from = to get over
He´s getting over his operation
I was diagnose with
To be operated on
The surgery operates on somebody
He´s going to have a heart operation
surgery: 1. [countable/uncountable] medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone’s body - cirugia
He had to undergo heart bypass surgery.
doctors who perform several surgeries a day
2.a [uncountable] a room in a hospital where doctors do surgery - sala de operaciones
Take him up to surgery.
Doctor Corday will be in surgery all morning.
to be rusched to hospital
I am taken to hospital - not in a hurry
2.b2. [countable] British a place where people can visit a doctor or a dentist. The American word is office. - consulta
a place where the doctor sees you
a consultant specialist:
ophthalmologist - /ˌɒfθælˈmɒlədʒɪst/
to do tests
to recover from = to get over
He´s getting over his operation
I was diagnose with
To be operated on
The surgery operates on somebody
He´s going to have a heart operation
surgery: 1. [countable/uncountable] medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone’s body - cirugia
He had to undergo heart bypass surgery.
doctors who perform several surgeries a day
2.a [uncountable] a room in a hospital where doctors do surgery - sala de operaciones
Take him up to surgery.
Doctor Corday will be in surgery all morning.
to be rusched to hospital
I am taken to hospital - not in a hurry
2.b2. [countable] British a place where people can visit a doctor or a dentist. The American word is office. - consulta
a place where the doctor sees you
a consultant specialist:
ophthalmologist - /ˌɒfθælˈmɒlədʒɪst/
1.a major/minor incident:
2.to set course /kɔː(r)s/- tomar rumbo
to change course - cambiar de curso
3.an exclusive shop/restaurant/neighbourhood
4.feature /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/
característica, aspecto, facción, peculiaridad, rasgo; Sinónimos: aspect, characteristic, peculiarity, property, quality, trait; The characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin. ; A prominent aspect of something.
collocation: distinctive, important, interesting, key, main, special, striking, unusual
dominant feature
facial feature
main feature
permanent feature - elemento fijo
remarkable and attractive feature -factore
striking feature - rasgo sobresaliente
undesirable feature - característica indeseable
theatrical features
cartoon feature
feature animation
5.1. do away with something - to get rid of something
A lot of the restrictions on imports have been done away with.
Synonyms: replace, throw away, shed, dispose of, eliminate... more
5.2.do away with someone informal - to murder someone
There were rumours that Doug had done away with his wife.
2.to set course /kɔː(r)s/- tomar rumbo
to change course - cambiar de curso
3.an exclusive shop/restaurant/neighbourhood
4.feature /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/
característica, aspecto, facción, peculiaridad, rasgo; Sinónimos: aspect, characteristic, peculiarity, property, quality, trait; The characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin. ; A prominent aspect of something.
collocation: distinctive, important, interesting, key, main, special, striking, unusual
dominant feature
facial feature
main feature
permanent feature - elemento fijo
remarkable and attractive feature -factore
striking feature - rasgo sobresaliente
undesirable feature - característica indeseable
theatrical features
cartoon feature
feature animation
5.1. do away with something - to get rid of something
A lot of the restrictions on imports have been done away with.
Synonyms: replace, throw away, shed, dispose of, eliminate... more
5.2.do away with someone informal - to murder someone
There were rumours that Doug had done away with his wife.
you don´t feel very well seeing blood
escrupuloso, aprensivo, melindroso, muy escrupuloso, que se queja de todo, remilgado, remilgoso;
escrupuloso, aprensivo, melindroso, muy escrupuloso, que se queja de todo, remilgado, remilgoso;
squeamish Adjetivo
Sinónimos: fastidious, scrupulous, too fussy, affected, choosy, finicky, nitpicking, picky, compunctious, qualmish; Excessively fastidious and easily disgusted.
So squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow.
Sinónimos: fastidious, scrupulous, too fussy, affected, choosy, finicky, nitpicking, picky, compunctious, qualmish; Excessively fastidious and easily disgusted.
So squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow.
revisión médica
a check up
1. reconocimiento general; Sinónimos: general check up
2. reconocimiento médico, chequeo, revisión, reconocimiento;
Sinónimos: medical check-up, medical checkup, checkup, examination, physical, physical examination, revision, checking-up
a revision of an exam
to sit an exam hacer un examen
to revise: only for study
1. reconocimiento general; Sinónimos: general check up
2. reconocimiento médico, chequeo, revisión, reconocimiento;
Sinónimos: medical check-up, medical checkup, checkup, examination, physical, physical examination, revision, checking-up
a revision of an exam
to sit an exam hacer un examen
to revise: only for study
bruise /bruːz/
Plural: bruises
1. magulladura, cardenal, hematoma, machucadura, magullón, mancha amoratada por un golpe, morado, moratón, moretón, contusión, equimosis, machucado, machucamiento, machucón, mallugón, magullamiento, moradura;
Sinónimos: contusion, bruising, dark painful skin injury, ecchymosis, cardinal, hematoma, blood tumor, blow, haematoma; Collection of blood from a ruptured vessel. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
2. machucadura, contusión, lesión cutánea oscura y dolorosa; Sinónimos: contusion, dark painful skin injury, cardinal, blow; Dark painful skin injury. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
to bruise
1. magullar, amoratar, acardenalar, contusionar, mallugar;
Sinónimos: contuse, beat black and blue, cover with bruises, mangle, maul, batter; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of.
John bruised the fingers, Juan magulló los dedos.
2. magullarse, acardenalarse; Sinónimos: become bruised, get black and blue
3. herir, lastimar;
Sinónimos: hurt, wound, cut, harm, injure, cause physical pain, cut up, damage, make sore, lacerate; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of. ; Hurt the feelings of.
I bruised my knee.
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests.
This remark really bruised me ego.
4. lastimarse; Sinónimos: get hurt
5. magullarse; Sinónimos: become bruised
Plural: bruises
1. magulladura, cardenal, hematoma, machucadura, magullón, mancha amoratada por un golpe, morado, moratón, moretón, contusión, equimosis, machucado, machucamiento, machucón, mallugón, magullamiento, moradura;
Sinónimos: contusion, bruising, dark painful skin injury, ecchymosis, cardinal, hematoma, blood tumor, blow, haematoma; Collection of blood from a ruptured vessel. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
2. machucadura, contusión, lesión cutánea oscura y dolorosa; Sinónimos: contusion, dark painful skin injury, cardinal, blow; Dark painful skin injury. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
to bruise
1. magullar, amoratar, acardenalar, contusionar, mallugar;
Sinónimos: contuse, beat black and blue, cover with bruises, mangle, maul, batter; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of.
John bruised the fingers, Juan magulló los dedos.
2. magullarse, acardenalarse; Sinónimos: become bruised, get black and blue
3. herir, lastimar;
Sinónimos: hurt, wound, cut, harm, injure, cause physical pain, cut up, damage, make sore, lacerate; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of. ; Hurt the feelings of.
I bruised my knee.
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests.
This remark really bruised me ego.
4. lastimarse; Sinónimos: get hurt
5. magullarse; Sinónimos: become bruised
medical someone who gives blood, sperm, eggs, or a part of their body to be used in the medical treatment of someone else
donor /ˈdəʊnə(r)/
The hospital is searching for a bone marrow donor for the child.
a blood donor
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of donor: more
1. a. [only before noun] used about a body part that a donor has given
a donor heart/kidney/liver
The hospital is searching for a bone marrow donor for the child.
a blood donor
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of donor: more
1. a. [only before noun] used about a body part that a donor has given
a donor heart/kidney/liver
jab Sustantivo/dʒæb/
1. pinchazo, aguijonazo, agujazo, puntazo, punzada, aguijonada, hurgonazo;
Sinónimos: poke, pinprick, prick, pricking, prodding, puncture, sting; The act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow.
She gave me a sharp dig in the ribs.
2. golpe rápido, golpe inverso; Sinónimos: quick blow; A quick short straight punch.
3. comentario sarcástico; Sinónimos: cutting remark, dig, jape, quip, sarcasm, sarcastic remark, satire, satiric remark; Cutting remark aimed at the listener.
4. inyección, jeringazo; Sinónimos: shot, injection, jag; The act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe.jab Verbo
Plural: jabs
to jab++
1. punzar, hincar, chuzar, pinchar;
Sinónimos: stick, sting, dig, jab at, poke, prick, prod, puncture, twinge, nettle; Poke or thrust abruptly.; Stab or pierce.
He jabbed his finger into her ribs.
He jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife.
1. pinchazo, aguijonazo, agujazo, puntazo, punzada, aguijonada, hurgonazo;
Sinónimos: poke, pinprick, prick, pricking, prodding, puncture, sting; The act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow.
She gave me a sharp dig in the ribs.
2. golpe rápido, golpe inverso; Sinónimos: quick blow; A quick short straight punch.
3. comentario sarcástico; Sinónimos: cutting remark, dig, jape, quip, sarcasm, sarcastic remark, satire, satiric remark; Cutting remark aimed at the listener.
4. inyección, jeringazo; Sinónimos: shot, injection, jag; The act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe.jab Verbo
Plural: jabs
to jab++
1. punzar, hincar, chuzar, pinchar;
Sinónimos: stick, sting, dig, jab at, poke, prick, prod, puncture, twinge, nettle; Poke or thrust abruptly.; Stab or pierce.
He jabbed his finger into her ribs.
He jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife.
to give someone a house
to house
the town counsel has to house them after the earthquake
1. alojar, hospedar, albergar, dar vivienda, domiciliar;
Sinónimos: accommodate, board, keep, lodge, make room for, put up; Provide housing for. ; Contain or cover.
The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town.
This box houses the gears.
house Sustantivo
1. casa, morada, vivienda, choza, chante, habitación; Sinónimos: dwelling, home, dwelling place, domicile, residence, abode, habitation, housing, lodging; A dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families.
He has a house on Cape Cod.
She felt she had to get out of the house.
2. Cámara, parlamento; Sinónimos: council, governing body, parliament; An official assembly having legislative powers.
The legislature has two houses.
3. casa comercial, firma; Sinónimos: firm, business firm, company, business, commercial organization, concern, commercial house; Members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments.
He worked for a brokerage house.
house Adjetivo
1. doméstico, casero; Sinónimos: domestic, home, home-baked, homemade, family, household, familial; Of or involving the home or family. ; Of or relating to the home.
the town counsel has to house them after the earthquake
1. alojar, hospedar, albergar, dar vivienda, domiciliar;
Sinónimos: accommodate, board, keep, lodge, make room for, put up; Provide housing for. ; Contain or cover.
The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town.
This box houses the gears.
house Sustantivo
1. casa, morada, vivienda, choza, chante, habitación; Sinónimos: dwelling, home, dwelling place, domicile, residence, abode, habitation, housing, lodging; A dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families.
He has a house on Cape Cod.
She felt she had to get out of the house.
2. Cámara, parlamento; Sinónimos: council, governing body, parliament; An official assembly having legislative powers.
The legislature has two houses.
3. casa comercial, firma; Sinónimos: firm, business firm, company, business, commercial organization, concern, commercial house; Members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments.
He worked for a brokerage house.
house Adjetivo
1. doméstico, casero; Sinónimos: domestic, home, home-baked, homemade, family, household, familial; Of or involving the home or family. ; Of or relating to the home.
advise - verb
advice - noun
advice - noun
1. aconsejar, dar consejo, apercibir, caucionar, preconizar; Sinónimos: counsel, warn, caution, suggest, admonish, give advice, give advice to, give counsel to, caveat, rede; Give advice to. ; Make a proposal, declare a plan for something.
The teacher counsels troubled students.
The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud.
2. asesorar, dar asesoría; Sinónimos: counsel; Give advice to.
3. recomendar; Sinónimos: recommend, suggest, counsel, offer as advice; Give advice to. ; Make a proposal, declare a plan for something.
The teacher counsels troubled students.
The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud.
4. notificar, hacer saber; Sinónimos: inform, notify, communicate, make known, serve notice on; Give information or notice to.
I advised him that the rent was due.
5. avisar; Sinónimos: warn, forewarn; Notify, usually in advance. ; Notify of danger, potential harm, or risk. ; Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.
advice Sustantivo
Plural: advices
1. consejo, sugerencia, asesoría, consejos, recomendación, sugestión, asesoramiento; Sinónimos: counsel, piece of advice, tip, word of advice, pointer, rede; A proposal for an appropriate course of action.
2. consulta, dictamen, informe
1. aconsejar, dar consejo, apercibir, caucionar, preconizar; Sinónimos: counsel, warn, caution, suggest, admonish, give advice, give advice to, give counsel to, caveat, rede; Give advice to. ; Make a proposal, declare a plan for something.
The teacher counsels troubled students.
The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud.
2. asesorar, dar asesoría; Sinónimos: counsel; Give advice to.
3. recomendar; Sinónimos: recommend, suggest, counsel, offer as advice; Give advice to. ; Make a proposal, declare a plan for something.
The teacher counsels troubled students.
The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud.
4. notificar, hacer saber; Sinónimos: inform, notify, communicate, make known, serve notice on; Give information or notice to.
I advised him that the rent was due.
5. avisar; Sinónimos: warn, forewarn; Notify, usually in advance. ; Notify of danger, potential harm, or risk. ; Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.
advice Sustantivo
Plural: advices
1. consejo, sugerencia, asesoría, consejos, recomendación, sugestión, asesoramiento; Sinónimos: counsel, piece of advice, tip, word of advice, pointer, rede; A proposal for an appropriate course of action.
2. consulta, dictamen, informe
1.terron, trozo, pedazo
2. bulto
3. zoquete
4. nudo en la garganta
5. grumo (beschamel, chocolate)
2. bulto
3. zoquete
4. nudo en la garganta
5. grumo (beschamel, chocolate)
lump /lʌmp/
1. a solid piece of something that does not have a regular shape
lump of:
a lump of metal/coal/concrete
a lump of cheese/butter/meat
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: mass, blur, blob, bundle, irregularity... more
1. a. a solid piece of sugar with a square shape
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: more
2. b. a solid piece in a substance that should be smooth or liquid
Stir the sauce to get rid of any lumps.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: more
2 a small hard part on or under your skin that is caused by illness or injury
lump in:
Doctors found a lump in her breast.
lump on:
There was a lump on my head where the ball hit me.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: more
3. informal someone who is lazy or stupid
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: layabout, slob, couch potato, deadbeat, passenger... more
1. a. someone, especially a child, who is heavy
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: fatty, tub, porker, fatso, lard-ass... more
4. phrase : a lump in your throat
the feeling you get in your throat when you are going to cry
5. lumpy chocolate
1. a solid piece of something that does not have a regular shape
lump of:
a lump of metal/coal/concrete
a lump of cheese/butter/meat
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: mass, blur, blob, bundle, irregularity... more
1. a. a solid piece of sugar with a square shape
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: more
2. b. a solid piece in a substance that should be smooth or liquid
Stir the sauce to get rid of any lumps.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: more
2 a small hard part on or under your skin that is caused by illness or injury
lump in:
Doctors found a lump in her breast.
lump on:
There was a lump on my head where the ball hit me.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: more
3. informal someone who is lazy or stupid
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: layabout, slob, couch potato, deadbeat, passenger... more
1. a. someone, especially a child, who is heavy
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of lump: fatty, tub, porker, fatso, lard-ass... more
4. phrase : a lump in your throat
the feeling you get in your throat when you are going to cry
5. lumpy chocolate
A mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue.
scar Sustantivo
1. cicatriz, señal, chirlo, lacra; Sinónimos: cicatrice, cicatricle, cicatrix;
leave a scar in/on
to scar
1. dejar una cicatriz en, dejar cicatrices en, marcar con una cicatriz; Sinónimos: leave a scar on, leave a scar in; Mark with a scar.
The skin disease scarred his face permanently.
2. cicatrizar, cicatrizarse; Sinónimos: heal, mend, skin over, cicatrize, close up; Get healthy again. ; Heal or recover.
1. cicatriz, señal, chirlo, lacra; Sinónimos: cicatrice, cicatricle, cicatrix;
leave a scar in/on
to scar
1. dejar una cicatriz en, dejar cicatrices en, marcar con una cicatriz; Sinónimos: leave a scar on, leave a scar in; Mark with a scar.
The skin disease scarred his face permanently.
2. cicatrizar, cicatrizarse; Sinónimos: heal, mend, skin over, cicatrize, close up; Get healthy again. ; Heal or recover.
dangerous dogs act (law)
lead or leash a long narrow piece of leather, chain etc that you fasten to the collar around a dog’s neck in order to control the dog. The usual American word is leash
muzzle 1. the nose and mouth of an animal such as a dog or horse
2- something that you put around the nose and mouth of a dog to prevent it from biting people
stray do/cat lost, or without a home
breed a group of animals that have particular characteristics that make them different from others of the same species. The characteristics have often been produced in a controlled way by mating particular animals.
kennela small building where a dog sleeps and is protected from bad weather
muzzle 1. the nose and mouth of an animal such as a dog or horse
2- something that you put around the nose and mouth of a dog to prevent it from biting people
stray do/cat lost, or without a home
breed a group of animals that have particular characteristics that make them different from others of the same species. The characteristics have often been produced in a controlled way by mating particular animals.
kennela small building where a dog sleeps and is protected from bad weather
law and order
bail fianza - legal money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money
post bail (=pay it):
He posted bail for her, so she’s OK.
set bail (=decide on the amount of bail):
The judge set bail at $50,000.
be released/freed on bail:
She was freed on bail pending an appeal.
restraining order
naming and shaming lista negra de los fichados por police
apprehend arrest
damage: the damage of the hurracaine
damages: money to be paid in a court
to slander calumniar - to say something about someone that is not true and is likely to damage their reputation
joyridingthe crime of stealing a car and driving it for pleasure, usually in a dangerous way. If you do this you joyride, and a person who does it is a joyrider.
a drug dealer/pusher/trafficker
assassination magnicidio - the murder of a famous or important person, especially for political reasons
to commit manslaughter no premeditation, no intention - homicidio involuntario
manslaughter homicidio involuntario
trickstersomeone who uses dishonest methods to get what they want - estafador
post bail (=pay it):
He posted bail for her, so she’s OK.
set bail (=decide on the amount of bail):
The judge set bail at $50,000.
be released/freed on bail:
She was freed on bail pending an appeal.
restraining order
naming and shaming lista negra de los fichados por police
apprehend arrest
damage: the damage of the hurracaine
damages: money to be paid in a court
to slander calumniar - to say something about someone that is not true and is likely to damage their reputation
joyridingthe crime of stealing a car and driving it for pleasure, usually in a dangerous way. If you do this you joyride, and a person who does it is a joyrider.
a drug dealer/pusher/trafficker
assassination magnicidio - the murder of a famous or important person, especially for political reasons
to commit manslaughter no premeditation, no intention - homicidio involuntario
manslaughter homicidio involuntario
trickstersomeone who uses dishonest methods to get what they want - estafador
to have to much work
with too much work to deal with
with too much work to deal with
snowed under
I am snowed under
snowed under
with too much work to deal with
We’re snowed under with applications for the job.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of snow: busy, active, tied up, rushed, load down... more
to snow
# abrumar;
Sinónimos: overwhelm, bog, overburden, swamp, appal, appall; Charge someone with too many tasks. ; Overcome by superior force. ; Cover completely or make imperceptible. ; Overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli.
I am snowed under
snowed under
with too much work to deal with
We’re snowed under with applications for the job.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of snow: busy, active, tied up, rushed, load down... more
to snow
# abrumar;
Sinónimos: overwhelm, bog, overburden, swamp, appal, appall; Charge someone with too many tasks. ; Overcome by superior force. ; Cover completely or make imperceptible. ; Overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli.
1. disfraz (carnival, 31th December)
2. vestuario (teatro...)
3. encubrise, ocultar con un disfraz
2. vestuario (teatro...)
3. encubrise, ocultar con un disfraz
1. fancy dress
2. costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/
3. disguise
costumbre, cliente : custom, s /ˈkʌstəm/
1. [countable/uncountable] something that people do that is traditional or usual
local customs and traditions
the custom of doing something:
the custom of kissing under the mistletoe
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of custom: tradition, practice, institution, legacy, manners... more
2. a. something that a particular person regularly does
On Wednesday evening, as was his custom, he went down to the village.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of custom: habit, routine, daily life, tendency, ritual... more
Customs :aduana
1. economics a government department that collects taxes on goods that people bring into a country
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of customs: more
2. the place at a port, airport, or border where officials check that the goods that people are bringing into a country are legal, and whether they should pay customs duties
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of customs: frontier, partition, clear, reopen, redraw... more
3. the taxes that you pay on goods that you bring into a country
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of customs: more
2. costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/
3. disguise
costumbre, cliente : custom, s /ˈkʌstəm/
1. [countable/uncountable] something that people do that is traditional or usual
local customs and traditions
the custom of doing something:
the custom of kissing under the mistletoe
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of custom: tradition, practice, institution, legacy, manners... more
2. a. something that a particular person regularly does
On Wednesday evening, as was his custom, he went down to the village.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of custom: habit, routine, daily life, tendency, ritual... more
Customs :aduana
1. economics a government department that collects taxes on goods that people bring into a country
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of customs: more
2. the place at a port, airport, or border where officials check that the goods that people are bringing into a country are legal, and whether they should pay customs duties
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of customs: frontier, partition, clear, reopen, redraw... more
3. the taxes that you pay on goods that you bring into a country
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of customs: more
the satisfactory state that someone or something should be in, that involves such things as being happy, healthy, and safe, and having enough money
psychologicall wellbeing
physical wellbeing
Plural: wellbeings
Laughter is taken as a sign of well-being.
economic/physical/emotional/social well-being
well-being of:
The company looks after the well-being of its employees.
a sense of well-being:
I felt a growing sense of peace and well-being
1. bienestar; Sinónimos: comfort, well-being, welfare; A feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment. ; A state of being relaxed and feeling no pain. ; A freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state.
2. estado de felicidad y prosperidad; Sinónimos: well-being, state of happiness and prosperity, successfulness, upbeat; A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.
psychologicall wellbeing
physical wellbeing
Plural: wellbeings
Laughter is taken as a sign of well-being.
economic/physical/emotional/social well-being
well-being of:
The company looks after the well-being of its employees.
a sense of well-being:
I felt a growing sense of peace and well-being
1. bienestar; Sinónimos: comfort, well-being, welfare; A feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment. ; A state of being relaxed and feeling no pain. ; A freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state.
2. estado de felicidad y prosperidad; Sinónimos: well-being, state of happiness and prosperity, successfulness, upbeat; A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.
perfomr less well or with less success than expected
to underperform
Sinónimos: do poorly, operate poorly, under-perform; Perform less well or with less success than expected.
to underachieve
rendir menos de lo esperado, rendir por debajo de la capacidad; Sinónimos: achieve under one's capacity; Perform less well or with less success than expected.
John consistently underachieves, although he is very able.
My stocks underperformed last year.
the student is a underachiever
Sinónimos: do poorly, operate poorly, under-perform; Perform less well or with less success than expected.
to underachieve
rendir menos de lo esperado, rendir por debajo de la capacidad; Sinónimos: achieve under one's capacity; Perform less well or with less success than expected.
John consistently underachieves, although he is very able.
My stocks underperformed last year.
the student is a underachiever
if a shop, school, factory, or business shuts down, or if someone shuts it down, it closes, usually permanently.
to close down
to shut down
1.Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of shut: close, wind up, go under, liquidate, fold... more
2.[intransitive/transitive] if a machine or computer shuts down, or if someone shuts it down, it stops operating
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of shut: break down, go off, run down, stop, break... more
3.[transitive] informal to stop someone from doing something, especially to stop a player from having the freedom to move around or play well
to shut down
1.Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of shut: close, wind up, go under, liquidate, fold... more
2.[intransitive/transitive] if a machine or computer shuts down, or if someone shuts it down, it stops operating
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of shut: break down, go off, run down, stop, break... more
3.[transitive] informal to stop someone from doing something, especially to stop a player from having the freedom to move around or play well
related with wellbeing
1. a treadmill - /ˈtredˌmɪl/ cinta de correr
to go on treadmill
the work-to-spend treadmill: salir de trabajar y a gastar
consumer treadmill -
treadmill rutina
2. eating healthily
3. a get together with friends
4. take up singing
5. a feeding frenzy - alimentar la locura consumista, frenética
to take up:
1. asumir, adoptar, hacerse cargo de, tomar, tomar para sí; Sinónimos: assume, take upon, absorb, affect, arrogate, co-opt, don, take on; Return to a previous location or condition. ; Adopt. ; Occupy or take on. ; Take up and practice as one's own. ; Begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job.
The painting resumed its old condition when we restored it.
Take up new ideas.
He assumes the lotus position.
She took her seat on the stage.
We took our seats in the orchestra.
She took up her position behind the tree.
Strike a pose.
Take up a position.
Start a new job.
2. subir, izar, llevar hacia arriba, llevar para arriba; Sinónimos: bring up, carry up, lift, lift up, pull up, put up, raise
3. hacerse cargo; Sinónimos: take over, see to it, take charge, take control, take over the helm, take the helm; Take up and practice as one's own. ; Begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job.
Take up a position.
Start a new job.
4. ocupar, emplear; Sinónimos: employ, engage, give work to, hire, busy, give a job, take into one's service; Engage or hire for work.
5. llevar la carrera de, estudiar, llevar; Sinónimos: study, go into; Turn one's interest to.
Take up Medicine, Llevar la carrera de Medicina.
He took up herpetology at the age of fifty.
6. sacar a colación, traer a colación; Sinónimos: mention, bring up, broach, cite, drag in, moot; Pursue or resume.
I had to take up that touchy subject, Tuve que sacar a colación ese punto.
Take up a matter for consideration.
7. subir a; Sinónimos: get up on, lift to
to go on treadmill
the work-to-spend treadmill: salir de trabajar y a gastar
consumer treadmill -
treadmill rutina
2. eating healthily
3. a get together with friends
4. take up singing
5. a feeding frenzy - alimentar la locura consumista, frenética
to take up:
1. asumir, adoptar, hacerse cargo de, tomar, tomar para sí; Sinónimos: assume, take upon, absorb, affect, arrogate, co-opt, don, take on; Return to a previous location or condition. ; Adopt. ; Occupy or take on. ; Take up and practice as one's own. ; Begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job.
The painting resumed its old condition when we restored it.
Take up new ideas.
He assumes the lotus position.
She took her seat on the stage.
We took our seats in the orchestra.
She took up her position behind the tree.
Strike a pose.
Take up a position.
Start a new job.
2. subir, izar, llevar hacia arriba, llevar para arriba; Sinónimos: bring up, carry up, lift, lift up, pull up, put up, raise
3. hacerse cargo; Sinónimos: take over, see to it, take charge, take control, take over the helm, take the helm; Take up and practice as one's own. ; Begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job.
Take up a position.
Start a new job.
4. ocupar, emplear; Sinónimos: employ, engage, give work to, hire, busy, give a job, take into one's service; Engage or hire for work.
5. llevar la carrera de, estudiar, llevar; Sinónimos: study, go into; Turn one's interest to.
Take up Medicine, Llevar la carrera de Medicina.
He took up herpetology at the age of fifty.
6. sacar a colación, traer a colación; Sinónimos: mention, bring up, broach, cite, drag in, moot; Pursue or resume.
I had to take up that touchy subject, Tuve que sacar a colación ese punto.
Take up a matter for consideration.
7. subir a; Sinónimos: get up on, lift to
solo Sustantivo
soloist solista
Plural: solos
1. solo, interpretación del artista sin acompañamiento, pasaje musical para ejecución no acompañada; Sinónimos: solo interpretation, solo act; Musical passage for unaccompanied performance. ; Musical composition for unaccompanied performance. ; Any activity that is performed alone without assistance.; A musical composition for one voice or instrument (with or without accompaniment).
solo Adverbio
1. a solas; Sinónimos: alone, all alone, by oneself, in private; Without anybody else.
The child stayed home alone.
He flew solo.
soloist solista
Plural: solos
1. solo, interpretación del artista sin acompañamiento, pasaje musical para ejecución no acompañada; Sinónimos: solo interpretation, solo act; Musical passage for unaccompanied performance. ; Musical composition for unaccompanied performance. ; Any activity that is performed alone without assistance.; A musical composition for one voice or instrument (with or without accompaniment).
solo Adverbio
1. a solas; Sinónimos: alone, all alone, by oneself, in private; Without anybody else.
The child stayed home alone.
He flew solo.
swollen because of containing a large amount of liquid or gas
to be/to feel bloated /ˈbləʊtɪd/
We were absolutely bloated on Christmas Day.
Del verbo Inglés, bloat:
bloated es:
3era persona singular (he/she/it) Pretérito Indicativo
bloated Adjetivo
1. hinchado, inflado, abohetado, abotagado, abuhado, tumefacto;
Sinónimos: baggy, bulging, puffed, puffy, swollen, sodden, tumid;
Abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas.
Hungry children with bloated stomachs.
Her face looked pale and bloated.
to feel bloated sentirse hinchado
He had a grossly distended stomach.
Eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids.
Swollen hands.
Tumescent tissue.
Puffy tumid flesh.
2. vano; Sinónimos: vain, vainglorious, chuff; Characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
bloated with pride henchido de orgullo
3. obeso; Sinónimos: fat, obese, thickset; A chubby body. ; Having much flesh (especially fat).
4. having an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach after eating or drinking too much
5. a bloated organization or system is not effective because it is too large or has too many workers
We were absolutely bloated on Christmas Day.
Del verbo Inglés, bloat:
bloated es:
3era persona singular (he/she/it) Pretérito Indicativo
bloated Adjetivo
1. hinchado, inflado, abohetado, abotagado, abuhado, tumefacto;
Sinónimos: baggy, bulging, puffed, puffy, swollen, sodden, tumid;
Abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas.
Hungry children with bloated stomachs.
Her face looked pale and bloated.
to feel bloated sentirse hinchado
He had a grossly distended stomach.
Eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids.
Swollen hands.
Tumescent tissue.
Puffy tumid flesh.
2. vano; Sinónimos: vain, vainglorious, chuff; Characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
bloated with pride henchido de orgullo
3. obeso; Sinónimos: fat, obese, thickset; A chubby body. ; Having much flesh (especially fat).
4. having an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach after eating or drinking too much
5. a bloated organization or system is not effective because it is too large or has too many workers
(small town) pueblo
(US) municipio m
(South Africa) asentamiento urbano creado en tiempos del apartheid para gente de raza negra en Sudáfrica
(US) municipio m
(South Africa) asentamiento urbano creado en tiempos del apartheid para gente de raza negra en Sudáfrica
1. a town in South Africa where black people were intended to live
2.an area within a county (=a division of a state) in the US or Canada that is responsible for running its own public services
1. annoying or unpleasant behaviour towards someone that takes place regularly, for example threats, offensive remarks, or physical attacks
harassment of:
The UN cannot tolerate the continuing harassment of peacekeeping soldiers.
racial/sexual harassment:
We encourage anyone who has been the subject of racial harassment to report it.
to harass sbdy
1. to keep annoying or upsetting someone, for example by criticizing them, attacking them, or treating them in a way that is offensive to them
The men were trying to harass the terrified refugees.
sexually harass someone (=treat them in a way that is sexually offensive):
Connors is alleged to have sexually harassed three women at the conference.
2. to keep attacking an enemy army
1. annoying or unpleasant behaviour towards someone that takes place regularly, for example threats, offensive remarks, or physical attacks
harassment of:
The UN cannot tolerate the continuing harassment of peacekeeping soldiers.
racial/sexual harassment:
We encourage anyone who has been the subject of racial harassment to report it.
to harass sbdy
1. to keep annoying or upsetting someone, for example by criticizing them, attacking them, or treating them in a way that is offensive to them
The men were trying to harass the terrified refugees.
sexually harass someone (=treat them in a way that is sexually offensive):
Connors is alleged to have sexually harassed three women at the conference.
2. to keep attacking an enemy army
1 (Naut) balsa f
2 * (=quantity) cantidad f , montón * m
(=set) serie f
a raft
1.a simple flat boat made by tying long pieces of wood together
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of raft: more
1. a small light boat made of rubber or plastic
2.a flat structure that floats on a lake, river etc that people can swim to and lie on
a life raft
1.a simple flat boat made by tying long pieces of wood together
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of raft: more
1. a small light boat made of rubber or plastic
2.a flat structure that floats on a lake, river etc that people can swim to and lie on
a life raft
1. informal
1.1.sin darle importancia
1.2.a la ligera
1.3.despreciativo, brusco
2. Adverb: a ojo
1.1.sin darle importancia
1.2.a la ligera
1.3.despreciativo, brusco
2. Adverb: a ojo
offhand /ɒfˈhænd/
1. Adjective
1.1 (=casual) - quitando importancia
he was very offhand about his achievements - no daba importancia a sus logros
"it was nothing," he said in an offhand manner -no fue nada -dijo como quitándole importancia
"it could have been worse," said Hamish, in an offhand tone podría haber sido peor dijo Hamish en tono despreocupado
Sinónimos: informal, unceremonious; Not formal. ; Not officially recognized or controlled.
1.2 (a la ligera)
his attitude to work/punctuality is very offhand - se toma el trabajo/la puntualidad muy a la ligera
1.3 unfriendly in the way you treat someone (=despreciativo) offhand, disdainful
Sinónimos: rude, blunt, gruff, offhanded, short-spoken, snippety, snappish; Socially incorrect in behavior. ; Lacking civility or good manners. ; Lacking in refinement or grace.
the next day he was very offhand with her - al día siguiente estuvo muy displicente con ella
to treat sb in an offhand manner - tratar a algn con displicencia
Synonyms of offhand: unfriendly, cold, hostile, distant, unpleasant.
2. Adverb (sin pensarlo, a ojo)
immediately and without checking the details or facts
I can’t remember any of their names offhand.
I can't tell you offhand - no te lo puedo decir así de pronto or sin pensarlo un poco or (LAm) así nomás
offhand, I'd say that there were around 40 - así, a ojo, diría que eran unos cuarenta
do you know offhand where the copies are kept? - ¿sabes por casualidad dónde se guardan las copias?
do you know her phone number offhand? ¿te sabes de memoria su número de teléfono?
Synonyms of offhand: random, arbitrary, spontaneous, accidental, instinctive..
1. Adjective
1.1 (=casual) - quitando importancia
he was very offhand about his achievements - no daba importancia a sus logros
"it was nothing," he said in an offhand manner -no fue nada -dijo como quitándole importancia
"it could have been worse," said Hamish, in an offhand tone podría haber sido peor dijo Hamish en tono despreocupado
Sinónimos: informal, unceremonious; Not formal. ; Not officially recognized or controlled.
1.2 (a la ligera)
his attitude to work/punctuality is very offhand - se toma el trabajo/la puntualidad muy a la ligera
1.3 unfriendly in the way you treat someone (=despreciativo) offhand, disdainful
Sinónimos: rude, blunt, gruff, offhanded, short-spoken, snippety, snappish; Socially incorrect in behavior. ; Lacking civility or good manners. ; Lacking in refinement or grace.
the next day he was very offhand with her - al día siguiente estuvo muy displicente con ella
to treat sb in an offhand manner - tratar a algn con displicencia
Synonyms of offhand: unfriendly, cold, hostile, distant, unpleasant.
2. Adverb (sin pensarlo, a ojo)
immediately and without checking the details or facts
I can’t remember any of their names offhand.
I can't tell you offhand - no te lo puedo decir así de pronto or sin pensarlo un poco or (LAm) así nomás
offhand, I'd say that there were around 40 - así, a ojo, diría que eran unos cuarenta
do you know offhand where the copies are kept? - ¿sabes por casualidad dónde se guardan las copias?
do you know her phone number offhand? ¿te sabes de memoria su número de teléfono?
Synonyms of offhand: random, arbitrary, spontaneous, accidental, instinctive..
to argue in order to agree on the price of something
to bargain
or to try to persuade someone to give you a better price or make an agreement that suits you better
to bargain
or to try to persuade someone to give you a better price or make an agreement that suits you better
to haggle with /ˈhæɡ(ə)l/
You get good prices on materials by haggling with local manufacturers.
I had to haggle with all the traders in the zouk
You get good prices on materials by haggling with local manufacturers.
I had to haggle with all the traders in the zouk
it/that is just as well
I was saying horrible things about her, but she didn´t heard.
Just as well!
used for saying that a situation or result is good, even though it is not what you planned or expected
It's beginning to rain - it's just as well that we brought our umbrellas.
We cancelled the trip, which was just as well, because it rained.
2. used for saying that something is a sensible thing to do
It would be just as well to check that they’ve arrived.
I was saying horrible things about her, but she didn´t heard.
Just as well!
used for saying that a situation or result is good, even though it is not what you planned or expected
It's beginning to rain - it's just as well that we brought our umbrellas.
We cancelled the trip, which was just as well, because it rained.
2. used for saying that something is a sensible thing to do
It would be just as well to check that they’ve arrived.
to annoy someone, or to cause problems for them
molestar, fastidiar
molestar, fastidiar
to hassle/ˈhæs(ə)l/
The press has continued to hassle Roberts since the incident.
hassle n a situation that causes problems for you or that annoys you very much
If it’s too much hassle, we can do it another time.
* (=problem, difficulty) lío m , problema m
no hassle! ¡no hay problema!
it's not worth the hassle no vale la pena
The press has continued to hassle Roberts since the incident.
hassle n a situation that causes problems for you or that annoys you very much
If it’s too much hassle, we can do it another time.
* (=problem, difficulty) lío m , problema m
no hassle! ¡no hay problema!
it's not worth the hassle no vale la pena
inventions in the late eighteen hundreds
in the early eighteen hundreds
in the mid eighteen hundreds
in the early eighteen hundreds
in the mid eighteen hundreds
1. to correct your posture/ˈpɒstʃə(r)/
2 to catch on: to become fashinable
2.1 tener éxito, hacerse popular, ponerse de moda; Sinónimos: be successful, have success, succeed, be a hit, come through, go places, make one's fortune; Become popular.
This fashion caught on in paris.
2.2Understand, usually after some initial difficulty.
she caugth on the conversation
plug enchufe
thread hilo
to lose the thread
to knit: tricotar
to saw coser /səʊ/
neddle: aguja
time and motion to control the work is done on time
2 to catch on: to become fashinable
2.1 tener éxito, hacerse popular, ponerse de moda; Sinónimos: be successful, have success, succeed, be a hit, come through, go places, make one's fortune; Become popular.
This fashion caught on in paris.
2.2Understand, usually after some initial difficulty.
she caugth on the conversation
plug enchufe
thread hilo
to lose the thread
to knit: tricotar
to saw coser /səʊ/
neddle: aguja
time and motion to control the work is done on time
listening about Toyota
a recall
to recall to bring something back because it is defective
defective brakes
a dent un bollo en el coche: deep, big, small
to dent to have a bad effect on something
your reputation dented
Their confidence had been badly dented by the defeat.
to have a battered dent
He was wearing his hat, his battered old hat that he wore until the day he went into hospital for the last time
to goof
a goof a really silly mistake
meter la pata, pifia
flack (uncountable): negative criticism - critica despiadada
informal criticism and argument
The policy is getting a lot of flak.
to overtake adelantar
to recall to bring something back because it is defective
defective brakes
a dent un bollo en el coche: deep, big, small
to dent to have a bad effect on something
your reputation dented
Their confidence had been badly dented by the defeat.
to have a battered dent
He was wearing his hat, his battered old hat that he wore until the day he went into hospital for the last time
to goof
a goof a really silly mistake
meter la pata, pifia
flack (uncountable): negative criticism - critica despiadada
informal criticism and argument
The policy is getting a lot of flak.
to overtake adelantar
1 (=hole) (in roof) gotera f , (in pipe, radiator, tank) rotura f , (in boat) vía f de agua
→ spring → B1 spring a leak
if a container or a boat springs a leak, it cracks or breaks so that water or other liquid can get in or out
to spring a leak [boat] empezar a hacer agua
the fuel tank sprang a leak el depósito del combustible empezó a perder
2 (=escape)
[+of gas, water, chemical] escape m , fuga f
3 (fig)
[+of information, document] filtración f
→ security → B
4 IDIOMS to go for or have or take a leak echar una meada , mear **
b vi
1 (=be leaky)
[roof] tener goteras
[pipe, radiator, tank] gotear, tener una fuga
[boat] hacer agua
[pen] perder tinta
her shoes leaked le entraba agua en or por los zapatos
the window is leaking a bit entra un poco de agua por la ventana
my pen has leaked onto my shirt me ha caído tinta del bolígrafo en la camisa
2 (=escape)
radioactive gas was leaking from a reactor había un escape or fuga de gas radiactivo en un reactor
water was leaking through the roof entraba agua por el tejado, goteaba agua del tejado
c vt
1 [+liquid] (=discharge) perder
(=pour out) derramar
a tanker has leaked oil into the Baltic Sea un petrolero ha derramado petróleo al mar Báltico
it is feared that these weapons could leak plutonium se teme que se produzca un escape de plutonio de estas armas
2 (fig)
[+information, document] filtrar (to a)
his letter was leaked to the press su carta se filtró a la prensa
1 (=hole) (in roof) gotera f , (in pipe, radiator, tank) rotura f , (in boat) vía f de agua
→ spring → B1 spring a leak
if a container or a boat springs a leak, it cracks or breaks so that water or other liquid can get in or out
to spring a leak [boat] empezar a hacer agua
the fuel tank sprang a leak el depósito del combustible empezó a perder
2 (=escape)
[+of gas, water, chemical] escape m , fuga f
3 (fig)
[+of information, document] filtración f
→ security → B
4 IDIOMS to go for or have or take a leak echar una meada , mear **
b vi
1 (=be leaky)
[roof] tener goteras
[pipe, radiator, tank] gotear, tener una fuga
[boat] hacer agua
[pen] perder tinta
her shoes leaked le entraba agua en or por los zapatos
the window is leaking a bit entra un poco de agua por la ventana
my pen has leaked onto my shirt me ha caído tinta del bolígrafo en la camisa
2 (=escape)
radioactive gas was leaking from a reactor había un escape or fuga de gas radiactivo en un reactor
water was leaking through the roof entraba agua por el tejado, goteaba agua del tejado
c vt
1 [+liquid] (=discharge) perder
(=pour out) derramar
a tanker has leaked oil into the Baltic Sea un petrolero ha derramado petróleo al mar Báltico
it is feared that these weapons could leak plutonium se teme que se produzca un escape de plutonio de estas armas
2 (fig)
[+information, document] filtrar (to a)
his letter was leaked to the press su carta se filtró a la prensa
National Health Service /ˌen eɪtʃ ˈes/
a painkiller analgésico
++it helps/allows/ enables you to....
I musst confess/admit that
gp general practitioner - family doctor
at the top of a hat - inmediately
to post things on the blog
I eat a little chocolate
I eat a bit of chocolate
a balanced diet
a painkiller analgésico
++it helps/allows/ enables you to....
I musst confess/admit that
gp general practitioner - family doctor
at the top of a hat - inmediately
to post things on the blog
I eat a little chocolate
I eat a bit of chocolate
a balanced diet
to control something to use it
to harness
1 (lit) [+horse] enjaezar, poner los arreos a , (to carriage) enganchar
to harness a horse to a cart enganchar un caballo a un carro
2 (fig) [+resources, energy] utilizar, aprovechar
a harness:
(for horse) arreos mpl , jaeces mpl
(=safety harness) (for walking a child) andadores mpl , correas fpl , (on high chair, baby seat) correas fpl de sujeción or seguridad, (for mountaineer etc) arnés m
to work in harness (with) trabajar conjuntamente (con)
IDIOMS to die in harness morir con las botas puestas
IDIOMS to get back in harness volver al trabajo
1 (lit) [+horse] enjaezar, poner los arreos a , (to carriage) enganchar
to harness a horse to a cart enganchar un caballo a un carro
2 (fig) [+resources, energy] utilizar, aprovechar
a harness:
(for horse) arreos mpl , jaeces mpl
(=safety harness) (for walking a child) andadores mpl , correas fpl , (on high chair, baby seat) correas fpl de sujeción or seguridad, (for mountaineer etc) arnés m
to work in harness (with) trabajar conjuntamente (con)
IDIOMS to die in harness morir con las botas puestas
IDIOMS to get back in harness volver al trabajo
fear felt by actors or singers before a performance, or by other people before doing something important -
tener pánico escénico
tener pánico escénico
to have stage fright
♦ stage fright n miedo m a las tablas or al escenario, miedo m escénico
to get stage fright ponerse nervioso al salir a las tablas or al escenario
♦ stage fright n miedo m a las tablas or al escenario, miedo m escénico
to get stage fright ponerse nervioso al salir a las tablas or al escenario
to ask for a lift
to hitch (reg) /hɪtʃ/
[intransitive/transitive] informal to travel by asking other people to take you in their car, by standing at the side of a road and holding out your thumb or a sign
We managed to hitch a ride to Bristol with a truck driver.
As a student, Lisa had hitched across the States.
to hitchhike (reg) /ˈhɪtʃˌhaɪk/
1. to travel by asking other people to take you in their car, by standing at the side of a road and holding out your thumb or a sign
They hitchhiked around the coast of Ireland.
You should never go hitchhiking alone.
to thumb a lift (reg)
to thumb a lift informal
to make a signal to a driver with your thumb when you want them to stop and take you somewhere
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of thumb: go, ride, commute, come up, go down...
[intransitive/transitive] informal to travel by asking other people to take you in their car, by standing at the side of a road and holding out your thumb or a sign
We managed to hitch a ride to Bristol with a truck driver.
As a student, Lisa had hitched across the States.
to hitchhike (reg) /ˈhɪtʃˌhaɪk/
1. to travel by asking other people to take you in their car, by standing at the side of a road and holding out your thumb or a sign
They hitchhiked around the coast of Ireland.
You should never go hitchhiking alone.
to thumb a lift (reg)
to thumb a lift informal
to make a signal to a driver with your thumb when you want them to stop and take you somewhere
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of thumb: go, ride, commute, come up, go down...
someone’s mind is/goes blank
used for saying that someone is/becomes unable to remember or think anything
When he asked me for my number, my mind went completely blank.
My mind is blank
bank holiday
a public holiday when shops, businesses, and banks are closed. The American word is national holiday.
used for saying that someone is/becomes unable to remember or think anything
When he asked me for my number, my mind went completely blank.
My mind is blank
bank holiday
a public holiday when shops, businesses, and banks are closed. The American word is national holiday.
daring a adj
1 (=bold)
[plan, escape] arriesgado
[person] atrevido, audaz
2 (=provocative)
[film, clothes] atrevido
b n audacia f , atrevimiento m
a dare
a n (=challenge) reto m , desafío m
I did it for a dare me retaron, por eso lo hice
to dare vt
1 (=challenge) desafiar, retar
to dare sb to do sth desafiar or retar a algn a hacer algo
I dare you! ¡a que no te atreves!
2 (=be so bold) atreverse
to dare (to) do sth atreverse a hacer algo
I daren't no me atrevo
I daren't tell him no me atrevo a decírselo
how dare you! ¡cómo te atreves!, ¡qué cara!
don't or just you dare! * ¡ni se te ocurra!
3 I dare say (=in my opinion) en mi opinión (=possibly) puede ser, tal vez
I dare say that ... no me sorprendería que + subjun
I dare say you're tired supongo que estás cansado
dare I say it me atrevería a decir
1 (=bold)
[plan, escape] arriesgado
[person] atrevido, audaz
2 (=provocative)
[film, clothes] atrevido
b n audacia f , atrevimiento m
a dare
a n (=challenge) reto m , desafío m
I did it for a dare me retaron, por eso lo hice
to dare vt
1 (=challenge) desafiar, retar
to dare sb to do sth desafiar or retar a algn a hacer algo
I dare you! ¡a que no te atreves!
2 (=be so bold) atreverse
to dare (to) do sth atreverse a hacer algo
I daren't no me atrevo
I daren't tell him no me atrevo a decírselo
how dare you! ¡cómo te atreves!, ¡qué cara!
don't or just you dare! * ¡ni se te ocurra!
3 I dare say (=in my opinion) en mi opinión (=possibly) puede ser, tal vez
I dare say that ... no me sorprendería que + subjun
I dare say you're tired supongo que estás cansado
dare I say it me atrevería a decir
to reciprocate
a vt [+good wishes] intercambiar, devolver
and this feeling is reciprocated y compartimos este sentimiento
her kindness was not reciprocated su amabilidad no fue correspondida
b vi 1 (gen) corresponder
but they did not reciprocate pero ellos no correspondieron a esto
he reciprocated with a short speech pronunció un breve discurso a modo de contestación
2 (Mech) oscilar, alternar
swap n (=exchange) trueque m , canje m
swaps (when collecting) duplicados mpl
it's a fair swap es un trato equitativo
to swap monologist
haus swap
to couch surf couch surfing /kaʊtʃ ˈsɜː(r)fɪŋ/
a bus= a coach /kəʊtʃ/
to go couch surfing
to swap vt [+cars, stamps] trocar, canjear, intercambiar
will you swap your hat for my jacket? ¿quieres cambiar tu sombrero por mi chaqueta?
we sat swapping reminiscences estábamos contando nuestros recuerdos
to swap stories (with sb) contarse chascarrillos or historietas (con algn)
to swap places (with sb) (lit) cambiar(se) de sitio con algn
I wouldn't mind swapping places with him! (fig) ¡ya me gustaría a mí estar en su pellejo!
to swap c vi hacer un intercambio
I asked her but she wouldn't swap se lo pedí pero no quería cambiarse
I wouldn't swap with anyone no me cambiaría por nadie
do you want to swap? ¿quieres que cambiemos?
a vt [+good wishes] intercambiar, devolver
and this feeling is reciprocated y compartimos este sentimiento
her kindness was not reciprocated su amabilidad no fue correspondida
b vi 1 (gen) corresponder
but they did not reciprocate pero ellos no correspondieron a esto
he reciprocated with a short speech pronunció un breve discurso a modo de contestación
2 (Mech) oscilar, alternar
swap n (=exchange) trueque m , canje m
swaps (when collecting) duplicados mpl
it's a fair swap es un trato equitativo
to swap monologist
haus swap
to couch surf couch surfing /kaʊtʃ ˈsɜː(r)fɪŋ/
a bus= a coach /kəʊtʃ/
to go couch surfing
to swap vt [+cars, stamps] trocar, canjear, intercambiar
will you swap your hat for my jacket? ¿quieres cambiar tu sombrero por mi chaqueta?
we sat swapping reminiscences estábamos contando nuestros recuerdos
to swap stories (with sb) contarse chascarrillos or historietas (con algn)
to swap places (with sb) (lit) cambiar(se) de sitio con algn
I wouldn't mind swapping places with him! (fig) ¡ya me gustaría a mí estar en su pellejo!
to swap c vi hacer un intercambio
I asked her but she wouldn't swap se lo pedí pero no quería cambiarse
I wouldn't swap with anyone no me cambiaría por nadie
do you want to swap? ¿quieres que cambiemos?
en la miseria - Advebio
misero - Adkjetivo
misero - Adkjetivo
on the breadline Adjetivo
1. mísero, pobre; Sinónimos: poor, beggarly, destitute, miserable, utterly poor, wretched; Having little money or few possessions. ; Characterized by or indicating lack of money.
on the breadline Adverbio
1. en la miseria
1. mísero, pobre; Sinónimos: poor, beggarly, destitute, miserable, utterly poor, wretched; Having little money or few possessions. ; Characterized by or indicating lack of money.
on the breadline Adverbio
1. en la miseria
oral exam:
to go into the habit of thinking - to prepare different matters on our own
what I say musst be: easy to follow, must have: pauses, stress, gut pronunciation of key words
have a range of vocabulary: try not to repeat a word, using pronoms (it)
range of grammar
to go into the habit of thinking - to prepare different matters on our own
what I say musst be: easy to follow, must have: pauses, stress, gut pronunciation of key words
have a range of vocabulary: try not to repeat a word, using pronoms (it)
range of grammar
a kind of, a sort of
I as said before
for example
I don´t know
it requires/demands a lot of.....
As for/as regard/ regarding/ as far as x is concerned
it helps/allows/ enables you to
people are /ˈpiːp(ə)lə/
people have /ˈpiːp(ə)ləv/
I must confess/admit that ...
a kind of, a sort of
I as said before
for example
I don´t know
it requires/demands a lot of.....
As for/as regard/ regarding/ as far as x is concerned
it helps/allows/ enables you to
people are /ˈpiːp(ə)lə/
people have /ˈpiːp(ə)ləv/
I must confess/admit that ...
to vanish
1. dejar de existir; Sinónimos: die, pass away, be no more, cease to exist; Cease to exist. ; Pass away rapidly.
An entire civilization vanished.
Time flies like an arrow.
Time fleeing beneath him.
2. desaparecer, desaparecerse, desaparecer de la vista, desvanecerse, esfumarse, extinguirse; Sinónimos: disappear, duck out, fade, fade away, get out of sight, get out of view, melt away; Get lost, especially without warning or explanation. ; Become invisible or unnoticeable.
Hope vanished, La esperanza se desvaneció.
He disappeared without a trace.
The effect vanished when day broke.
3. tender hacia cero, volverse cero, ser rayano a cero; Sinónimos: become zero; Decrease rapidly and disappear.
The money vanished in las Vegas.
All my stock assets have vaporized.
1. dejar de existir; Sinónimos: die, pass away, be no more, cease to exist; Cease to exist. ; Pass away rapidly.
An entire civilization vanished.
Time flies like an arrow.
Time fleeing beneath him.
2. desaparecer, desaparecerse, desaparecer de la vista, desvanecerse, esfumarse, extinguirse; Sinónimos: disappear, duck out, fade, fade away, get out of sight, get out of view, melt away; Get lost, especially without warning or explanation. ; Become invisible or unnoticeable.
Hope vanished, La esperanza se desvaneció.
He disappeared without a trace.
The effect vanished when day broke.
3. tender hacia cero, volverse cero, ser rayano a cero; Sinónimos: become zero; Decrease rapidly and disappear.
The money vanished in las Vegas.
All my stock assets have vaporized.
to faint
1. desmayarse, desfallecer, desvanecerse, perder el sentido, caer súpito, esmorecerse; Sinónimos: pass out, become unconscious, black out, fall into a faint, lose consciousness, pass off, swoon; Pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain.
Ann fainted all of a sudden, Ana se desvaneció de repente.
faint Sustantivo
1. desmayo, ahilamiento, ahilo, lipotimia, malagana, soponcio, síncope; Sinónimos: blackout, collapse, fainting fit, dead faint, fainting, faltering; A spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain.
faint Adjetivo
1. débil, desfallecido, desfalleciente, desvanecido, pálido, exánime, lánguido; Sinónimos: feeble, weak, dim, enfeebled, feeble-bodied, flimsy, frail; Indistinctly understood or felt or perceived. ; Lacking strength or vigor. ; Weak and likely to lose consciousness.
A faint clue to the origin of the mystery.
Haven't the faintest idea.
Damning with faint praise.
Faint resistance.
Feeble efforts.
A feeble voice.
Suddenly felt faint from the pain.
Was sick and faint from hunger.
Felt light in the head.
A swooning fit.
Light-headed with wine.
Light-headed from lack of sleep.
2. apenas perceptible, apenas visible; Sinónimos: almost perceptible, nearly visible; Lacking clarity or distinctness.; Indistinctly understood or felt or perceived. ; Barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc.
A dim figure in the distance.
Only a faint recollection.
Shadowy figures in the gloom.
Saw a vague outline of a building through the fog.
A few wispy memories of childhood.
A faint clue to the origin of the mystery.
Haven't the faintest idea.
A faint outline.
The wan sun cast faint shadows.
The faint light of a distant candle.
Faint colors.
A faint hissing sound.
A faint aroma.
1. desmayarse, desfallecer, desvanecerse, perder el sentido, caer súpito, esmorecerse; Sinónimos: pass out, become unconscious, black out, fall into a faint, lose consciousness, pass off, swoon; Pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain.
Ann fainted all of a sudden, Ana se desvaneció de repente.
faint Sustantivo
1. desmayo, ahilamiento, ahilo, lipotimia, malagana, soponcio, síncope; Sinónimos: blackout, collapse, fainting fit, dead faint, fainting, faltering; A spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain.
faint Adjetivo
1. débil, desfallecido, desfalleciente, desvanecido, pálido, exánime, lánguido; Sinónimos: feeble, weak, dim, enfeebled, feeble-bodied, flimsy, frail; Indistinctly understood or felt or perceived. ; Lacking strength or vigor. ; Weak and likely to lose consciousness.
A faint clue to the origin of the mystery.
Haven't the faintest idea.
Damning with faint praise.
Faint resistance.
Feeble efforts.
A feeble voice.
Suddenly felt faint from the pain.
Was sick and faint from hunger.
Felt light in the head.
A swooning fit.
Light-headed with wine.
Light-headed from lack of sleep.
2. apenas perceptible, apenas visible; Sinónimos: almost perceptible, nearly visible; Lacking clarity or distinctness.; Indistinctly understood or felt or perceived. ; Barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc.
A dim figure in the distance.
Only a faint recollection.
Shadowy figures in the gloom.
Saw a vague outline of a building through the fog.
A few wispy memories of childhood.
A faint clue to the origin of the mystery.
Haven't the faintest idea.
A faint outline.
The wan sun cast faint shadows.
The faint light of a distant candle.
Faint colors.
A faint hissing sound.
A faint aroma.
to travel (verb)
travels- someone’s travels
a series of journeys that someone makes to different places
Her travels have taken her to many parts of the world.
on your travels:
We met a lot of interesting people on our travels.
trip (noum) to go on a trip
a tripper
a day-tripper
Sunday drivers dominguero
touristy: a touristy place: turístico
turist trap(s): you have to pay a lot bc it is a touristy place
unspoilt: for landscape
a bewildering place: confusing and difficult to understand
I was struck
what struck you the most?
travels- someone’s travels
a series of journeys that someone makes to different places
Her travels have taken her to many parts of the world.
on your travels:
We met a lot of interesting people on our travels.
trip (noum) to go on a trip
a tripper
a day-tripper
Sunday drivers dominguero
touristy: a touristy place: turístico
turist trap(s): you have to pay a lot bc it is a touristy place
unspoilt: for landscape
a bewildering place: confusing and difficult to understand
I was struck
what struck you the most?
to read in brochures
to read in brochures
1. brochure /ˈbrəʊʃə(r)/
a small magazine containing details and pictures of goods or services that you can buy
I picked up a copy of their summer travel brochure.
2. not enough room to swing a catinformal
used for saying that a room is very small and there is not enough space to live comfortably in it
3.minute Adjective /maɪˈnjuːt/
4.not sound-proof
5. underwhelming not at all impressed or excited
a small magazine containing details and pictures of goods or services that you can buy
I picked up a copy of their summer travel brochure.
2. not enough room to swing a catinformal
used for saying that a room is very small and there is not enough space to live comfortably in it
3.minute Adjective /maɪˈnjuːt/
4.not sound-proof
5. underwhelming not at all impressed or excited
1. promocionar con exageración, exagerar;
to hype /haɪp/
Sinónimos: blow out of proportion, blow up, bulge, carry to extremes, exaggerate, magnify, make too much of
hype Sustantivo
1. bombardeo publicitario, bombo publicitario, parla propagandística, publicidad a bombo y platillos, publicidad exagerada;
Sinónimos: blatant publicity, dealer's talk, ballyhoo, noisy publicity, promotion, storm of publicity; Blatant or sensational promotion.
Sinónimos: blow out of proportion, blow up, bulge, carry to extremes, exaggerate, magnify, make too much of
hype Sustantivo
1. bombardeo publicitario, bombo publicitario, parla propagandística, publicidad a bombo y platillos, publicidad exagerada;
Sinónimos: blatant publicity, dealer's talk, ballyhoo, noisy publicity, promotion, storm of publicity; Blatant or sensational promotion.
1. ondear, enrizar; Sinónimos: curl, ruffle, wave, toss, undulate; Stir up (water) so as to form ripples.
2. rizar; Sinónimos: curl, crimp, frizz, ruffle; Twist or roll into coils or ringlets.
3. desgranar; Sinónimos: pod, flail, remove the grain from, shell; Take something out of its shell or pod.
4. hacer ondular, ondear, ondular; Sinónimos: undulate; Stir up (water) so as to form ripples.
The water in the pond ripples, El agua del estanque ondea.
ripple Sustantivo
1. onda, escarceo; Sinónimos: wave, wave with a foaming white crest; Wave with a foaming white crest.; A small wave on the surface of a liquid.
2. desgranadora
1. ondear, enrizar; Sinónimos: curl, ruffle, wave, toss, undulate; Stir up (water) so as to form ripples.
2. rizar; Sinónimos: curl, crimp, frizz, ruffle; Twist or roll into coils or ringlets.
3. desgranar; Sinónimos: pod, flail, remove the grain from, shell; Take something out of its shell or pod.
4. hacer ondular, ondear, ondular; Sinónimos: undulate; Stir up (water) so as to form ripples.
The water in the pond ripples, El agua del estanque ondea.
ripple Sustantivo
1. onda, escarceo; Sinónimos: wave, wave with a foaming white crest; Wave with a foaming white crest.; A small wave on the surface of a liquid.
2. desgranadora
spot a n
1 (=dot) lunar m
a red dress with white spots un vestido rojo con lunares blancos
to have spots before one's eyes tener la vista nublada
IDIOMS to knock spots off sb * dar ciento y raya a algn, vencer fácilmente a algn
this can knock spots off yours any time * éste le da ciento y raya al tuyo en cualquier momento
2 (=stain, mark) mancha f
spots of blood/grease manchas de sangre/grasa
it made a spot on the table hizo una mancha en la mesa
there's a spot on your shirt tienes una mancha en la camisa
3 (Med) (=pimple) grano m , granito m
→ she broke out or came out in spots (=pimples) le salieron granos en la piel (=rash) le salió un sarpullido, le salieron granos en la piel
→ he's covered in spots (=pimples) está lleno de granos (=rash) le ha salido un sarpullido por todo el cuerpo, está lleno de granos
→ measles spots manchas fpl de sarampión
→ beauty → B
4 (=place) sitio m , lugar m
(=scene) escena f , escenario m
it's a lovely spot for a picnic es un sitio or lugar precioso para un picnic
a tender spot on the arm un punto or lugar sensible en el brazo
→ an accident black spot un punto negro para los accidentes
→ night spot centro m nocturno
→ on the spot (=immediately) en el acto (=there) en el mismo sitio
they gave her the job on the spot le dieron el trabajo en el acto
luckily they were able to mend the car on the spot afortunadamente consiguieron arreglar el coche allí mismo
the reporter was on the spot el reportero estaba presente
the firemen were on the spot in three minutes los bomberos acudieron or llegaron en tres minutos
I always have to be on the spot estoy de servicio siempre
our man on the spot nuestro hombre sobre el terreno
to run on the spot correr en parada
to pay cash on the spot (US) pagar al contado
→ his soft spot su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to have a soft spot for sb tener debilidad por algn
→ his weak spot su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to know sb's weak spots conocer las debilidades de algn, saber de qué pie cojea algn *
IDIOMS to touch a sore spot tocar la fibra sensible, poner el dedo en la llaga
5 (Brit)
* (=small quantity) poquito m , pizca f
just a spot, thanks un poquitín, gracias
→ a spot of bother un pequeño disgusto
he had a spot of bother with the police se metió en un lío con la policía *
→ we had a spot of rain yesterday ayer se sintieron gotas de lluvia
→ we're in a spot of trouble estamos en un pequeño apuro
6 (=difficulty) apuro m , aprieto m
→ to be in a (tight) spot estar en un apuro or aprieto
→ now I'm really on the spot ahora me veo de verdad entre la espada y la pared
→ to put sb on the spot (=put in difficulty) poner a algn en un apuro or aprieto (=compromise) comprometer a algn
7 (Rad, Theat, TV, in show) espacio m , (Rad, TV) (=advertisement) espacio m publicitario
8 * (=spotlight) foco m
b vt
1 (with mud etc) salpicar, manchar (with de)
2 (=notice) darse cuenta de, notar
(=see) observar, darse cuenta de
(=recognize) reconocer
(=catch out) coger, pillar
I spotted a mistake descubrí un error
I spotted him at once lo reconocí en seguida
to spot the winner elegir al ganador
c vi
to spot with rain chispear
d cpd
♦ spot cash n dinero m contante
♦ spot check n comprobación f en el acto, reconocimiento m rápido
→ spot-check
♦ spot market n mercado m al contado
♦ spot price n precio m de entrega inmediata
♦ spot remover n quitamanchas m inv
♦ spot survey n inspección f sorpresa
1 (=dot) lunar m
a red dress with white spots un vestido rojo con lunares blancos
to have spots before one's eyes tener la vista nublada
IDIOMS to knock spots off sb * dar ciento y raya a algn, vencer fácilmente a algn
this can knock spots off yours any time * éste le da ciento y raya al tuyo en cualquier momento
2 (=stain, mark) mancha f
spots of blood/grease manchas de sangre/grasa
it made a spot on the table hizo una mancha en la mesa
there's a spot on your shirt tienes una mancha en la camisa
3 (Med) (=pimple) grano m , granito m
→ she broke out or came out in spots (=pimples) le salieron granos en la piel (=rash) le salió un sarpullido, le salieron granos en la piel
→ he's covered in spots (=pimples) está lleno de granos (=rash) le ha salido un sarpullido por todo el cuerpo, está lleno de granos
→ measles spots manchas fpl de sarampión
→ beauty → B
4 (=place) sitio m , lugar m
(=scene) escena f , escenario m
it's a lovely spot for a picnic es un sitio or lugar precioso para un picnic
a tender spot on the arm un punto or lugar sensible en el brazo
→ an accident black spot un punto negro para los accidentes
→ night spot centro m nocturno
→ on the spot (=immediately) en el acto (=there) en el mismo sitio
they gave her the job on the spot le dieron el trabajo en el acto
luckily they were able to mend the car on the spot afortunadamente consiguieron arreglar el coche allí mismo
the reporter was on the spot el reportero estaba presente
the firemen were on the spot in three minutes los bomberos acudieron or llegaron en tres minutos
I always have to be on the spot estoy de servicio siempre
our man on the spot nuestro hombre sobre el terreno
to run on the spot correr en parada
to pay cash on the spot (US) pagar al contado
→ his soft spot su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to have a soft spot for sb tener debilidad por algn
→ his weak spot su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to know sb's weak spots conocer las debilidades de algn, saber de qué pie cojea algn *
IDIOMS to touch a sore spot tocar la fibra sensible, poner el dedo en la llaga
5 (Brit)
* (=small quantity) poquito m , pizca f
just a spot, thanks un poquitín, gracias
→ a spot of bother un pequeño disgusto
he had a spot of bother with the police se metió en un lío con la policía *
→ we had a spot of rain yesterday ayer se sintieron gotas de lluvia
→ we're in a spot of trouble estamos en un pequeño apuro
6 (=difficulty) apuro m , aprieto m
→ to be in a (tight) spot estar en un apuro or aprieto
→ now I'm really on the spot ahora me veo de verdad entre la espada y la pared
→ to put sb on the spot (=put in difficulty) poner a algn en un apuro or aprieto (=compromise) comprometer a algn
7 (Rad, Theat, TV, in show) espacio m , (Rad, TV) (=advertisement) espacio m publicitario
8 * (=spotlight) foco m
b vt
1 (with mud etc) salpicar, manchar (with de)
2 (=notice) darse cuenta de, notar
(=see) observar, darse cuenta de
(=recognize) reconocer
(=catch out) coger, pillar
I spotted a mistake descubrí un error
I spotted him at once lo reconocí en seguida
to spot the winner elegir al ganador
c vi
to spot with rain chispear
d cpd
♦ spot cash n dinero m contante
♦ spot check n comprobación f en el acto, reconocimiento m rápido
→ spot-check
♦ spot market n mercado m al contado
♦ spot price n precio m de entrega inmediata
♦ spot remover n quitamanchas m inv
♦ spot survey n inspección f sorpresa
1.stunned adj
1.1 (=unconscious) sin sentido
1.2 (=dazed) aturdido, atontado
1,3 (=amazed) pasmado
I was absolutely stunned when I realized I had won - me quedé pasmado cuando me di cuenta de que había ganado, me quedé alucinado cuando me di cuenta de que había ganado
stunned passers-by could not believe what was happening - los transeúntes, estupefactos, no podían creer lo que estaba sucediendo
1,4 (=shocked) anonadado
I was too stunned to reply - me quedé tan anonadado que no pude contestar
he had a stunned expression on his face- tenía una expresión de asombro en el rostro
I sat in stunned silence - me senté en silencio, anonadado
people reacted to the news with stunned disbelief - al enterarse de la noticia la gente se quedó anonadada, sin dar crédito a lo que oía
2.to stun a vt
2.1 (=render unconscious) dejar sin sentido
2.2 (=daze) aturdir, atontar
he was stunned by the blow - el golpe lo aturdió or atontó, el golpe lo dejó aturdido or atontado
2. 3 (=amaze) dejar pasmado
2. 4 (=shock) dejar anonadado
the news stunned everybody la noticia dejó anonadados a todos
the family were stunned by his death la familia quedó anonadada a raíz de su muerte
3. stun grenade n granada f detonadora, granada f de estampida
4. stun gun n arma para inmovilizar a animales o a personas temporalmente arma para inmovilizar a animales o a personas temporalmente
a stun gun
to stun the animal
1.1 (=unconscious) sin sentido
1.2 (=dazed) aturdido, atontado
1,3 (=amazed) pasmado
I was absolutely stunned when I realized I had won - me quedé pasmado cuando me di cuenta de que había ganado, me quedé alucinado cuando me di cuenta de que había ganado
stunned passers-by could not believe what was happening - los transeúntes, estupefactos, no podían creer lo que estaba sucediendo
1,4 (=shocked) anonadado
I was too stunned to reply - me quedé tan anonadado que no pude contestar
he had a stunned expression on his face- tenía una expresión de asombro en el rostro
I sat in stunned silence - me senté en silencio, anonadado
people reacted to the news with stunned disbelief - al enterarse de la noticia la gente se quedó anonadada, sin dar crédito a lo que oía
2.to stun a vt
2.1 (=render unconscious) dejar sin sentido
2.2 (=daze) aturdir, atontar
he was stunned by the blow - el golpe lo aturdió or atontó, el golpe lo dejó aturdido or atontado
2. 3 (=amaze) dejar pasmado
2. 4 (=shock) dejar anonadado
the news stunned everybody la noticia dejó anonadados a todos
the family were stunned by his death la familia quedó anonadada a raíz de su muerte
3. stun grenade n granada f detonadora, granada f de estampida
4. stun gun n arma para inmovilizar a animales o a personas temporalmente arma para inmovilizar a animales o a personas temporalmente
a stun gun
to stun the animal
to relax and stop worrying. You need to be very stressed or tense before
to unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ [intransitive] informal
sinonym: to switch off
to chill out: you don´t need to be stressed before
to begin to relax after you have been working hard or feeling nervous
I need to sit down and unwind for half an hour.
sinonym: to switch off
to chill out: you don´t need to be stressed before
to begin to relax after you have been working hard or feeling nervous
I need to sit down and unwind for half an hour.
buen servicio a buen precio
buen servicio a buen precio
a value for money...
I can recommend you a value for money holiday
he company offers good service and value for money - la compañía ofrece un buen servicio a buen precio
a menu value for money
an economical car: the petrol you buy for your car lasts long
I can recommend you a value for money holiday
he company offers good service and value for money - la compañía ofrece un buen servicio a buen precio
a menu value for money
an economical car: the petrol you buy for your car lasts long
making you feel great respect and admiration, and sometimes fear
an awe-inspiring figure
awe /ɔː/
to be/stand in awe of somebody/something
to admire somebody/something and be slightly frightened of them/it
While Diana was in awe of her grandfather, she adored her grandmother.
awesome man /ˈɔːs(ə)m/
1. very impressive and sometimes a little frightening
an awesome task/responsibility/power
Synonyms : respected, praiseworthy, heroic, admirable, noteworthy
2. informal extremely good. This word is used mainly by young people.
Synonyms: excellent, exceptional, high-grade, superlative, good...
to take/assume responsibility
awe /ɔː/
to be/stand in awe of somebody/something
to admire somebody/something and be slightly frightened of them/it
While Diana was in awe of her grandfather, she adored her grandmother.
awesome man /ˈɔːs(ə)m/
1. very impressive and sometimes a little frightening
an awesome task/responsibility/power
Synonyms : respected, praiseworthy, heroic, admirable, noteworthy
2. informal extremely good. This word is used mainly by young people.
Synonyms: excellent, exceptional, high-grade, superlative, good...
to take/assume responsibility
It affects your sensibility and sensitivity
It affects your sensibility and sensitivity
a moving/touching film
I was moved/touched by it
sensitivity -
1 (=emotional awareness) sensibilidad f (to a)
2 (=touchiness) susceptibilidad f (to a)
3 (=delicate nature) [+of issue, subject] lo delicado
4 (=confidentiality)
[+of document, information] carácter m confidencial, confidencialidad f
5 [+of skin, teeth] sensibilidad f (to a)
6 (=responsiveness)
[+of instrument, film] sensibilidad f
sensibility n
1 sensibilidad f (to a)
2 sensibilities susceptibilidad
a moving/touching film
I was moved/touched by it
sensitivity -
1 (=emotional awareness) sensibilidad f (to a)
2 (=touchiness) susceptibilidad f (to a)
3 (=delicate nature) [+of issue, subject] lo delicado
4 (=confidentiality)
[+of document, information] carácter m confidencial, confidencialidad f
5 [+of skin, teeth] sensibilidad f (to a)
6 (=responsiveness)
[+of instrument, film] sensibilidad f
sensibility n
1 sensibilidad f (to a)
2 sensibilities susceptibilidad
1. regañar a algn (por algo/por haber hecho algo)
2. bronca, reprimenda
2. bronca, reprimenda
1. to tell sb off (for sth/for doing sth)
He wants (necesitar) a good telling off
to buy enough that our wants are satisfied
wants: [plural] things that you want or need
This system has been designed to supply all your wants.
wants and needs:
want of: lack of
We aim to satisfy our customers’ wants and needs.
2. telling-off n bronca f , reprimenda f
to give sb a telling-off echar una bronca or regañar a algn
He wants (necesitar) a good telling off
to buy enough that our wants are satisfied
wants: [plural] things that you want or need
This system has been designed to supply all your wants.
wants and needs:
want of: lack of
We aim to satisfy our customers’ wants and needs.
2. telling-off n bronca f , reprimenda f
to give sb a telling-off echar una bronca or regañar a algn
to meet someone by arrangement
to meet up with quedar con alguien
I met up with him as I left the building.
to meet up: to come together with someone, unexpectedly or as planned
We usually meet up for a quick coffee in the morning.
They promised to meet up again in a year's time prometieron volver a verse or quedar un año después
We meet up for lunch occasionally de vez en cuando quedamos para almorzar juntos
where did you two meet up? (for 1st time) ¿dónde os conocisteis?
2 (=join) empalmar
this road meets up with the motorway esta carretera empalma con la autopista
I met up with him as I left the building.
to meet up: to come together with someone, unexpectedly or as planned
We usually meet up for a quick coffee in the morning.
They promised to meet up again in a year's time prometieron volver a verse or quedar un año después
We meet up for lunch occasionally de vez en cuando quedamos para almorzar juntos
where did you two meet up? (for 1st time) ¿dónde os conocisteis?
2 (=join) empalmar
this road meets up with the motorway esta carretera empalma con la autopista
seguir la pista a alguien/algo
to keep track of somebody/something
As a teacher it is difficult to keep track of all their students
They prefer him to live at home where they can keep track of him - prefieren que viva en casa donde le pueden seguir la pista
Do you find it hard to keep track of all your bills? - ¿le resulta difícil mantenerse al corriente de todas sus facturas?
Start keeping track of how much you spend - empiece a tomar nota de cuánto gasta
to lose track of sth/sb
I lost all track of time perdí la noción del tiempo por completo
to lose track of what sb is saying perder el hilo de lo que está diciendo algn
As a teacher it is difficult to keep track of all their students
They prefer him to live at home where they can keep track of him - prefieren que viva en casa donde le pueden seguir la pista
Do you find it hard to keep track of all your bills? - ¿le resulta difícil mantenerse al corriente de todas sus facturas?
Start keeping track of how much you spend - empiece a tomar nota de cuánto gasta
to lose track of sth/sb
I lost all track of time perdí la noción del tiempo por completo
to lose track of what sb is saying perder el hilo de lo que está diciendo algn
the next door (neighbour) but 3 (3 puertas más allá)
last/next but one
in a position that is just before the last one/just after the next one
My name was last but one on the list.
My sister lives next door but one (=there is one house between my house and hers).
My brother Peter, who is the last but one told me something very interesting (penúltimo)
The lady from next door but threewith whom you always exchange nice smiles.
last/next but one
in a position that is just before the last one/just after the next one
My name was last but one on the list.
My sister lives next door but one (=there is one house between my house and hers).
My brother Peter, who is the last but one told me something very interesting (penúltimo)
The lady from next door but threewith whom you always exchange nice smiles.
someone who is very secretive (reservado)
a dark horse
1. someone with a secret, especially a secret ability, skill, or achievement, that surprises you when you finally discover it
Synonyms: mystery, riddle, uncertainty, mystery, puzzle
2. someone who wins a race, competition, election etc that no one expected them to win
Synonyms: winner, champion, laureate, record-holder, medalist.
una incógnita
secretive adj
[person] reservado, callado
[behaviour] reservado
[organization] hermético
to be secretive about sth
1. someone with a secret, especially a secret ability, skill, or achievement, that surprises you when you finally discover it
Synonyms: mystery, riddle, uncertainty, mystery, puzzle
2. someone who wins a race, competition, election etc that no one expected them to win
Synonyms: winner, champion, laureate, record-holder, medalist.
una incógnita
secretive adj
[person] reservado, callado
[behaviour] reservado
[organization] hermético
to be secretive about sth
a self sufficient person who doesn´t sympathise with others people´s problems.
un tio duro
un tio duro
though cookie /tʌfˈ kʊki/
cookie: (=person) tipo(-a) , tío(-a) *
she's a smart cookie es una chica lista
a tough cookie un tío duro
tough/smart cookie (informal)
someone who has a strong character or is intelligent, and deals well with problems and disappointments
cookie: (=person) tipo(-a) , tío(-a) *
she's a smart cookie es una chica lista
a tough cookie un tío duro
tough/smart cookie (informal)
someone who has a strong character or is intelligent, and deals well with problems and disappointments
a person who gets things from other without returning back
sponger/ˈspʌndʒə(r)/ gorrón
singular sponger
plural spongers
1. someone who asks for money and other things from someone such as a friend or relative and makes no effort to give them anything or to pay for anything themselves
to sponge something or somebody
to sponge off someone
Synonyms: ask for, request, insist on something, appeal, demand.
he´s always sponging off the state
singular sponger
plural spongers
1. someone who asks for money and other things from someone such as a friend or relative and makes no effort to give them anything or to pay for anything themselves
to sponge something or somebody
to sponge off someone
Synonyms: ask for, request, insist on something, appeal, demand.
he´s always sponging off the state
a person who desires fame for no particular reason and usually copies the behaviour of someone famous
a wannabe
an Elvis wannabe un imitador barato de Elvis
adj amateur, aspirante
Last wednesday I saw Grease and hte lead actress reminded me of Raquel. She is such a wannabe, a real wannabe.
an Elvis wannabe un imitador barato de Elvis
adj amateur, aspirante
Last wednesday I saw Grease and hte lead actress reminded me of Raquel. She is such a wannabe, a real wannabe.
something very unsusual, unexpected
Adjective, Noun
Adjective, Noun
(=enthusiast) fanático(-a) m/f , adicto(-a) m/f
health freak maniático(-a) m/f en cuestión de salud
peace freak fanático(-a) m/f de la paz
1 (=person) monstruo m , fenómeno m
(=plant, animal) monstruo m
(=event) anomalía f
a freak of nature un fenómeno de la naturaleza
the result was a freak el resultado fue totalmente anómalo
a freak wave
♦ freak show n
(at circus etc) espectáculo m de fenómenos de feria (fig) espectáculo m de bichos raros *
an old boring person, a clown, a fool
an old boring person, a clown, a fool
someone who is stupid or who does something very badly
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of duffer: fool, buffoon, clown, idiot, maniac.
While the old duffer was wittering on about the good old days at the college several undergraduates walked out
someone who is stupid or who does something very badly
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of duffer: fool, buffoon, clown, idiot, maniac.
While the old duffer was wittering on about the good old days at the college several undergraduates walked out
ser aficionado a
to be into sth * : you like someting
he is really into jazz es un gran aficionado al or del jazz
I was into punk a long time, actually
to be into sightseeing holidays
to be into drugs meterse drogas, andar metido en drogas
she's into health food le va mucho lo de la comida sana
what are you into now? ¿a qué te dedicas ahora?
the children/puppies are into everything! ¡los críos/perritos andan revolviéndolo todo!
he is really into jazz es un gran aficionado al or del jazz
I was into punk a long time, actually
to be into sightseeing holidays
to be into drugs meterse drogas, andar metido en drogas
she's into health food le va mucho lo de la comida sana
what are you into now? ¿a qué te dedicas ahora?
the children/puppies are into everything! ¡los críos/perritos andan revolviéndolo todo!
Hoyt Team
1. to have goose pimples/flesh
2. my hair stood on end
3. umbilical cord
4. cerebral palsy /ˈpɔːlzi/
* cerebral palsynoun - parálisis
a medical condition that makes the muscles in your arms, legs, or face shake
5. selfless - desinteresado
6. iron man (race)
7. to endure
endurance - resistencia
8. he got over the problems
a problem overwhelmes you
9. to putt off - to postpone
to call off - to cancel
10. I am in hospital (ingresado)
I went at the hospital
11. to start from scratch
12. a trhiving business - a very successful one
13. the businneswent to the dogs - se fue al garete
2. my hair stood on end
3. umbilical cord
4. cerebral palsy /ˈpɔːlzi/
* cerebral palsynoun - parálisis
a medical condition that makes the muscles in your arms, legs, or face shake
5. selfless - desinteresado
6. iron man (race)
7. to endure
endurance - resistencia
8. he got over the problems
a problem overwhelmes you
9. to putt off - to postpone
to call off - to cancel
10. I am in hospital (ingresado)
I went at the hospital
11. to start from scratch
12. a trhiving business - a very successful one
13. the businneswent to the dogs - se fue al garete
poner tus esperanzas en algo/alguien
to pin ones hopes on somebody, something
pin your hopes/faith on:
to hope very much that someone or something will succeed when everyone or everything else has failed
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of pin: hope, aim, pray, dream, hold out hope.
pin your hopes/faith on:
to hope very much that someone or something will succeed when everyone or everything else has failed
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of pin: hope, aim, pray, dream, hold out hope.
in the news today
she is still lucid /ˈluːsɪd/ talking about Aminetu Haidar
Arancha Sanchez Vicario was fined to evade taxes
tax evasion
to catch someone red-handed
to fine /faɪn/
to make someone pay an amount of money as punishment for breaking the law
fine someone for (doing) something:
She was fined £250 for speeding.
a fine
1. an amount of money that you have to pay because you have broken the law
He had to pay a hefty fine.
I got a £100 fine for speeding.
Firms could face fines of up to £5,000.
The court has the right to impose heavy fines (=large fines).
Arancha Sanchez Vicario was fined to evade taxes
tax evasion
to catch someone red-handed
to fine /faɪn/
to make someone pay an amount of money as punishment for breaking the law
fine someone for (doing) something:
She was fined £250 for speeding.
a fine
1. an amount of money that you have to pay because you have broken the law
He had to pay a hefty fine.
I got a £100 fine for speeding.
Firms could face fines of up to £5,000.
The court has the right to impose heavy fines (=large fines).
to pick
to pick up
to pick up
to pick: to pick for your own consumption
to pick mushrooms, beeries, tomatoes
to pick up: 1. when you dropped something: lift something, somebody
2. to go and meet someone or something that you have arranged to take somewhere in a vehicle
1 He picked the phone up and dialled.
She rushed to pick up the baby as soon as it started to cry.
2.Will you pick me up after the party?
I’ll pick up my luggage in the morning.
to pick mushrooms, beeries, tomatoes
to pick up: 1. when you dropped something: lift something, somebody
2. to go and meet someone or something that you have arranged to take somewhere in a vehicle
1 He picked the phone up and dialled.
She rushed to pick up the baby as soon as it started to cry.
2.Will you pick me up after the party?
I’ll pick up my luggage in the morning.
escuhar conversaciones de otros
con intención: to eavesdrop on someone, something
to eavesdrop on someone
to eavesdrop on a conversation
to listen to other people’s conversation without them knowing that you are listening
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of eavesdrop: hear out, listen, hear from, listen in, listener
sin intención: to overhear
to hear what people are saying during a conversation that you are not involved in
I overheard him saying he was thinking of leaving his job.
to eavesdrop on someone
to eavesdrop on a conversation
to listen to other people’s conversation without them knowing that you are listening
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of eavesdrop: hear out, listen, hear from, listen in, listener
sin intención: to overhear
to hear what people are saying during a conversation that you are not involved in
I overheard him saying he was thinking of leaving his job.
as soon as + Present Perfect: always refers to the future
= when + Present Perfect: always refers to the future
when I have eated I will go for a walk
as soon as I have finished I will give you a buzz
Since I last saw (Past)
Tiempo no acabado Present Perfect
I have seen her this morning
I have met her during the last two weeks
Up to now, I haven´t had much contact with my new colleagues
so far I have only visited Paris, I am not very well travelled
= when + Present Perfect: always refers to the future
when I have eated I will go for a walk
as soon as I have finished I will give you a buzz
Since I last saw (Past)
Tiempo no acabado Present Perfect
I have seen her this morning
I have met her during the last two weeks
Up to now, I haven´t had much contact with my new colleagues
so far I have only visited Paris, I am not very well travelled
1. experience - uncountable
2. experiences - countable
2. experiences - countable
experience: ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ a knowledge youg gain as you go through life
singular experience
plural experiences
* the holiday/experience/chance etc of a lifetime
1,1 [uncountable] knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity
You don’t need any experience to work here.
We would like to find someone with more experience.
business/teaching experience
limited/considerable/extensive experience
have experience (in something):
She has years of experience in the computer industry.
experience with:
Do you have any previous experience with children?
experience as:
We’re looking for someone with experience as a teacher.
get/gain experience:
You need to get more management experience.
experiences: something you feel
1. 2. the knowledge that you get from life and from being in a lot of different situations
2. [countable] something that happens to you, or a situation that you are involved in
our childhood experiences
have an experience:
A lot of the people we talked to had had the same experience.
experience of/with:
It was her first experience of dealing with people from another culture.
experience for:
The whole thing must have been an interesting experience for you.
a bad/strange/traumatic etc experience:
I had a bad experience in the last place I worked.
share your experiences of something (=tell people about them):
an opportunity for people to share their experiences of living with the disease
singular experience
plural experiences
* the holiday/experience/chance etc of a lifetime
1,1 [uncountable] knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity
You don’t need any experience to work here.
We would like to find someone with more experience.
business/teaching experience
limited/considerable/extensive experience
have experience (in something):
She has years of experience in the computer industry.
experience with:
Do you have any previous experience with children?
experience as:
We’re looking for someone with experience as a teacher.
get/gain experience:
You need to get more management experience.
experiences: something you feel
1. 2. the knowledge that you get from life and from being in a lot of different situations
2. [countable] something that happens to you, or a situation that you are involved in
our childhood experiences
have an experience:
A lot of the people we talked to had had the same experience.
experience of/with:
It was her first experience of dealing with people from another culture.
experience for:
The whole thing must have been an interesting experience for you.
a bad/strange/traumatic etc experience:
I had a bad experience in the last place I worked.
share your experiences of something (=tell people about them):
an opportunity for people to share their experiences of living with the disease
verbs to do with problem
to crop up: 1.to happen suddenly or unexpectedly
Ben had to go back to work – a problem’s cropped up.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning: emerge, pop up, spring up, descend on, spring... more
2. if a name or subject crops up, someone mentions it
Alice’s name keeps cropping up in our conversations.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning : mention, refer to, invoke, come up, raise...
to come up against: come up against something to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant
tropezar con
In the first week, we came up against a pretty tricky problem.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning: suffer, undergo, endure, incur, go through.
to deal with
to face sthg
to sort out:to do what is necessary to deal with a problem, disagreement, or difficult situation successfully
This matter could be sorted out if they would just sit down and talk.
Ben had to go back to work – a problem’s cropped up.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning: emerge, pop up, spring up, descend on, spring... more
2. if a name or subject crops up, someone mentions it
Alice’s name keeps cropping up in our conversations.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning : mention, refer to, invoke, come up, raise...
to come up against: come up against something to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant
tropezar con
In the first week, we came up against a pretty tricky problem.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning: suffer, undergo, endure, incur, go through.
to deal with
to face sthg
to sort out:to do what is necessary to deal with a problem, disagreement, or difficult situation successfully
This matter could be sorted out if they would just sit down and talk.
to gulp down
verb British English pronunciation: gulp /ɡʌlp/
I/you/we/they gulp
he/she/it gulps
present participle gulping
past tense gulped
past participle gulped
Related dictionary definitions
1. gulp or gulp down
[transitive] to swallow food or drink quickly in a way that shows you are very hungry
I gulped down a coffee and left.
to bold down to eat quickly
verb British English pronunciation: gulp /ɡʌlp/
I/you/we/they gulp
he/she/it gulps
present participle gulping
past tense gulped
past participle gulped
Related dictionary definitions
1. gulp or gulp down
[transitive] to swallow food or drink quickly in a way that shows you are very hungry
I gulped down a coffee and left.
to bold down to eat quickly
to bawl: /bɔːl/ it annoys you
to cry: it does not annoy you
present tense
I/you/we/they bawl
he/she/it bawls
present participle bawling
past tense bawled
past participle bawled
1. [intransitive/transitive] to shout in a loud angry way
His main complaint was that Mr Green bawled at him during meetings.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of bawl: shout, call out, cry, scream, yell... more
2. [intransitive] to cry loudly, especially in a way that annoys other people
I wish that child would stop bawling!
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of bawl: cry, cry, burst out, dissolve into, weep...
to cry: it does not annoy you
present tense
I/you/we/they bawl
he/she/it bawls
present participle bawling
past tense bawled
past participle bawled
1. [intransitive/transitive] to shout in a loud angry way
His main complaint was that Mr Green bawled at him during meetings.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of bawl: shout, call out, cry, scream, yell... more
2. [intransitive] to cry loudly, especially in a way that annoys other people
I wish that child would stop bawling!
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of bawl: cry, cry, burst out, dissolve into, weep...
sentirse / parecer cansado/a
washed-out looks very pale and ill or tired
to feel or to look washed-out
washed-out clothes
have lost a lot of their colour because they have been washed so often
she has a tired sort of face
a washed-out road has been damaged so much by rain or a flood that people cannot drive on it
to feel or to look washed-out
washed-out clothes
have lost a lot of their colour because they have been washed so often
she has a tired sort of face
a washed-out road has been damaged so much by rain or a flood that people cannot drive on it
to end a relationship
to drift apart if two or more people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends
Synonyms: break off, break up (with sbdy, in romantic relations), leave, split up, cut off.
Mary has broken up with John
Mary and John have broken up
the breakup: la ruptura
he was distraught over the breakout of his relationship with his girlfriend.
to drift: to move somewhere slowly as though you do not know where you are going
People were drifting around the conference centre.
Synonyms: break off, break up (with sbdy, in romantic relations), leave, split up, cut off.
Mary has broken up with John
Mary and John have broken up
the breakup: la ruptura
he was distraught over the breakout of his relationship with his girlfriend.
to drift: to move somewhere slowly as though you do not know where you are going
People were drifting around the conference centre.
ser una mosquita muerta
romper un plato en su vida
romper un plato en su vida
butter wouldn’t melt in someone’s mouth
used for saying that someone looks as if they are very good and would never do anything wrong, although in fact they would
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of butter: clever, dubious, corrupt, dishonest, cunning... more
used for saying that someone looks as if they are very good and would never do anything wrong, although in fact they would
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of butter: clever, dubious, corrupt, dishonest, cunning... more
persona servil, adulador, empleado servil, subordinado servil, sacristán de amén;
a Yes-man always follows the line
Sinónimos: apple-polisher, bootlicker, favor-seeking person, flatterer, groveler, obsequious flatterer, toady, groveller, minion; A person of unquestioning obedience.
Sinónimos: apple-polisher, bootlicker, favor-seeking person, flatterer, groveler, obsequious flatterer, toady, groveller, minion; A person of unquestioning obedience.
lively and happy
to perk yourself up -perk up
a vt + adv
[+person] animar
this will perk you up! ¡esto te animará!
it perks up the flavour of frozen vegetables da vida a or anima las verduras congeladas
b vi + adv
[person] reanimarse , (in health) sentirse mejor
business is perking up el negocio va mejorando
ears perked up when his name was mentioned todo el mundo aguzó el oído cuando se mencionó su nombre
share prices perked up as a result of the deal la cotización de las acciones aumentó como resultado del trato
if someone perks up, or if something perks them up, they begin to feel happier or more lively
Sue perked up when she heard the news.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of perk: please, excite, hearten, uplift, fulfil... more
to become more interesting or exciting, or to make something do this
Some chilli sauce will perk it up.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of perk: wake up, enliven, spice up, vary, liven up... more
to perk yourself up -perk up
a vt + adv
[+person] animar
this will perk you up! ¡esto te animará!
it perks up the flavour of frozen vegetables da vida a or anima las verduras congeladas
b vi + adv
[person] reanimarse , (in health) sentirse mejor
business is perking up el negocio va mejorando
ears perked up when his name was mentioned todo el mundo aguzó el oído cuando se mencionó su nombre
share prices perked up as a result of the deal la cotización de las acciones aumentó como resultado del trato
if someone perks up, or if something perks them up, they begin to feel happier or more lively
Sue perked up when she heard the news.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of perk: please, excite, hearten, uplift, fulfil... more
to become more interesting or exciting, or to make something do this
Some chilli sauce will perk it up.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of perk: wake up, enliven, spice up, vary, liven up... more
apretar los dientes
por enfado,por aguantarte rabia,, dolor
por enfado,por aguantarte rabia,, dolor
to grit one´s teeth
1 to press your teeth together tightly, for example because you are angry or in pain
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grit: more
to show determination in a difficult situation
She would just have to grit her teeth and start all over again.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grit: deal with, tackle, combat, battle, handle... more
1 to press your teeth together tightly, for example because you are angry or in pain
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grit: more
to show determination in a difficult situation
She would just have to grit her teeth and start all over again.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grit: deal with, tackle, combat, battle, handle... more
1. to envy to have the unhappy feeling of wanting to be like someone else or have what they have
I envy people who are always confident.
envy someone something:
I envy you your view of the ocean.
2. envy noun- envidia
a look of envy una mirada de envidia
filled with envy lleno de envidia
to do sth out of envy hacer algo por envidia
it was the envy of everyone era la envidia de todos
IDIOMS to be green with envy morirse de envidia
I envy people who are always confident.
envy someone something:
I envy you your view of the ocean.
2. envy noun- envidia
a look of envy una mirada de envidia
filled with envy lleno de envidia
to do sth out of envy hacer algo por envidia
it was the envy of everyone era la envidia de todos
IDIOMS to be green with envy morirse de envidia
reaccion instintiva
sentimiento instintivo
sentimiento instintivo
a gut reaction/ a gut feeling
my gut reaction was...
something that you feel or believe strongly without stopping to think about it
My gut reaction was that he was lying.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of gut reaction: reaction, response, reply, welcome, reflex... more
my gut reaction was...
something that you feel or believe strongly without stopping to think about it
My gut reaction was that he was lying.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of gut reaction: reaction, response, reply, welcome, reflex... more
desplomarse en un sitio
to slump
to be suddenly reduced to a much lower level
Profits slumped to under $250 million.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of slump: decrease, decline, diminish, dwindle, fall... more
to suddenly fall or sit because you are very tired or unconscious&&
Sam’s body slumped to the floor.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of slump: faint, pass out, knock out, black out, come round... more
a aggresive person
prepotente / agresivo
prepotente / agresivo
pushy /ˈpʊʃi/
1. extremely determined to get what you want, even if it annoys other people
children with pushy parents
There was something about Mr. Molofololo´s manners, his pushy, rather hectorin sytle.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of pushy: bossy, dictatorial, interfering, overbearing, domineering... more
derived words
noun [uncountable]
1. extremely determined to get what you want, even if it annoys other people
children with pushy parents
There was something about Mr. Molofololo´s manners, his pushy, rather hectorin sytle.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of pushy: bossy, dictatorial, interfering, overbearing, domineering... more
derived words
noun [uncountable]
to agree with someone or something
to go along with
1. I think I would tend to go along with what Tim was saying.
Synonyms: agree, concur, be in agreement, be of one/be of the same mind (about), see eye to eye (with someone)... more
2. go along with something to agree to do something together with other people
They describe him as a weak man who went along with the scheme out of fear.
Synonyms : agree, undertake, accept, consent, yield... more
1. I think I would tend to go along with what Tim was saying.
Synonyms: agree, concur, be in agreement, be of one/be of the same mind (about), see eye to eye (with someone)... more
2. go along with something to agree to do something together with other people
They describe him as a weak man who went along with the scheme out of fear.
Synonyms : agree, undertake, accept, consent, yield... more
to make
an appointment
an arrangement
an assessment
a beeline for: to go towards someone or something in the quickest and most direct way
he made for the information desk
make a big difference
make a huge effort
ake losses -company losses in excess of £25 million
make a loss: They made a net loss of £350 million.
We made a loss on the house sale.
a pact
make or take a decision
a mistake
profit from
a telefon call
the swap - el cambio
a speech
a statement
make a suggestion
an arrangement
an assessment
a beeline for: to go towards someone or something in the quickest and most direct way
he made for the information desk
make a big difference
make a huge effort
ake losses -company losses in excess of £25 million
make a loss: They made a net loss of £350 million.
We made a loss on the house sale.
a pact
make or take a decision
a mistake
profit from
a telefon call
the swap - el cambio
a speech
a statement
make a suggestion
make (2)
to make up for
1. Sustituir - make up for something to take the place of something that has been lost or damaged
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.
2. Compensar.Make up for something to provide something good, so that something bad seems less important
The good weather made up for the bad organization.
He bought her some flowers to make up for being late.
to make out : see/hear/ understand someone or something with difficulty
I can just make a few words out on this page.
I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Can you make out a face here on the photograph?
1. Sustituir - make up for something to take the place of something that has been lost or damaged
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.
2. Compensar.Make up for something to provide something good, so that something bad seems less important
The good weather made up for the bad organization.
He bought her some flowers to make up for being late.
to make out : see/hear/ understand someone or something with difficulty
I can just make a few words out on this page.
I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Can you make out a face here on the photograph?
collocations 2
a keyquestion, word, player, issue
a value for money restaurant, hotel, holiday, blouse (article of clothing)
gruesome murder, crime, film - truculento
filthy room, house, clothes, children
biased article, book, programme,paper, opinion, judge, referee - parcial, tendencioso
to house the victims, the refugees, a homeless person
to go off food, people - hartarse
I've gone off her, ya no me gusta
to issue a statement, a passport, a certificate
a distressing situation, news, experience
to deprive children of education
user-friendly computer, gadget, instructions
ambivalent opinions, feelings, answers
to frown on/upon an attitude, a behaviour, a new law desaprobar, no ver con buenos ojos
cushy job, number: cholloa cushy number (=job):
He’s got a really cushy number working at a holiday resort.
to weed the weakest, the trouble maker, the black sheep
a value for money restaurant, hotel, holiday, blouse (article of clothing)
gruesome murder, crime, film - truculento
filthy room, house, clothes, children
biased article, book, programme,paper, opinion, judge, referee - parcial, tendencioso
to house the victims, the refugees, a homeless person
to go off food, people - hartarse
I've gone off her, ya no me gusta
to issue a statement, a passport, a certificate
a distressing situation, news, experience
to deprive children of education
user-friendly computer, gadget, instructions
ambivalent opinions, feelings, answers
to frown on/upon an attitude, a behaviour, a new law desaprobar, no ver con buenos ojos
cushy job, number: cholloa cushy number (=job):
He’s got a really cushy number working at a holiday resort.
to weed the weakest, the trouble maker, the black sheep
1. computing to look for information on a computer, especially on the Internet
2.to look at things in a shop without being sure whether you want to buy anything
2.to look at things in a shop without being sure whether you want to buy anything
to browse /braʊz/
mobile phones that can browse the Web
1. to look at a website on the Internet
an excellent graphical interface for browsing Web pages
I spend a long time browsing on the net
2 Customers are welcome to browse.
mobile phones that can browse the Web
1. to look at a website on the Internet
an excellent graphical interface for browsing Web pages
I spend a long time browsing on the net
2 Customers are welcome to browse.
tener el mono
to have withdrawal symptoms
to withdraw:
1. [intransitive/transitive] to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from taking part. Abandonar
Two candidates threatened to withdraw.
withdraw from:
The injury has forced him to withdraw from the competition.
withdraw someone/something from something:
The party withdrew their candidate from the election.
2. [intransitive/transitive] if an army withdraws or is withdrawn from a place, it leaves. To go away
withdraw from:
The troops began to withdraw from the northern region.
withdraw someone/something from something:
Government forces were withdrawn from the island yesterday.
to withdraw:
1. [intransitive/transitive] to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from taking part. Abandonar
Two candidates threatened to withdraw.
withdraw from:
The injury has forced him to withdraw from the competition.
withdraw someone/something from something:
The party withdrew their candidate from the election.
2. [intransitive/transitive] if an army withdraws or is withdrawn from a place, it leaves. To go away
withdraw from:
The troops began to withdraw from the northern region.
withdraw someone/something from something:
Government forces were withdrawn from the island yesterday.
to hack
[intransitive/transitive] to use a computer to connect to someone else’s computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it
Young kids are finding they can hack the computers of large corporations.
to hack into
They hack into banks and transfer huge amounts of cash.
The firewall need configuring.
[intransitive/transitive] to use a computer to connect to someone else’s computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it
Young kids are finding they can hack the computers of large corporations.
to hack into
They hack into banks and transfer huge amounts of cash.
The firewall need configuring.
assembly line
Why do robots work typically on assembly lines?
Could a robot exhibit intelligent behaviour? - mostrar
He exhibits a great talent.
To defusebombs - take out - desactivar
robots are useful as duct cleaners? narrow passages - conductos
swarm roboties several robots
swarm: enjambre/a large number of people moving together as a group
Swarms of police officers surrounded the building.
a swarm of robots, bees, locusts (langostas), people (in a concert) of paparazzi
Why do robots work typically on assembly lines?
Could a robot exhibit intelligent behaviour? - mostrar
He exhibits a great talent.
To defusebombs - take out - desactivar
robots are useful as duct cleaners? narrow passages - conductos
swarm roboties several robots
swarm: enjambre/a large number of people moving together as a group
Swarms of police officers surrounded the building.
a swarm of robots, bees, locusts (langostas), people (in a concert) of paparazzi
likely to be damaged or destroyed
in jeopardy
His political career was in jeopardy.
The crisis put thousands of jobs in jeopardy.
The union leaders and the employers were to meet the following Thursday but the news about the take-over put any agreement into jeopardy
take-over - toma del mando, toma del poder
His political career was in jeopardy.
The crisis put thousands of jobs in jeopardy.
The union leaders and the employers were to meet the following Thursday but the news about the take-over put any agreement into jeopardy
take-over - toma del mando, toma del poder
to converge: /kənˈvɜː(r)dʒ/
1. to come from different directions to reach the same point
a station where three railway lines converge
Top diplomats were converging on Washington from all over the world.
Synonyms: assemble, close up, bunch, cluster, huddle... more
2. to become the same or very similar
Our opinions seldom converged.
1. to come from different directions to reach the same point
a station where three railway lines converge
Top diplomats were converging on Washington from all over the world.
Synonyms: assemble, close up, bunch, cluster, huddle... more
2. to become the same or very similar
Our opinions seldom converged.
daunting: /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ adj.
She has the daunting task of cooking for 20 people every day.Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect.
1.1 something that is daunting makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do. (=disheartening) desalentador, desmoralizante
a daunting task una tarea abrumadora, una gigantesca tarea
a daunting task/challenge/prospect:
We are left with the daunting task of cleaning up this mess.
1.2 (=inhibiting) abrumador, amedrentador
to daunt
if something daunts you, it makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do
I admit I’m daunted by the job, but I’m going to try my best.
She has the daunting task of cooking for 20 people every day.Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect.
1.1 something that is daunting makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do. (=disheartening) desalentador, desmoralizante
a daunting task una tarea abrumadora, una gigantesca tarea
a daunting task/challenge/prospect:
We are left with the daunting task of cleaning up this mess.
1.2 (=inhibiting) abrumador, amedrentador
to daunt
if something daunts you, it makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do
I admit I’m daunted by the job, but I’m going to try my best.
much larger, stronger, more important etc than anything else. to big to control
overwhelming /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈwelmɪŋ/
an overwhelming situation, perfume, traffic, experience, figure (money), welcome, fairwell
She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.
An overwhelming majority have voted in favour of the proposal
The odds (posibilidades) against them winning seemed overwhelming.
2. difficult to fight against - abrumador
She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened.
an overwhelming situation, perfume, traffic, experience, figure (money), welcome, fairwell
She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.
An overwhelming majority have voted in favour of the proposal
The odds (posibilidades) against them winning seemed overwhelming.
2. difficult to fight against - abrumador
She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened.
quisquilloso, selectivo, meticuloso
fussy about /ˈfʌsi/
quisquilloso, selectivo, meticuloso
fussy about hair, clothes
1. only satisfied if things are exactly as you want them to be
Don’t worry about me – I’m not a fussy eater.
fussy about:
Amy’s always been fussy about her personal appearance.
‘Which film should we see?’ ‘I’m not fussy.’
fussy wallpaper - recargado
3. American
a fussy baby cries easily
derived words
noun [uncountable]
quisquilloso, selectivo, meticuloso
fussy about hair, clothes
1. only satisfied if things are exactly as you want them to be
Don’t worry about me – I’m not a fussy eater.
fussy about:
Amy’s always been fussy about her personal appearance.
‘Which film should we see?’ ‘I’m not fussy.’
fussy wallpaper - recargado
3. American
a fussy baby cries easily
derived words
noun [uncountable]
something that is offered in order to persuade someone to do something or buy something
take the bait (=accept what is offered):
Interest-free credit is on offer and customers are taking the bait.
Synonyms: pressure, wiles, emotional blackmail, pitch, pep talk... more
1. a. someone who is used for attracting and catching someone else, especially a criminal
bait (Fishing, Hunting) cebo m (fig) anzuelo m , cebo m
IDIOMS to rise to the bait - he didn't rise to the bait- no picó
IDIOMS to swallow the bait (lit) picar (fig) morder el anzuelo, caer en la trampa
Interest-free credit is on offer and customers are taking the bait.
Synonyms: pressure, wiles, emotional blackmail, pitch, pep talk... more
1. a. someone who is used for attracting and catching someone else, especially a criminal
bait (Fishing, Hunting) cebo m (fig) anzuelo m , cebo m
IDIOMS to rise to the bait - he didn't rise to the bait- no picó
IDIOMS to swallow the bait (lit) picar (fig) morder el anzuelo, caer en la trampa
quedarse helado/flipar
freak out /friːk/ (usally used when crazy or confused or angry)
a vi + adv (=get excited) flipar , alucinar * , (on drugs) viajar , flipar
b vt + adv (=frighten) dejar helado *
to become or make you become so angry, surprised, excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself
She just freaked when she saw the police.
Meeting my dad again after all these years really freaked me out.
freak out Verbo
1. desquiciar, alucinar, dejar frío, poner fuera de sí, friquear; Sinónimos: madden, bewilder, craze, daunt, derange, freak, unbalance, upset, blitz out; Cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind.
2. descontrolarse, enloquecerse, dar un ataque, perder el control propio, friquearse; Sinónimos: go crazy, go insane, go mad, become nutty as a fruitcake, crack up, flip, flip out, flip over, lose control; Lose one's nerve.
When he saw the accident, he freaked out.
a vi + adv (=get excited) flipar , alucinar * , (on drugs) viajar , flipar
b vt + adv (=frighten) dejar helado *
to become or make you become so angry, surprised, excited, or frightened that you cannot control yourself
She just freaked when she saw the police.
Meeting my dad again after all these years really freaked me out.
freak out Verbo
1. desquiciar, alucinar, dejar frío, poner fuera de sí, friquear; Sinónimos: madden, bewilder, craze, daunt, derange, freak, unbalance, upset, blitz out; Cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind.
2. descontrolarse, enloquecerse, dar un ataque, perder el control propio, friquearse; Sinónimos: go crazy, go insane, go mad, become nutty as a fruitcake, crack up, flip, flip out, flip over, lose control; Lose one's nerve.
When he saw the accident, he freaked out.
que altera la mente;
a mind blowing story, experience
Sinónimos: mind-altering, mind-bending, hallucinogenic; Intensely affecting the mind or emotions. ; Intensely affecting the mind especially in producing hallucinations.
Spending a week in the jungle was a mind-blowing experience.
A mind-blowing horror story.
India is mind blowing and bewildering
Sinónimos: mind-altering, mind-bending, hallucinogenic; Intensely affecting the mind or emotions. ; Intensely affecting the mind especially in producing hallucinations.
Spending a week in the jungle was a mind-blowing experience.
A mind-blowing horror story.
India is mind blowing and bewildering
dilemmas over... and fears
I was panic-stricken /'pænɪkˌstrɪkən/ adjetivo
a drought-stricken area
2, recount narrar
3.to dread sth
dread [dred]
Iverbo transitivo temer a, tener pavor a: I dread to think what it cost, no quiero ni pensar en cuánto costó
4. spine-chilling film. very frightening
5. to give sby the creeps++ it makes you feel unconfortable - dar escalofrios. grima
I was panic-stricken /'pænɪkˌstrɪkən/ adjetivo
a drought-stricken area
2, recount narrar
3.to dread sth
dread [dred]
Iverbo transitivo temer a, tener pavor a: I dread to think what it cost, no quiero ni pensar en cuánto costó
4. spine-chilling film. very frightening
5. to give sby the creeps++ it makes you feel unconfortable - dar escalofrios. grima
the right to give your opinion and be involved in a discussion about something
to have a say
a kind of control someone has
Don Meyer had a say in his future
The council made the decision. We had no say in the matter.
have a say on/over something:
Residents are being given a chance to have a say on the future of their town.
a kind of control someone has
Don Meyer had a say in his future
The council made the decision. We had no say in the matter.
have a say on/over something:
Residents are being given a chance to have a say on the future of their town.
Kim Peek
1. muttering: murmurando to mutter
2.shuffling: arrastrando los pies to suffle
3. gait : paso
5. expertise n (=experience) experiencia
(=knowledge) conocimientos
(=skills) pericia
6.the father, not in the best of health himself,
7. to flit to move quickly from one place to another without stopping long
She has flitted from one country to another seeking asylum.
Birds flitted across the grass.
his mind flits from one subject to another
8 .intimidating adj amedrentador, intimidante
9. affectionate /əˈfekʃ(ə)nət/ showing that you love or care about someone or something - affectionate adj - cariñoso, afectuoso
- with affectionate greetings - cariñosamente, afectuosamente
- your affectionate nephew - con abrazos de tu sobrino
- My best friend is thoughtful and affectionate.
- an affectionate kiss
10. a below of laughter
11. a genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ geniuses
2.shuffling: arrastrando los pies to suffle
3. gait : paso
5. expertise n (=experience) experiencia
(=knowledge) conocimientos
(=skills) pericia
6.the father, not in the best of health himself,
7. to flit to move quickly from one place to another without stopping long
She has flitted from one country to another seeking asylum.
Birds flitted across the grass.
his mind flits from one subject to another
8 .intimidating adj amedrentador, intimidante
9. affectionate /əˈfekʃ(ə)nət/ showing that you love or care about someone or something - affectionate adj - cariñoso, afectuoso
- with affectionate greetings - cariñosamente, afectuosamente
- your affectionate nephew - con abrazos de tu sobrino
- My best friend is thoughtful and affectionate.
- an affectionate kiss
10. a below of laughter
11. a genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ geniuses
the media
to read the tabloids los periodicos sensacionalistas
to seek publicity to seach, to look for
to seak, sought, sought
to hold a press conference
to receive a lot of coverage
what type of news regularly receives a lot of coverage in this country?
to sue for libel denunciar por calumnia, difamación
libel /ˈlaɪb(ə)l/
to libel writen
to slander spoken - difamar
a slander noun
to hit the headlines 1. hacerse famoso; Sinónimos: become famous, become well known, burst on the scene, burst onto the scene, get a name
to issue a press release comunicado de prensa, boletín de prensa, comunicado a la prensa, informe a la prensa, nota de prensa;
to issue a statement
to make the front page
to run a story
damage: uncountable daño
extensive, heavy, irreparable, irreversible, permanent, serious, severe, significant, untold, widespread
damages: [plural] legal money that a court orders you to pay someone because you have harmed them or their property
he gain a lot of money in damages - agravio
to seek publicity to seach, to look for
to seak, sought, sought
to hold a press conference
to receive a lot of coverage
what type of news regularly receives a lot of coverage in this country?
to sue for libel denunciar por calumnia, difamación
libel /ˈlaɪb(ə)l/
to libel writen
to slander spoken - difamar
a slander noun
to hit the headlines 1. hacerse famoso; Sinónimos: become famous, become well known, burst on the scene, burst onto the scene, get a name
to issue a press release comunicado de prensa, boletín de prensa, comunicado a la prensa, informe a la prensa, nota de prensa;
to issue a statement
to make the front page
to run a story
damage: uncountable daño
extensive, heavy, irreparable, irreversible, permanent, serious, severe, significant, untold, widespread
damages: [plural] legal money that a court orders you to pay someone because you have harmed them or their property
he gain a lot of money in damages - agravio
Zac Sunderland
1. to through the towel
2. a coucher
3. to overcome a problem/an obstacle
4. nasty hospital - very unpleasant to taste, smell, see, or feel/ a nasty situation is unpleasant or upsetting
5. to feel friendless
6. to drop out to abandon something without finishing it (a race, university, school)
7. a pirate scare
to scare somebody: to make someone feel frightened or worried
8. breakage /ˈbreɪkɪdʒ/
9. the doctor was reluctant /rɪˈlʌktənt/ - not willing to do sth
10. are these stories that remarkable
it isn´t that expensive
Nadal is not that fantastic
11. well-whiser a person who expresses their good wishes or sympathy, often to someone who they do not know
12. to endure: to suffer something difficult or unpleasant in a patient way over a long period
2. a coucher
3. to overcome a problem/an obstacle
4. nasty hospital - very unpleasant to taste, smell, see, or feel/ a nasty situation is unpleasant or upsetting
5. to feel friendless
6. to drop out to abandon something without finishing it (a race, university, school)
7. a pirate scare
to scare somebody: to make someone feel frightened or worried
8. breakage /ˈbreɪkɪdʒ/
9. the doctor was reluctant /rɪˈlʌktənt/ - not willing to do sth
10. are these stories that remarkable
it isn´t that expensive
Nadal is not that fantastic
11. well-whiser a person who expresses their good wishes or sympathy, often to someone who they do not know
12. to endure: to suffer something difficult or unpleasant in a patient way over a long period
vencer, superar
ser superado, vencido por
ser superado, vencido por
to overcome a vt
1 (=conquer)
[+enemy, opposition] vencer
[+problem, temptation, inhibitions] superar, vencer
[+rage, fear, disgust] superar, dominar
the book is an account of how she overcame cancer -el libro describe cómo superó or venció el cáncer
her curiosity finally overcame her shyness - finalmente, su curiosidad superó or venció su timidez
2 (=overwhelm)
[feeling] adueñarse de
[sleep, fatigue] vencer
a sense of total inadequacy overcame him - una sensación de ineptitud total se adueñó de él
sleep overcame him - lo venció el sueño
→ to be overcome by sth
I was overcome by the heat - el calor me agobió, me sentí agobiado por el calor
he was overcome by the smoke - el humo le impidió respirar
she was quite overcome by the occasion - la ocasión la conmovió mucho
overcome by curiosity, he reached out to touch it - vencido or dominado por la curiosidad, extendió la mano para tocarlo
→ to be overcome with sth
she was overcome with remorse - le abrumaba el remordimiento
he was overcome with grief - estaba abrumado or postrado de dolor
grief /ɡriːf/
* mad with rage/grief/pain etc
a strong feeling of sadness, usually because someone has died
she was so overcome with emotion- she couldn't answer estaba tan conmovida que no podía responder
you don't seem exactly overcome with joy - no parece que estés rebosante de alegría
3- vi vencer, triunfar
we shall overcome! ¡venceremos!
We Shall Overcome (Venceremos) es el título de una canción cantada por los miembros del llamado US Civil Rights Movement (movimiento por los derechos civiles en Estados Unidos). Se cantaba sobre todo en los años 50 y 60 durante las protestas contra la discriminación racial y aún hoy la usan quienes protestan en contra de la injusticia.
1 (=conquer)
[+enemy, opposition] vencer
[+problem, temptation, inhibitions] superar, vencer
[+rage, fear, disgust] superar, dominar
the book is an account of how she overcame cancer -el libro describe cómo superó or venció el cáncer
her curiosity finally overcame her shyness - finalmente, su curiosidad superó or venció su timidez
2 (=overwhelm)
[feeling] adueñarse de
[sleep, fatigue] vencer
a sense of total inadequacy overcame him - una sensación de ineptitud total se adueñó de él
sleep overcame him - lo venció el sueño
→ to be overcome by sth
I was overcome by the heat - el calor me agobió, me sentí agobiado por el calor
he was overcome by the smoke - el humo le impidió respirar
she was quite overcome by the occasion - la ocasión la conmovió mucho
overcome by curiosity, he reached out to touch it - vencido or dominado por la curiosidad, extendió la mano para tocarlo
→ to be overcome with sth
she was overcome with remorse - le abrumaba el remordimiento
he was overcome with grief - estaba abrumado or postrado de dolor
grief /ɡriːf/
* mad with rage/grief/pain etc
a strong feeling of sadness, usually because someone has died
she was so overcome with emotion- she couldn't answer estaba tan conmovida que no podía responder
you don't seem exactly overcome with joy - no parece que estés rebosante de alegría
3- vi vencer, triunfar
we shall overcome! ¡venceremos!
We Shall Overcome (Venceremos) es el título de una canción cantada por los miembros del llamado US Civil Rights Movement (movimiento por los derechos civiles en Estados Unidos). Se cantaba sobre todo en los años 50 y 60 durante las protestas contra la discriminación racial y aún hoy la usan quienes protestan en contra de la injusticia.
unspoiled, pretty, panoramic, favoured, uninterrupted
picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/
1. a picturesque place or scene is attractive, especially because it is old and interesting. [village]
Garda is one of the lake’s most picturesque resorts.
1. a. used about people’s clothes and appearance (beautiful, glorious, stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous), (name,title: peculiar)
singers in picturesque costumes of scarlet and green
2. picturesque language is unusual and interesting (expresivo, vívido)
1. a picturesque place or scene is attractive, especially because it is old and interesting. [village]
Garda is one of the lake’s most picturesque resorts.
1. a. used about people’s clothes and appearance (beautiful, glorious, stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous), (name,title: peculiar)
singers in picturesque costumes of scarlet and green
2. picturesque language is unusual and interesting (expresivo, vívido)
exteme adjective of
1. expensive
2. warm
3. cold
4. small
5. dirty
6.a pain (person)
1. expensive
2. warm
3. cold
4. small
5. dirty
6.a pain (person)
1 extortionate
[price] abusivo, exorbitante
[demand] excesivo, desmesurado
2.schorching for places, not for people
4. minute /maɪˈnjuːt/
5. filthy
1 (dirty) filthy weather: is very unpleasant, usually because there is a lot of rain or snow and wind
[hands, room, house] asqueroso
[clothes] muy sucio
[water] inmundo
2 (=indecent)
[language, behaviour] grosero, obsceno
[joke] verde
[sense of humour] obsceno
3 (=despicable) asqueroso
she called him a filthy murderer lo llamó un asesino asqueroso
4 * [weather] asqueroso * , de perros *
[temper] de perros * , de mil diablos *
she was in a filthy temper estaba con un humor de perros or de mil diablos *
b adv
the children came home filthy dirty los niños llegaron a casa sucísimos, los niños llegaron a casa hechos un asco *
they're filthy rich * están podridos de dinero * , son unos ricachos
[price] abusivo, exorbitante
[demand] excesivo, desmesurado
2.schorching for places, not for people
4. minute /maɪˈnjuːt/
5. filthy
1 (dirty) filthy weather: is very unpleasant, usually because there is a lot of rain or snow and wind
[hands, room, house] asqueroso
[clothes] muy sucio
[water] inmundo
2 (=indecent)
[language, behaviour] grosero, obsceno
[joke] verde
[sense of humour] obsceno
3 (=despicable) asqueroso
she called him a filthy murderer lo llamó un asesino asqueroso
4 * [weather] asqueroso * , de perros *
[temper] de perros * , de mil diablos *
she was in a filthy temper estaba con un humor de perros or de mil diablos *
b adv
the children came home filthy dirty los niños llegaron a casa sucísimos, los niños llegaron a casa hechos un asco *
they're filthy rich * están podridos de dinero * , son unos ricachos
1. to be phisically very similar
2. to be phisically very different
2. to be phisically very different
to be two peas in a pod
they are like two peas in a pod
a pod: una vaina de guisante
like chalk and cheese
chalk /tʃɔːk/
a type of soft white rock, or (a stick of) this rock or a similar substance used for writing or drawing
they are like two peas in a pod
a pod: una vaina de guisante
like chalk and cheese
chalk /tʃɔːk/
a type of soft white rock, or (a stick of) this rock or a similar substance used for writing or drawing
to complain in an angry way
to grumble about something
to complain, especially continuously and about unimportant things
grumble about something:
Children always grumble about school dinners.
grumble at:
a grumpy: the person who complains everything
To grumble at somebody
She grumbles at her employees over the slightest thing.
To grumble that
He grumbled that it was Saturday night and he had nothing to do.
Synonyms: complain, mutter, lodge, moan, murmur
to complain, especially continuously and about unimportant things
grumble about something:
Children always grumble about school dinners.
grumble at:
a grumpy: the person who complains everything
To grumble at somebody
She grumbles at her employees over the slightest thing.
To grumble that
He grumbled that it was Saturday night and he had nothing to do.
Synonyms: complain, mutter, lodge, moan, murmur
to trigger something (off): to set in motion, to start a process
trigger: gatillo de la pistola
What triggered his illness?
to make something happen
The news of his death triggered more violence.
Synonyms: bring about, form, invent, develop, inaugurate... more
1. a. to cause someone to have a particular feeling or memory
You find that strangely familiar smells trigger memories of childhood.
Synonyms: remind, come to, bring back, recall, awake... more
2.b b.to cause someone to do or say something
trigger a response/reaction:
The report has triggered a fierce response from the governor.
Synonyms: encourage, persuade, convince, motivate, urge on.
1. provocar, dar inicio a, accionar, activar, desatar, desencadenar, detonar, precipitar, ser un factor provocante para; Sinónimos: bring about, bring on, cause, cause to happen, provoke, activate, be a trigger for, call forth, detonate; Put in motion or move to act.
Her attitude triggered the fight, Su actitud desencadenó un pleito.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
2. incentivar, motivar; Sinónimos: motivate, incentivize, encourage, edify, impulse, incite, inspire; Give an incentive for action.
3. detonar, accionar, activar, disparar; Sinónimos: activate, detonate, explode, set off, trip, discharge, fire, fulminate; Release or pull the trigger on. ; Put in motion or move to act.
set off the detonator, Ana accionó el detonador=Ann triggered.
Trigger a gun.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
4. desencadenarse; Sinónimos: be triggered, flare up, trigger off
5. accionarse; Sinónimos: become activated, get triggered
trigger Sustantivo
1. detonador, disparadero, disparador, espoleta, martillo; Sinónimos: detonating device, firer, firing pin, release, trigger device, fusee, fuze, releaser, tripper; A device that activates or releases or causes something to happen.
2. gatillo, activador, explosor; Sinónimos: activator, actuator, exploder; Lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun.
3. factor provocante, catalizador; Sinónimos: provoking factor; An act that sets in motion some course of events.
4. desencadenante
trigger: gatillo de la pistola
What triggered his illness?
to make something happen
The news of his death triggered more violence.
Synonyms: bring about, form, invent, develop, inaugurate... more
1. a. to cause someone to have a particular feeling or memory
You find that strangely familiar smells trigger memories of childhood.
Synonyms: remind, come to, bring back, recall, awake... more
2.b b.to cause someone to do or say something
trigger a response/reaction:
The report has triggered a fierce response from the governor.
Synonyms: encourage, persuade, convince, motivate, urge on.
1. provocar, dar inicio a, accionar, activar, desatar, desencadenar, detonar, precipitar, ser un factor provocante para; Sinónimos: bring about, bring on, cause, cause to happen, provoke, activate, be a trigger for, call forth, detonate; Put in motion or move to act.
Her attitude triggered the fight, Su actitud desencadenó un pleito.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
2. incentivar, motivar; Sinónimos: motivate, incentivize, encourage, edify, impulse, incite, inspire; Give an incentive for action.
3. detonar, accionar, activar, disparar; Sinónimos: activate, detonate, explode, set off, trip, discharge, fire, fulminate; Release or pull the trigger on. ; Put in motion or move to act.
set off the detonator, Ana accionó el detonador=Ann triggered.
Trigger a gun.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
4. desencadenarse; Sinónimos: be triggered, flare up, trigger off
5. accionarse; Sinónimos: become activated, get triggered
trigger Sustantivo
1. detonador, disparadero, disparador, espoleta, martillo; Sinónimos: detonating device, firer, firing pin, release, trigger device, fusee, fuze, releaser, tripper; A device that activates or releases or causes something to happen.
2. gatillo, activador, explosor; Sinónimos: activator, actuator, exploder; Lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun.
3. factor provocante, catalizador; Sinónimos: provoking factor; An act that sets in motion some course of events.
4. desencadenante
darse de baja
drop out of something
1. echar fuera; Sinónimos: cast out, chase away, put out, throw out, chase off, chase out, draw out, drive out; Throw or cast away. ; Expel from a community or group.
2. darse de baja, dejar de asistir, dejar de pertenecer, excluirse voluntariamente de participar, retirarse, retirarse de la sociedad; Sinónimos: resign, back off, draw back, fail to attend, draw off, pull back, recede, retire, retreat, stop attending; Give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat. ; Leave school or an educational program prematurely.
Ann dropped out of the course, Ana se dio de baja del curso.
In the second round, the challenger gave up.
Many students drop out because they are not prepared for our challenging program.
3. dejar la carrera; Leave school or an educational program prematurely.
Many students drop out because they are not prepared for our challenging program.
4. derramarse; Sinónimos: run, overflow, pour out, run over, slop, slosh; Move along, of liquids.
5. desprenderse; Sinónimos: come off, fall out, become detached, chip off, come away, fall away, fall off; Break off (a piece from a whole). ; Come to be detached.
6. desconectarse del mundo, excluirse de la sociedad establecida; Sinónimos: disconnect from the world, withdraw from established society
1. echar fuera; Sinónimos: cast out, chase away, put out, throw out, chase off, chase out, draw out, drive out; Throw or cast away. ; Expel from a community or group.
2. darse de baja, dejar de asistir, dejar de pertenecer, excluirse voluntariamente de participar, retirarse, retirarse de la sociedad; Sinónimos: resign, back off, draw back, fail to attend, draw off, pull back, recede, retire, retreat, stop attending; Give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat. ; Leave school or an educational program prematurely.
Ann dropped out of the course, Ana se dio de baja del curso.
In the second round, the challenger gave up.
Many students drop out because they are not prepared for our challenging program.
3. dejar la carrera; Leave school or an educational program prematurely.
Many students drop out because they are not prepared for our challenging program.
4. derramarse; Sinónimos: run, overflow, pour out, run over, slop, slosh; Move along, of liquids.
5. desprenderse; Sinónimos: come off, fall out, become detached, chip off, come away, fall away, fall off; Break off (a piece from a whole). ; Come to be detached.
6. desconectarse del mundo, excluirse de la sociedad establecida; Sinónimos: disconnect from the world, withdraw from established society
over the top: O.T.T
someone or something that is over-the-top is so extreme that they seem unreasonable or silly. You can also say that they are OTT
go over-the-top:
She’s really has gone completely over-the-top with this wedding.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of over-the-top: crazy, silly, ridiculous, mad, insane... more
echar mano de, pillar algo,
to grab
1.echar mano a algo, cogerlo bruscamente
2.pillar (bus, sitio)
3. molar (idea)
1. to take hold of something in a rough or rude way
He grabbed the knife before I could get to it.
One of the men was grabbed and bundled into a car.
grab hold of:
I grabbed hold of his hair.
grab someone by something:
Ben grabbed Marco by the arm.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: carry, hold on, hang on, grasp, grip... more
to succeed in getting something, especially by being quick or by being the best at something
We got there early and grabbed seats at the front.
The brand now grabs 26 per cent of sales in the US.
grab someone’s attention:
It’s often the bad characters in a story who grab our attention.
grab an opportunity/chance:
I grabbed the chance to escape for a few minutes.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: get, come by, accept, obtain, gain... more
informal to interest someone, or to make them feel enthusiastic
The idea didn’t really grab me.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: inspire, attract, interest, motivate, excite... more
informal if you grab food or sleep, you eat quickly or sleep for a short time
I’ll grab a sandwich back at the hotel.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: more
1.echar mano a algo, cogerlo bruscamente
2.pillar (bus, sitio)
3. molar (idea)
1. to take hold of something in a rough or rude way
He grabbed the knife before I could get to it.
One of the men was grabbed and bundled into a car.
grab hold of:
I grabbed hold of his hair.
grab someone by something:
Ben grabbed Marco by the arm.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: carry, hold on, hang on, grasp, grip... more
to succeed in getting something, especially by being quick or by being the best at something
We got there early and grabbed seats at the front.
The brand now grabs 26 per cent of sales in the US.
grab someone’s attention:
It’s often the bad characters in a story who grab our attention.
grab an opportunity/chance:
I grabbed the chance to escape for a few minutes.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: get, come by, accept, obtain, gain... more
informal to interest someone, or to make them feel enthusiastic
The idea didn’t really grab me.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: inspire, attract, interest, motivate, excite... more
informal if you grab food or sleep, you eat quickly or sleep for a short time
I’ll grab a sandwich back at the hotel.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of Synonyms or related words for this meaning of grab: more
sacrificar animales
matar brutalmente (personas)
dar una paliza en deporte
sacrificar animales
matar brutalmente (personas)
dar una paliza en deporte
a slaughter /ˈslɔːtə(r)/
to slaughter
a n [+of animals] matanza f , sacrificio m
[+of persons] matanza f , carnicería f
the slaughter on the roads el gran número de muertes en las carreteras
the Slaughter of the Innocents la Degollación de los Inocentes
like a lamb to the slaughter como borrego al matadero
there was great slaughter hubo gran mortandad
b vt
1 (=kill)
[+animals] matar, sacrificar
[+person, people] matar brutalmente
2 (Sport etc, *) (=beat) dar una paliza a *
to slaughter
a n [+of animals] matanza f , sacrificio m
[+of persons] matanza f , carnicería f
the slaughter on the roads el gran número de muertes en las carreteras
the Slaughter of the Innocents la Degollación de los Inocentes
like a lamb to the slaughter como borrego al matadero
there was great slaughter hubo gran mortandad
b vt
1 (=kill)
[+animals] matar, sacrificar
[+person, people] matar brutalmente
2 (Sport etc, *) (=beat) dar una paliza a *
a negative situation in which people suffer and it is very difficult to change it
a plight /plaɪt/
1. a sad, serious, or difficult situation
the plight of the poor/homeless/unemployed
the country's economic plight la grave situación económica del país
the plight of the shellfish industry la crisis de la industria marisquera
to be in a sad or sorry plight estar en un estado lamentable
1. a sad, serious, or difficult situation
the plight of the poor/homeless/unemployed
the country's economic plight la grave situación económica del país
the plight of the shellfish industry la crisis de la industria marisquera
to be in a sad or sorry plight estar en un estado lamentable
un timo
un robo
un robo
a rip-off
it's a rip-off! ¡es una estafa or un robo!
scam /skæm/
a dishonest plan, especially for getting money
scum /skʌm/ - chusma
offensive an insulting word for someone who you think is very unpleasant
The people who do these dreadful things are scum.
People say Michael Jackson is still alive, that is a scam
it's a rip-off! ¡es una estafa or un robo!
scam /skæm/
a dishonest plan, especially for getting money
scum /skʌm/ - chusma
offensive an insulting word for someone who you think is very unpleasant
The people who do these dreadful things are scum.
People say Michael Jackson is still alive, that is a scam
a specific time or date by which you have to do something
deadline /ˈdedˌlaɪn/
plural deadlines
1. They’ve given us a five o’clock deadline.
deadline for: The deadline for applications was last Friday.
deadline of: Ministers set a deadline of 5 April for Serbia to accept the peace plan.
to meet/miss a deadline (=finish/not finish something in time): If we can’t meet the deadline, they won’t give us another contract.
to set a deadline - cumplir
plural deadlines
1. They’ve given us a five o’clock deadline.
deadline for: The deadline for applications was last Friday.
deadline of: Ministers set a deadline of 5 April for Serbia to accept the peace plan.
to meet/miss a deadline (=finish/not finish something in time): If we can’t meet the deadline, they won’t give us another contract.
to set a deadline - cumplir
appalling adj
[sight, behaviour, weather, destruction] espantoso, horroroso
[suffering, crime, conditions] atroz, espantoso
[spelling, mistake, headache, smell] espantoso
he has appalling taste in clothes tiene un gusto pésimo para la ropa
her first novel was appalling su primera novela fue un horror
appalling adj
[sight, behaviour, weather, destruction] espantoso, horroroso
[suffering, crime, conditions] atroz, espantoso
[spelling, mistake, headache, smell] espantoso
he has appalling taste in clothes tiene un gusto pésimo para la ropa
her first novel was appalling su primera novela fue un horror
1. improvisar, ir al tanteo;
to play it by ear
Sinónimos: invent, adlib, come off with, improvise, knock up, patch together; Decide on one's actions as one goes along, depending on the situation.
She didn't know what to expect from her new job, so she played it by ear.
2. tocar de oído; Sinónimos: play by ear
Sinónimos: invent, adlib, come off with, improvise, knock up, patch together; Decide on one's actions as one goes along, depending on the situation.
She didn't know what to expect from her new job, so she played it by ear.
2. tocar de oído; Sinónimos: play by ear
1. for areas and cities, poor an in a bad state. In bad condition because no one has spent money on repairs
2.animal vagabundo
2.animal vagabundo
rundown adjetive
This area of Liverpool is poor and run-down.
It was a rundown places with one grocery store, a bar and lots of stray dogs (bagabundos)
a stray dog has no owner and walks the streets
stray adj 1 (=errant)
[bullet] perdido
[sheep] descarriado
[cow, dog] extraviado
a stray cat (=lost) un gato extraviado (=alley cat) un gato callejero
2 (=isolated, occasional) aislado
in a few stray cases - en algunos casos aislados
a few stray cars algún que otro coche
a few stray thoughts unos cuantos pensamientos inconexos
b n
1 (=child) niño(-a) m/f sin hogar, niño(-a) m/f desamparado(-a)
2 strays (Rad) parásitos mpl
to stray:
1 [animal] (=roam) extraviarse
(=get lost) perderse, extraviarse
if the gate is left open the cattle stray - si se deja abierta la puerta las vacas se escapan
2 (=wander)
[person] vagar, ir sin rumbo fijo
[speaker, thoughts] desvariar
to stray from (also fig) apartarse de
we had strayed two kilometres from the path nos habíamos desviado dos kilómetros del camino
they strayed into the enemy camp erraron el camino y se encontraron en el campamento enemigo
my thoughts strayed to the holidays empecé a pensar en las vacaciones
This area of Liverpool is poor and run-down.
It was a rundown places with one grocery store, a bar and lots of stray dogs (bagabundos)
a stray dog has no owner and walks the streets
stray adj 1 (=errant)
[bullet] perdido
[sheep] descarriado
[cow, dog] extraviado
a stray cat (=lost) un gato extraviado (=alley cat) un gato callejero
2 (=isolated, occasional) aislado
in a few stray cases - en algunos casos aislados
a few stray cars algún que otro coche
a few stray thoughts unos cuantos pensamientos inconexos
b n
1 (=child) niño(-a) m/f sin hogar, niño(-a) m/f desamparado(-a)
2 strays (Rad) parásitos mpl
to stray:
1 [animal] (=roam) extraviarse
(=get lost) perderse, extraviarse
if the gate is left open the cattle stray - si se deja abierta la puerta las vacas se escapan
2 (=wander)
[person] vagar, ir sin rumbo fijo
[speaker, thoughts] desvariar
to stray from (also fig) apartarse de
we had strayed two kilometres from the path nos habíamos desviado dos kilómetros del camino
they strayed into the enemy camp erraron el camino y se encontraron en el campamento enemigo
my thoughts strayed to the holidays empecé a pensar en las vacaciones

Flashcard set info:
Author: sarapalacio
Main topic: Englisch
Topic: Vocabulary
School / Univ.: Privat
City: pamplona
Published: 01.03.2010
Tags: lernen
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